from the best place in earth, not this one on 2001-10-10 19:54 [#00040067]

APHEX TWIN IS A FUCKING ARTIST, and ,man, you are in the mainstream, and chris cuningham too. I hate you all, and don't ever say music other people listens is shit, RESPECT.
Just be on your business and i'll never have to post some shit like that, and remember, you are a fucking mainstream artist, every MTV little girl have seen your videos and listened your music, i know this must be a shit, but don't talk shit about other music(non MTV one). see you soon.
from Twin on 2001-10-10 20:19 [#00040074]

Huh? What was that?
from UNDER YOUR RUG on 2001-10-10 20:21 [#00040075]

what a chum...
Dr. Freud
on 2001-10-10 20:24 [#00040078]

liFF - I can certainly help you. So you can be my patient. I'm sure we will conclude our psychoanalytical sessions with perfect results.
from the best place in earth, not this one on 2001-10-10 20:46 [#00040109]

OK Freud, when I was a child my father fucked me, yeah, yeah, now my ass is my friend. The only problem i have is that put stupid messages in stupid artists websites. right!!!
from UNDER YOUR RUG on 2001-10-10 20:49 [#00040113]

i'm so sorry son, i didn't mean to traumatize you like that, its just that i get so irritated by online people that i had to have sex with you,
-your dad
Dr. Fassbaender
on 2001-10-10 20:49 [#00040114]

Dr. Freud is away, sorry. I'm a collague. But I'm very impressed by your self diagnosis, and Dr. Freud would be too, I'm absolutely sure about that.
from the best place in earth, not this one on 2001-10-10 20:59 [#00040125]

jsuajsuajs, man, just think about the phanatism you are in, aphex twin dont need you, i have read an interview and he only talks shit, assure. He just say everybody listens shit except him, ok APHEX ok, you are god, the sheeps will chase ya!!!
Organ Grinder
from from my own little phuqed up world on 2001-10-11 00:56 [#00040168]

yes yes he is an artist. But not everybody on this site bashes everyone else.
And anyways, if you're going to state your opinion please do in a positive manner because:
1. people on this board listen to you and take you more seriously if you do so and...
2. Phobia probably won't ban you.....
unless you start talking about fecal porn or something like that. then you're probably screwed.
from Ardmore on 2001-10-11 00:59 [#00040170]

that guy was a doosh bag; 'he maka no cents!!!!!!!!!!'
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-10-11 01:58 [#00040174]

on 2001-10-11 03:05 [#00040176]

NOODLES ARE FUCKING PASTA, and ,man, I tell you, it's all so mainstream and overated, and spaghetti too. I hate it all, ravioli, fettichuni and don't ever say someone elses pasta is shit, RESPECT PEOPLE, come on.
Just be on your business and i'll never have to post some lame shit like this that doesn't make any sense, and remember, you are a fucking mainstream noodle yourself, every chef has made it, i know this must be a shit, but don't talk shit about other pasta (non chef one). see you soon.
WxLx Fxpx FxCx
from the best place in earth, not this one on 2001-10-11 14:16 [#00040223]

hi guys!!!! How are you? My cat is black and I like Pasta. What the hell was that shit about pasta? I'm talking about respect each other, just this. Aphex dont respect( and he made me disrespect you music, sorry about that). So guys, keep on listening mainstream shit
And i'm not mainstream, do you know this bands man?: In my eyes From the dying sky negate Not available Kid dynamite
and much more. I think its not maisntream
from UK on 2001-10-11 14:40 [#00040229]

Bit narrow minded. only listen to non mainstream music. Like saying that I never ever want to talk to people called Mr Smith or Mrs Jones, Or only wearing clothes coz noones heard of the make, or only playing video games that no ones heard of. Dont you have you own tastes? You're a non-mainstream victim.
who gives a jaffa-fuck?
from the best place in earth, not this one on 2001-10-11 14:53 [#00040232]

man, i like too green day, weezer and blink 182 too. But Aphex twin says he is not mainstreem, but he is.
And I like porn as everybody, I like beer, wearing the clothes i like, what the hell is this shit about mainstream?? I only say: dont say you are not something you are.
from UK on 2001-10-11 15:00 [#00040233]

ahh... that makes more sense man
spose I dont mind what he says. I like listening to alot of his stuff aswell as some Metal, other dance, 70/80s rock... mmm
He just shouldnt say anything about it should he? He could get away with saying "I dont want to be mainstream". it's entirely out of his power though, but I do agree with you now.
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-11 15:03 [#00040234]

Mainstream is wank.
1. New Kylie Minogue song.
I am unable to remember the exact lyrics as I have not actually heard it yet, but it goes something like this:
"Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na"
quite complex lyrics i believe
2. There was once a song played in many spanish bars over the summer which had the following lyrics :
"my lover has no kidneys, he is on dyalisis, my lover has no pancreas, he is unable to eat biscuits"
from UK on 2001-10-11 15:07 [#00040236]

But a DEMON tune with "Fuck you with my red hot car" is a fantastic song with silly mad line.
PS I dont like Kylie
on 2001-10-11 15:12 [#00040238]

shut it wizard. kylie is proper! that new tune was written by her good self and cathy dennis and is well good.
it is a perfect example of the funky deep house that is set to be the next big thing in the charts.
from UK on 2001-10-11 15:13 [#00040239]

wizards teeth
on 2001-10-11 15:26 [#00040247]

deep ?
what you talk about
it is as deep as puddle of my piss, and i am not an elk, hence no deep piss puddles
yes i would likr to stroke her with a feather, but her music is wubbish
did you know that the common garden elk urinates three gallons of urine per liquid output, they only excrete once per mating season.
from UK on 2001-10-11 15:33 [#00040251]

Thanks Wiz. You're a good guy but thats worrying information, for you sake, stop reading those childrens Encyclopidias.
on 2001-10-11 15:56 [#00040259]

wizard - never mind what i'm talking about - what the fuck are you talking about?
you give kylie's new tune as an example of wank mainstream, and then you go on to give reasoning to your statement, which is the fact that the main chorus lyrics are basically "na na na na".
does this mean that the classic 'hey jude' performed by the beatlles is also wank?
i think you'll find your answer to be no. you should also find that your arguments are seriously flawed and that you talk shit rather alot.
i forward the suggestion that you are slightly insecure.
from the best place in earth, not this one on 2001-10-11 15:57 [#00040260]

ok Chrispy, i'm with you. Thats all!!!
i liked that lirycs
"na na na na na ,......"
I laughed for a year!!!
jasujausjas, you aphex twin listeners are better than Aphex!!!
from UK on 2001-10-11 16:12 [#00040262]

BITCH: An exceeding good point, ruined by a nasty comment. but then I suppose you need to live up to your name and reputation.
Long live female dogs.
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-11 16:15 [#00040264]

Sorry for talking shit, but I don't like talking about aphex as i have never listened to any of his records.
I will now be sensible for you.
I like wearing suits and top hats.
on 2001-10-11 16:15 [#00040265]

fuck off and die little boy.
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-11 16:30 [#00040266]

Questions If You Please :
1. How do you know I am a boy ?
2. How do you know my size ?
3. Why must I die ?
4. Why are you so nasty ?
from the best place in earth, not this one on 2001-10-11 16:32 [#00040267]

ok guys, i think this message was about Aphex and artists and.......fuck?
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-11 16:34 [#00040268]

I used to like it here as there are a lot of nice people here.
Then people spoil it and make people go away, sometimes for ever.
Bye bye Speak to you all somewhere else
Wizards Teeth
from UK on 2001-10-11 16:38 [#00040269]

What music do you like that I might of heard of then Liff? and also... what type of music do those bands that you mentioned play?
from the best place in earth, not this one on 2001-10-11 16:42 [#00040270]

ok, I'm nobody to tell people what to listen. And my music is not the best, just people listen what he like.
This band were HARDCORE bands, old school. Hardcore is not just green day or blink, this is punk-pop. Another good bands are ADHESIVE(punk-rock), useles i.d(P-R), not available( melodic hardcore), good riddance.
But is not ellectronic music.
from the best place in earth, not this one on 2001-10-11 16:45 [#00040272]

man, a good band is THE ATARIS, and his last album(end is forever) is a masterpiece.
There is the EMO, its like pop-punk but more artistic, see Jets to brazil, the juliana theory, jimmy eat world(it must be on MTV).
Emo rules.
from California, USA on 2001-10-11 16:49 [#00040275]

ok question for all you bloody wanker european dudes. ever seen the movie "snatch"? full of that rough accent from pikeys and shit. anyway, when they talk about being "proper" fucked, what do they mean??
from UK on 2001-10-11 16:50 [#00040276]

I like some metal bands but I dont like all these ones in the charts. I like watching MTV2 though.
I like Drum&bass {Omni Trio, EZ-rollers, Breakbeat Era} and I like Metal {Deftones, Pantera, Systemwreckingsilence*my brothers band*} and I like Jazz and also The Eagles, Jimmi H, Pearl Jam and Aphex.
Only what I like to listen to.
from UK on 2001-10-11 16:53 [#00040279]

Listen here you cunt: You better wipe that smile off of your Chevy Chase your you're gonna get fucked and I dont mean proper fucked!
from UK on 2001-10-11 16:54 [#00040280]

Remeber... I'm the monkey and you the cheesegrater. I dont want to keep emptying my skyrocket for your arse.
from UK on 2001-10-11 16:55 [#00040281]

I'm so shit at spelling today
from California, USA on 2001-10-11 18:16 [#00040300]

uh, that didn't answer my question
Netlon Sentinel
from yurp on 2001-10-11 22:34 [#00040360]

what's the meaning of liff, anyway?
Netlon Sentinel
from yurp on 2001-10-11 22:38 [#00040361]

britney spears=mainstream
aphex twin?? do you see gwely mernans coming in at number 1? nah.
besides, what's the big deal? music is music, whether it's mainstream or not, you either like it or you don't.
from the best place in earth, not this one on 2001-10-11 23:35 [#00040377]

I dont know the meaning of liFF, i only used this nick on this messageboard to have anonimate, but i like it, liFF. I searched in the dictionary I think it is a alocholic drink.
And fuck, guys, DO what you want, listen what you want, who the hell am i to say what is or isnt mainstream, Aphex Twin rules( for a lot of persons) and that's it, that's live. It would be a shit if everibody listens the same( shitty grammar I know, sorry I'm not English)
on 2001-10-12 01:34 [#00040389]

I like the ataris they're cool, they can make you cry with their cheesy lyrics
from the best place in earth, not this one on 2001-10-12 10:21 [#00040468]

I'm agree with you, ataris rules, and if it was a joke, anyway, they can make you cry.
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