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Less Then A Quarter Translation, You Stupid Bitch, That'd Be
Too Much Comedy..... For Me.
Smooth Shyster
from Part 1. on 2001-10-09 06:46 [#00039575]

Since the multimedia offensive named " Windowlicker " it gave no longer much from Richard James to hearing. The only new music, which penetrated in the passed two years to one - limited - public, were the sound TRACKS to two videos of the director Chris Cunningham in Londoner art exhibitions and own Mp3-Dateien, the Aphex twin in its DJ sets inserted...
With Richard James contact to take up is not simple even. More exactly: with Richard James to communicate at short notice, is so well impossible. A Handy does not possess it, and the telephone, which is located in its house in the Suedlondoner district Elephant & Castle (James lives for three years in former bank. In the first stick Rephlex artist Cylop, in second a further friendly musician, lives the upper three projectiles is Richards realm), he into the cellar banished and an answering set rank-hung. " meanwhile also hardly one calls me more. I hear every five days the messages. The only one, which always speaks drauf, is my nut/mother ", like that Richard James. The safest way, in order to thus agree upon for example an interview date, is by email. But it checkt only, if it is at home or in the office of its label Rephlex, which has a DRL link. The interview co-ordination folded finally via SMS messages with its friend Joanna Seguro, a former Warp Pressemitarbeiterin, which the eve of the meeting a party in the yard of the Victoria & Albert Museums with Rephlex -, pattern TIC and vv/m had organized artists, and on the Aphex twin in the locking DJ set the public (to also members of Autechre and Ladytron belonged) to the Raven brought.
During James for publication its meanwhile five years past, last album " Richard D. James " still the usual Promotionschedules with city journeys and up to a dozen of interviews on the day completed, makes themselves meanwhile rare it. To the label anniversary few months ago it gave a handful of interviews under the prerequisite, one to grant Wilson Claridge together with Rephlex Mitbetreiber addresses it not on its own music. For its Warp publication, last according to own predicate, he wants to fulfill now no more than three press dates to the double album " Drukqs " - world-wide. The meeting takes place at a cheap Italian in a Shoppingcenter in James neighbourhood, somewhat heruntergekommenen. Even if the interview for it does not represent no more than one concession at Warp record, Richard James proves as extremely gespraechig. Only after approximately three hours it apologizes: " I must now loosely. I had still promised my friend, with it into the botanischen garden to go... ".
You live still in this old bank here around the corner, or?
Yes, that is a good area. It pleases me here. Here down is it much untrendy, therefore I pulled here. There are at all no young people - I am here never detected. I believe, in five years I was twice detected. Where my friend lives, in East ending, which became very much trendy, continuously people go past with you at home. After the slogan: " oh, you live in a coolen area, therefore we go past and visit you. " Here down that functions rather in such a way: " oh, there down you live! There never come I. "
Nevertheless the Ministry is OF sound club equivalent next door.
Yes, and if the queue is long enough, it is enough to to my house. Sometimes I throw with my friends depth charges on the people, which there. I make that regularly, although the last mark already three months ago is. I constitute from the roof. That is class, because nobody knows, from where they come. It is genuinly dark and one can well hide itself. I have also correctly good materialmaterial material of my friends in these DIN gladly, which I had in former times. A daily they went easily in these costumes to the queue down and to have the people angepoebelt. A friend of me, Damon of Rephlex, took up it on video. It long constantly took up three or four years everything on video. It is mad. He is not a very good film producer. He never films the good things. But because it has the camera already so for a long time and because it takes up everything, it has a quantity good material, simply by mistake. It has this whole impressing material of Rephlex and we to say it again and again that it must make a video draus. It has 150 tapes and it approximately three years would take to go through.
Yesterday you presented evening on a party in the Victoria & Albert Museum. Your set sounded like one historical hour over the Breakbeats of the last ten years - hard core over Jungle reached up to Drum'n'Bass and finally also to your own pieces from Happy.
I wanted to present correctly trashige Rave music, because it took place in a museum. It would have been simply obvious to present music with class but I thought it would be merrier, to play what trashiges.
Do you present different sets at different opportunities?
I have a quantity different sets. Although I did not play Ambient or other strange sets since eternities. I make much things with my laptop, and which can really mean everything. It is mostly mixing machine from Live music and presenting. But none notices that I play live, because I it never really legend. I now already make that for approximately one and a half years. If one says, one plays live, then it is rather like a Gig and the people comes, suits rum and stares to one. But if one says that one presents, then dances all and goes off.
I remember that you played with the sonar Festival in Barcelona this year rather a hard core Gabba set.
It comes on the place on and whereupon, in which tendency I am. If the place is more for dancing, as on enormous Raves, then be I rather on brutally fast music. Many people are on drugs and them try then to dance to this music. I find that amusing. In clubs me many people stare today simply only on. They come to me and stare, them do not smile not times. And one has the impression that one plays only before five people, because one cannot see anybody behind it more. Sometimes I play myself then total noise, only thereby it forgiven. Before I was correctly famous, I had presented genuinly gladly in the middle on the tanzflaeche. The people danced easily and me did not really consider. But if one sowas like a Promi is, then stare an all simply only on, and it does not function.
You apparent put quite much on lately. Yes, for the moment already. Because the pieces, which I made lately, genuinly which for the tanzflaeche are. Raving makes again fun for me. That did not do it an eternity long. And if one took up these TRACKS, then it is easy fantastic to present and see it on the day after whether they function.
Last year was played your music to a video by Chris Cunningham in the Royal Academy in London. Yesterday you presented stick living announced in the Victoria & Albert Museum and in October are a certain " Prichard G. Jams " in the Barbican in the context of a Festivals. Does it make fun for you that your music at so traditional places of the advanced culture is played?
I do not make a conscious decision to play at such places. I would at any time rather play in any beschissenen club. **time-out** the live thing make I, because it probable one its last appearance be will, and I actually bare card have want. It played lately a few times live, but only the new things, and I do not like those. But this time it plays its first three electronic pieces. Some musicians, who began their whole in genuinly torn off sheds and to live underground were long, play suddenly only in the South bank (concert place in London) and so things. I find that simply false.
It is well-known that you play also at people in the living room.
Yes, I at people at home played. Last month I a E-Mail of a type got, which meant: " my grandmother died and I a quantity cash inherited. " We thought, sound cool, and are with an enormous route bus hang-drive. Those are my Lieblingsgigs: a mixture from friends and a few people of the road. I play also soon on a wedding receipt, and such a girl asked me only recently whether I would play on its party on the occasion of their exam in history of art Gabba. I said: ", absolute! ". It in London is so long and I the time in addition has, makes I sowas gladly.
Would you play here also in this restaurant, if they would please you drum?
Yes, completely determines.
What pleases you at Gabba music? I like the aggression to it very gladly. But usually I cannot suffer it, if it is completely distorted. I like controlled aggression. I find, that am very many more effective. If simply only winds up the volume control at the mixer, that is not real frightening. But so which like new things of Squarepusher I find many more disturbing, because he is so completely through-slammed. But it is not distorted at all, it is totally knackig. But it has a much larger intensity. One can feel the spirit, the motivation behind it, and that is many more brutal. That is the difference between erring, which simply in a shopping centre madly and its meter zueckt, and a series murderer, which calculate cold. The series murderer is many more fear-exciting.
What means you Warp record today? (laughs). Not much. The difference between them and any other disk company becomes ever smaller, therefore I will publish also no more disks on Warp.
Is there no personal linkage between you and the people, who operate there?
Somehow already. But I know most people, which operate there, no longer. I was more friendly with Rob (Mitchell, MIB founder of Warp) and he am now very ill and lead Warp actually no longer. I like Steve (Beckett, joint founder of Warp), but a bosom friend actually never was that.
Why do you publish your new double album " Drukqs " then at all on Warp?
Aeh, that is a good question. I am to be published somehow contractually obligated with them. I have at all no problem with them, therefore that is not a large thing. At the same time Squarepusher and I start our own label. I this Acid mixing (" 2 Remixes by AFX ", MEN 1) made.
That is our first publication. Is the new label a Rephlex Sublabel?
However no, that is only I and Tom (Jenkinson, Squarepusher) Rephlex will here and there help out. In the main it is led however by me and Tom.
Why do you want still another label? Mainly because Tom has a genuine problem to be on a label on which other artists are, whom he hates. He hates everything on Warp. He likes only the old things. " LFO " is probably the last disk, which he liked (laughs). It does not want to along-pull all other. Me it does not constitute anything to be on a label on which it scheiss people gives. I do not like this music on Warp also. And me it is clear that they profit from what one makes. How: " Oh, we are on Warp! ", and the people take to the knowledge and buy therefore its disks and in such a way. But it disturbs me not as Tom. however because it a good friend is, understands I which it means. Thus we rather make it. If it went according to me, " Drukqs " would be on Rephlex, but I am contractually obligated to give it to Warp.
When you began to operate with Warp did you sign a contract over six albums, or?
I should have given them still two or three albums - I cannot remember. Before I gave them this album, I to them thus said: " if I you still this album give, must let me go their to it. " (laughs) I thought, her easily would say: " is out of the question. We sue you! "
What is that called? I gave them approximately three years long no album. I to them said: " OK ONE, I gives you so which like a double album, but then must their me thereafter my own label make to let. And they said easily " ". I it also with Warner Brothers (the disk company of Aphex twin in the USA and Japan) tried, but those were not so easy to convince. I meant so which how: " I want to make Aphex twin on Rephlex ". And they meant only: " in no case, we bought you, belong you to us. " It went back and forth. I meant: " if you not say, never kriegst her which from me. " And then they meant: " well OK ONE, then wars we evenly nothing. " I may use the name AFX on Rephlex, therefore I will easily fall back to it.
Is the name Aphex twin important to you? Actually already. I could naturally use different names, but I wanted to make Aphex twin and to make then simply experimental things. I assume, each quantity of people, which become actually not at all on my things, my (Aphex twin) album to buy. And I like the conception that buy the somewhat very experimental.
The 30 pieces on " Drukqs " already emerged in the Internet. Does ensuring make for you?
I believe to be in the Internet can to the thing only good-do. If some people down-load it and it pleases them, it will spread by mouth propaganda. I believe, therefore one sells probably rather more.
You said in former times that it is all the same to you, how you sell many disks.
I would like to sell as many to Naja, of this as possible. It will be the last thing, which I with Warp promote. I want to still know it easily a last mark. Not which concerns the music, but the graduation.
OK ONE, you wants to sell as many disks as possible, but you do not want to publish single, it no video will probably give, you want that photos are made by you, you do not give world-wide only three interviews and you go not on route. Do you understand by graduation?
(laughs) I a few compromises made. The CD is situated simply in a normal covering, and it will be genuinly cheap. If it went according to me, I became it in a correctly prettily arranged Digipack and so rausbringen. But that would cost little a more, and one would lose a quantity cash. Additionally, if it went according to me, I would give no interviews, would make I no graduation appearances. The little, which I make, is everything that I will take at efforts on me.
from noodle stronger on 2001-10-09 07:52 [#00039577]

be not understandenbeisch that I. bringing Aphex Twin by interview inside new album "DRUKQS" from new disk label or be trendy under couch cover.
Drukqs be will case in a of normal CD? thinking of I will be digipak in a, soft cover cushion or.
Smooth Shyster
from Pt 2 on 2001-10-09 09:59 [#00039603]

Is it correct that additionally to the album a new single uncoupling is planned?
I consider to make extra a single with a through-slammed Cunningham video. But I do not make that probable. And if nevertheless, then it becomes at the earliest in six months rauskommen. It really made fun for me to operate with Chris (Cunningham, director) on " Come on Daddy " and " Windowlicker " and I would do that gladly again. But Warp want to only make it, because they have dollars before the eyes. But I have a genuinly good idea for a TRACK, which would please Chris.
Why do you make at all compromises? Because it is the last thing. With the next I will not have to do nothing at all. Thus I can just as well little which do. The other reason is that I believe that I will achieve the maximum at public with this album, with which I am still lucky. Then I can carry it for me out on years outside to make no more graduation.
Don't you mean that you already are since " Windowlicker " before two years in this situation?
Yes, perhaps. But I believe simply that it needs still another little thing. Still another small thrust.
Why does the album come out now, five years after your last album " Richard D. James "?
(it laughs) the actual reason is that I lost one of this Mp3-Playern, and there had I 282 unpublished pieces of me and 80 unpublished TRACKS of Squarepusher drauf! I it in an airplane forgot. I was approximate with grant (Wilson Claridge, Rephlex owner) on a flight to Scotland, on the way to an appearance, four months ago ago. I had had the Mp3s approximately six months, and he laughed at and said me: " you will not nevertheless probably lose? ", and I meant: " I will never lose that! ". And five minutes later I it in the airplane forgot.
Didn't you have a copy of the music on the fixed disk?
I nothing at all did not lose. I have the copies. I believe, I would have committed suicide, if I had lost masters. Since then I look with Argusaugen in Internet. I thought, her approximately five minutes later somewhere would emerge. I had written to " - unpublished TRACKS " Aphex twin drauf! (laughs). If they had begun to place the pieces in Internet they would have gotten attendance of me - all the same where in the world - and I would have myself mean condemned stuff gotten back. But probably it geklaut one of the hostesses from the airplane, looked like approximately 35 and was probably on Bryan Adam or in such a way which in the type. If those had heard, sie's would have probably easily deleted. If it had gekriegt a fan, me would not the nothing at all have constituted. That would have been a beautiful gift for someone. That would have pleased me, as long as sie's not in Internet placed and me mean earnings/services for the next ten years ruin. I told Tom (Jenkinson) very fast of it at the telephone, but I believe, he to me did not listen (laughs). Therefore I wanted to rausbringen as many TRACKS as possible, as fast as possible. I wanted to actually rausbringen four DS, but that overkill would have been simple, and it would have become too much work. Double CD is already a hammer - simple all in addition wars, the Artwork, mast ring, cutting...
" Richard D James " was not longer than a half hour much. When it rausgekommen is have you said the fact that " nobody listens anyway longer than a half hour ".
(laughs), but gab's still no Mp3s and I did not know at that time that I would possess times a device, on which all are my TRACKS, and that I would then lose.
Do you believe that the people can appreciate double CD of you at all correctly?
One could sound oneself all this in a passage, but I believed, afterwards one is dead.
Thus is the only real reason, why you bring an album out now that you want to publish as many pieces as possible officially, before they make unofficially the round?
Yes, so approximately.
Why it you which would constitute, if someone would place your unpublished TRACKS in Internet.
Because I could make then no cash thereby. It became me quite simply anpissen.
Why would it constitute you somewhat to make no cash thereby?
Because that is the only reason, why I music rausbringe.
You had considered yourself in former times already times, a DAT cassette with four hours of free music of you rauszubringen, without copyright on the accommodations. Did you now consider yourself that differently?
(laughs), that is already a little contradiction. I believe. But if one makes oneself the trouble and which rausbringt, then one can do just as well also rausholen which in it is. It depends on the TRACKS, thinks I. If I said that I wanted to publish a DAT with four hours drauf, then I had meant with it older TRACKS, which I would never publish on an album. In the case it would have been all the same me, but those, which I had lost, were new all, none of it were older than two years.
Allegedly mix master told you Morris recently that it found CD for two Pound in Moscow, and that all were your TRACKS there as mp3-Dateien drauf.
It becomes even still more bloeder. One will be able to get a DVD with mp3-Dateien von Electronica 95-2000... or so which. One can accommodate so probably 100 albums on a DVD. One would know the Warp or the Rephlex bakes Catalogue on only one DVD to pack.
Do the pieces on the album sound again in your ears?
Actually not. Many of it sound quite old style, assume I. I a quantity of pieces made, which really pursue a new style and which do not sound absolutely, like something different one. But I did not want to publish those. I determined that if one something published, in which really new ideas is, then copy that quite fast all and then becomes it soon very old, but if one makes stylistic older things, then one knows, how it will age. I have beforehand already TRACKS made, which were really fresh, and then it by quite many people are copied, and the thing spoils.
If a new Aphex twin album came out, one could at least always rely drauf that it will surprise one. Anyhow like that to " Richard the D was James ". If one had beforehand heard the 12 " " Hangable Autobulb ", one could imagine the sound of " Richard D. James " rather well. With " Drukqs " it seems to concern oneself particularly around more of the same.
In certain way that is correct. But it is not really the same like beforehand. From the style already, but not of the depth. I did not make ever somewhat so highly detailed. Here it gives approximately hundred times more details than on older disks. There is perhaps only one piece, number filters on the first CD (" Bbydhyonchord "), which slightly different is, another type Beat or so has. And I made bergeweise such things, but I do not want to publish that simply.
from Sweden on 2001-10-09 10:13 [#00039608]

Good work - Maybe I could use it?
from europe on 2001-10-09 10:24 [#00039610]

phobia0 - the ongoing translation is great! but you should do some corrections... there are some minor yoda-ish things, and some german works left untranslated. but you should definetly use it... it's a great interview! the photos on groove.de are great, too. they should be also a part of that interview in the 'learn' section... thanks
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