wizards teeth
on 2001-10-09 10:56 [#00039624]

I see in fashion that the "horse" is being used in many clothes designs.
I keep thinking about horses and sometimes dream about horses.
I don't fancy horses and have never ridden a horse.
How are horses on my mind ?
I woud feel quite silly going to the doctors and saying:
"Hello, I can't stop thinking of the horse"
i am a horse.
on 2001-10-09 10:58 [#00039625]

you've got shit shoes.
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-09 11:01 [#00039627]

which colour shoes are shite?
i am a horse.
on 2001-10-09 11:10 [#00039629]

any that aren't nailed to your hooves,...... what are you?....some kind of stupid inflated mango? cunt features.
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-09 11:13 [#00039631]

thanks for pointing that out
i am not a c*nt, i smell of fish after eating seafood and standing next to your momma.
i am a horse.
on 2001-10-09 11:16 [#00039633]

my momma is a fish. you tryin' to slate me now?.... you're some kind of bignose trombone fucker.
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-09 11:23 [#00039636]

I am sorry about that.
I have never had sex with a brass instrument.
from UK on 2001-10-09 11:44 [#00039641]

they eat milk and cheese. Thats what makes them dream.
i am a horse.
on 2001-10-09 11:45 [#00039642]

now what d'fuck d'you bwoy? i dream of many things you asswipe from a very ill dingo.
from UK on 2001-10-09 11:51 [#00039648]

Thank you seefoo.
*or is that seadoo? dunno.*
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-09 12:04 [#00039654]

I did not eat any cheese last night but i did have one for my lunch.
A sandwich with cheese in.
I did have a pint of booze that sometimes tastes like cheese after a few pints. That could be the reason for my horse thoughts.
Anyone want a lift to the Ball Game?
from UK on 2001-10-09 12:05 [#00039655]

seefoo.... it's fone-et-ik coz I dunno how to spell it but it means master in Chinese.
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-10-09 12:23 [#00039658]

My nickname is "The Horse" for reasons I will not go into right now ! THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-09 12:27 [#00039661]

There is only one reason why a man would be called "HORSE".
A round of applause ladies and Gentlemen for The Barron's "Trouser Department"
from UK on 2001-10-09 12:28 [#00039662]

i am a horse
on 2001-10-09 12:29 [#00039663]

you lot are pricks. i don't wear trousers.
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-09 12:41 [#00039666]

why do people always be nasty
be nice to each other and complement each other's shoes, trousers, trouser departments.
you know what they say about a man with long big feet, he is able to jump a longer distance in the long jump event, but he will find it difficult during a rock climbing expedition on a tricky rock surface with small foot holes.
My real name is Eggs
Mr T
from The A Team's van on 2001-10-09 13:10 [#00039671]

Shut up you crazy fool!
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-10-09 13:24 [#00039672]

I have fucking huge feet it's crazy i have to order shoes I just can't got to a store to buy shoes ! I wear a size 16 us it is the size of a small car ! THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
Mr T
from The A Team's van on 2001-10-09 13:26 [#00039673]

Your shoes ain't bigger than mine sucker!
Mr T
from From the A teams van on 2001-10-09 13:34 [#00039678]

Hey watch it Reflex fool! Don;t take the piss or I'll pound yo ass sucker.
Mr T
from The A Teams van on 2001-10-09 13:38 [#00039681]

Hey Reflex, I ain't going on no plane!
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-09 13:40 [#00039682]

Hey crazy fools.
I am about to close my mouth for today.
So if anyone needs to catch the last boat to the mountains you have not got very long to raise the funds.
Pepper makes me sneeze, but salt does not make me cry. Why is this ?
help I am French.
Mr T
from The A Teams van on 2001-10-09 13:42 [#00039683]

You crazy French fool! Hannibal has just called, so I got a job to do, see you around suckers! And remeber the golden rule - the man with all the gold rules!
Bruce LaBruce
on 2001-10-09 15:53 [#00039731]

Fingering a half baby to full death.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-10-09 16:47 [#00039750]

i'd love to fuck a baby
from UK on 2001-10-09 17:01 [#00039752]

Ha ha ha! You always make me laugh
on 2001-10-09 17:45 [#00039768]

Hey Anyont, My favorite horse character is the horse from ren & stimpy..........
"hmm..." ... .... . ... .... . "no sir, I don't like it"
from planet claire on 2001-10-10 02:10 [#00039868]

i knew a wise man who sasid that horses have a sexual ,eaning to young developing girls..... you don't happen to be one, do you????
on 2001-10-10 02:16 [#00039871]

I heard it was the opposite way. Developing young girls find horses attractive because they find subconscious similarities between them and more muscular and larger sexual dimorphed men. I think it's baboons that have really different seperation between the males and females, former being quite larger than the latter. Also black widows vs their small husbands etc. But then there's things like squirrels and cockroaches where I couldn't tell one from the other.
from planet claire on 2001-10-10 08:02 [#00039887]

well, that is what i sorta meant, M. i suppose i am some what of a freak, and i am sure many of you here would agree, beacuse when i was growing up, i was wild about things like snakes, geckos, tigers, and bats!
it is also said that if you dream about horses it is supposed to mean you are dreaming about sex, and the way the horse behaves depends on what "statis" you are in sexually (does that make sence?).... IE: timmid, skitish horse = you are nervous about sex. bold, snorty, veiny tough stallion = you may feel overly sexually confident (one of relfex's dreams, to be sure...).. non-plussed, calm horse = you're right where you should be sexually.
now these fucking shirts (i have seen them too) are just corny. does any one remember the whole japanese print phase, where every $18 shirt from all the shitty girly stores gad geisha, and kabuki actors one them? same idea. what ever sells. i think it is oddly disterbing to see a 13 year old girl wearing one of these bold manly horse shirts.. seems kind of sick, in a way.. i guess that fact that most of them wear tiny shorts with them does not help the whole image either..
from planet claire on 2001-10-10 09:58 [#00039907]

from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-10-10 10:36 [#00039926]

what i meant to say was that i'd love to cum on your face and hair.
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