from www.dronox.com on 2001-10-11 22:40 [#00040362]

I know this topic may have been done quite a few times, and I have a feeling people will just post incoherant messages in here, but I seriously dont get it---
Why oh why do so many people idolize the song Come to Daddy? I mean, yes, it's a really great harsh song- but it's one frigging song! And not to sound like a jackass- but- If it weren't for the mtv airtime that it's video had, I bet alot of these people wouldn't ever have heard of aphex twin. [Yes, myself included. But, It wasn't till a few years later that I started getting more into him, and less *yech* skinny puppy, heh.]
I don't think there really is an answer to this... just another unsolved mystery of the world.
It's like... Even some of the huge aphex fans, some of the people with amazing art in the custome zone, mention come to daddy... *shrug* I don't know.
I just don't get it! Sorry!
[oh, and believe you me, I love aphex and all of his work, just a bit aloof as to why so much emphasis is put on this single work of his...]
Netlon Sentinel
from yurp on 2001-10-11 22:47 [#00040364]

hmm. well personally this was the first aphex twin track song i saw. i just liked the video at first and then i started noticing the music. i really liked the screaming-bit with the old woman getting blown away (sort of). at that time, i was really into pitchshifter and it reminded me of them. but when i bought the ctd ep i was prettty much shocked, at first. but it got me hooked pretty good.
i reckon to alot of you this will sound familiar?
unluky fuker
on 2001-10-11 22:49 [#00040366]

donky ruhbarb was the first aphex tune i heard, since then ive been hooked
i think the video has a lot to do with come 2 daddy being so famous.
1 of my goals is to hear come to daddy live. id fukin love it, especialy if rich did the slow scream at the beggining like in 1 of his live shows i heard. sounds ruffff.
on 2001-10-12 02:17 [#00040396]

i used to fucking hate it, then i listened to it a few times and i started to dig the key change, if you could call it that, that happens kind of near the end. but mostly i listen to it for the transition between it and flim, the next track. a magical transition, seems to enhance the beauty of flim. but overall, it's one of the weaker afx tracks no doubt
payphex twin
from cornwall on 2001-10-12 02:25 [#00040398]

oh shutup you ppl aphex twin is aphex twin no matter how popular that song got!
from www.dronox.com on 2001-10-12 02:26 [#00040400]

We're not bitching about it in any way, or at least, that wasn't my intention of posting.
from Newfoundland on 2001-10-12 03:30 [#00040405]

actually i personally heard of aphex when a friend had an ftp and someone uploaded some pac man stuff, and we were all wondering "what the hell is this". It opened up new doors for me!
from Newfoundland on 2001-10-12 03:36 [#00040406]

actually i personally heard of aphex when a friend had an ftp and someone uploaded some pac man stuff, and we were all wondering "what the hell is this". It opened up new doors for me!
on 2001-10-12 05:25 [#00040415]

That song never had a big impact on me, the first song that really did it was "4". when I first heard C2D it it sounded like a bad version of a maralyn manson or nine inch nails "screaming profanity and disturbing stuff" genre song. Not a horrible version, just a weird one that failed to give the scary effect like the others did. I like these type of songs that scream scary stuff, I want to make one either screaming in a scary voice substance that is boring like textbook scientific mumbo jumbo, or saying in a soft calm or happy voice stuff that IS scary like eating the listeners head and stuff.
on 2001-10-12 06:00 [#00040427]

Man, I read about your paperweight incident the other day. I cried. I feel for you, I really really do.
from Durham,NH USA on 2001-10-12 06:27 [#00040434]

Besides being blown away by the Sci-Fi aspects of the video on of the things I really apreciated was when the video appeared to become distorted as if you were losing reception from an antenna just as the music faded out in fidelity. This was a really artistic effort and yet subtle I thought so I checked out other stuff.
on 2001-10-12 06:48 [#00040436]

well, i like the song, but i dont idolize it, i will play it around my friends since some of them love it, and even if it's just that song or windowlicker, it's nice to hear some aphex, better than none at all..but my friends dont care to go further into aphex than that usually..ooh ill bring some on fri. when we smoke
from the uk (school) on 2001-10-12 09:17 [#00040462]

I got into Aphex by listening to Polygon Window... I only heard come to daddy at warp 100, I wasnt keen on it, and to be honist, I havent really heard it
from europe on 2001-10-12 09:55 [#00040464]

'milkman', 'come to daddy' and windowlicker are kind of taking the shit out of popular styles. they are fun, but not necessarily aphex' best (well, windowlicker is the best of the three and there are very good moments in it, the french speaking voice, the darker moments).
i first listened to the dhonkey rhubarb ep, and donkey rhubarb, icct hedral and pancake lizard hooked me.
maybe there's often the misunderstanding, that when one says 'come to daddy is richard's best' it does not mean the song, but the ep. i think come to daddy is one of aphex' best, and in my case i mean the ep.
from europe on 2001-10-12 09:59 [#00040465]

i like aphex' more tranquil tracks the most... flim, nannou, iz-us, come to daddy little lord faulteroy mix, pancake lizard, blue calx, yellow calx, girl boy, avril 14th etc... but also the equation track (which is not tranquil of course but crazy).
from www.dronox.com on 2001-10-12 11:27 [#00040474]

For me '4' was what had the biggest impact on me as well.
And, haha! Yeah, to replace the paperweight I'm going to the dollar store and buying random heavy objects, putting them in a ziplock bag, and calling it a paperweight :D
from www.dronox.com on 2001-10-12 11:30 [#00040475]

Hey, I wanna throw mad propz to all tha homies in here that didn't turn this discussion into a crazy "SHUTUP FAG YR STUPID, REFLEX IS A FAG!" thing :P
This is what the forum's meant to beee!
from grmny on 2001-10-12 14:06 [#00040492]

... i second that enormously!
i got ab3 first and was blown away by the "freshness" of how someone uses electronica - in a so flexible way.
come to daddy turned me on cause of the fucking aggro style - i was in the right mood at that time - but wouldn´t say it´s THE song of afx.
for a long time THE song was ab3´s first song - damn i still could cry listening to it - just like song 2 on ab4 - omg, that guy makes me cry so happily *sniff**wank* ... ;-A
from UK on 2001-10-12 14:19 [#00040497]

I must admit that I heard Windowlicker first, then searched for Aphex and found this site. I've not been into it for that long now and I'm sure people can remember me turning up here. *I made friends with po{e} b4 he was kicked out. He was one of the people that replied to me. Still talk to him now.*
But now I like RDJ album the best with SAW coming a close second.
from grmny on 2001-10-12 14:23 [#00040499]

why was he kicked (if i may ask)
for me it´s right now mike and rich/ab4/polygon window
from UK on 2001-10-12 14:37 [#00040501]

I cant really reamember... People didnt agree with his views and he didnt like it so he spoke his mind. He was alright to me and |REFLEX| though.
Dirty Priest
from Denmark on 2001-10-12 16:34 [#00040538]

I totally agree with netlon sentiel.
it´s what got me into aphex twin. imagine if they played something from i care because you do instead for a video. i hated that album at first. now its my favourite of all time! Come to daddy has got that weirdness that grips you by the throat. and so does windowlicker by the way!
and for the ones who still appreciate come to daddy pappy mix, get into atari teenage riot, and youll find its not that hard a track after all. Atari teenage riot is some seriusly hardcore shit!
from drukqs on 2001-10-12 17:37 [#00040554]

I AGREE W/REFLEX................
on 2001-10-12 18:12 [#00040575]

Come to daddy is popular because it re-writes the rule book for heaviness.
I got into RDJ thanks to my mate who'd been listening to windowlicker. I was in HMV on an impulse and got classics.
That blew me away.
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