from a giraffes throat on 2001-10-09 20:29 [#00039809]

not anarchy as in get rid of the government, but rather the things you can do to annoy/harass people. i enjoy pissing people off or making people feel uneven in public. things like stealing construction type signs and barrels and using them to seal off streets or doing things like making walls in stores with cans of soup. do any of you have suggestions for social anarchy? i remember a while back someone suggested recording 30 sec. of nothing onto a cd and following it with profanity, then placing that cd into a stereo at a store and turning the volume up really loud so that it may fill the store with cuss words. we have a pond in our town that i'd like to blow up. a bunch of fish would hopefully hit the county building if done right.
from drukqs on 2001-10-09 22:22 [#00039827]

yes........goverment sucks!! (politicians) but if it wasnt for our wonderful goverment (the united states of america) then we would be under heavy terroristic attack and worse
the goverment you love to hate and cant live w/out......
on 2001-10-09 23:36 [#00039843]

your goverment is what caused the terrorist attacks.
no let me rephrase that... your goverment planned and is the direct responsable of the 'attacks' of sept. 11.
it wasn't bin laden.. that's pretty obvious
from a giraffes throat on 2001-10-09 23:42 [#00039846]

i wasn't talking about anarchy against my or any government. i was talking about anarchy against society. maybe "societal terrorism" would of been a better term to use.
on 2001-10-10 02:11 [#00039869]

I'll think some up, those were great ideas and simple enough to pull off. What we need is an organised group to pull off something hilarious (to a small audience of people who would understand the humor.)
on 2001-10-10 02:27 [#00039872]

i always find it hilarious when people shoot other people and killing them in the process.
from planet claire on 2001-10-10 08:15 [#00039891]

i happne to like to stare at people. or if i do some thing rude on the road, like cut some one off, or i am just driving too slow for them, and they honk, i wave to them, and act like i know them. i also like to honk at the bums who beg for money when i am atb a red light. and i am not talking *beep beep*, i lay into it , a good *beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*. i also go out of my way to splash them with my car by driving through puddles.
if a person cuts me in line at the store, i say soem thing like "i bet you make lots of friends that way, huh?" they usaully let me go in front of them, and then they are all embarassed. love that....
from Amsterdam on 2001-10-10 08:41 [#00039898]

what about a group of people all throw some money in and buy the shittiest banged up cars you can find, then take them all to one point, maybe a huge main roundabout or large road and all stop in the middle of it, lock the cars up, throw the keys away and disappear.
i think that would fuck peoples heads up, at rush hour when everyone's going to or coming home from work.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-10-10 10:51 [#00039935]

you're a bitch thanksomuch.
from UK on 2001-10-10 10:57 [#00039940]

When my mates and I went on holiday in Newquey; We knicked loads and loads of garden gnomes, photgraphed them, developed the film and posted them {with ransom notes} to the respective houses... It was hilarious!!!
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-10 11:42 [#00039955]

I think it is nice to confuse people, not be nasty, just keep them thinking.
I have not yet carried out the cd with rude words on it.
Other thing me and friends have discussed:
1. Purchase tins of cheap soup and leave them on peoples door steps with a note attached. If the street has 30 houses, the note at house 1 will say "i love you here is some soup to declare my love, from house 29", the note at house 3 will say "i love you here is some soup to declare my love, from house 25" etc, etc.
2. write word on apples using ink that will not poison people if they eat it, then go to a large supermarket and place the apples amongst the other apples
3. my mate used to live in manchester and he said that a group of people used to drive around at the weekends dressed all in blue with blue painted faces
3. dress as a wolf and howl in streets late at night until someone opens the curtains to look at you, then run off
4. hang things from bridges:
5. send envelopes to people who you do not know with one prawn inside, only do this once as not to scare them
6. arrange for a stripped (lady) to go to a gay bar
7. sneak into an exam at a university, there are always extra papers and there are always invigilators who do not know the students. then wait until 5 minutes from the end of the 3 hour exam, raise a hand and ask if it ok to start yet
8. purchase a packet of crisps and slice the top of the packet, place inside a photograph of your grandma, then glue the top back together so it looks like it is in the original state, go back to the shop and put the packet amongst the others
9. write notes
example - "this coat is shit"
"you look stupid in this coat"
go to an expensive shop and take some coats into the changing rooms and place the notes in the inside pockets, when people pay £500 pound for a coat they will go home and one day find the note and realise what an error they have made.
from UK on 2001-10-10 11:46 [#00039957]

That's fantastic! But dont geet me wrong... we gave the gnomes back at the end of the week.
from UK on 2001-10-10 11:47 [#00039959]

Stick a photo of a Platipus on a MILK carton saying "have you seen this animal?"
from a giraffes throat on 2001-10-10 16:38 [#00040007]

you can drop electronic crying babies from up high and watch people scramble to save it.
you could ride a horse through a drive through or supermarket
you could enter a supermarket with several friends. have one friend in a grocery cart, another one pushing it. do this with several people and get someone on the store p.a. to be the announcer. then everyone proceedes to race as they throw things at each other with items grabbed from shelves
strip nude and cover yourself in shaving cream and try to purchase things from shops
find a very, very small bicycle and ride it in traffic (that was very fun).
drag a dead animal of any sort on a leash and claim it as your "pet"
light yourself on fire and act as if everything is normal while in public
dress as a ninja and chop/hack at things with a plastic sword
go to restaraunts and make requests for things they don't have on the menu or ask for things such as a cheeseburger without cheese, a double quarterpounder or a big mac without the second patty
stay at a restaraunt ALL day where the drink refills are free. they won't be free for long
direct traffic
make sound effects around lots of people
ask people if they have seen a two year old you were watching. state that you turned around for a second, then the kid was gone
trip/fall in front of people
slap people with fish
from UK on 2001-10-10 16:48 [#00040010]

Its like MTV Jackass! YEA
on 2001-10-10 16:52 [#00040012]

Oh my god, I'm crying...
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