on 2001-10-08 16:02 [#00039479]

ok people.. i\'m just starting out, so i\'d like to know what basic stuff i should get.. ya know.. samplers, synths, and the like. if you could, give me the names of some good brands that won\'t break for a while..
can you help me out?
on 2001-10-08 17:29 [#00039505]

Are you just gonna go on a gear shopping spree? Are you independantly wealthy. It takes me months to come up with the moneh to buy just a piece (of course I only work part time). What kind of shit are you looking to get?
on 2001-10-08 17:44 [#00039514]

I agree with relflex.
If you don't have any money, I'd say probably the best thing to do would be searching the internet for lots of different cracked programs or shareware/freeware, and get as many as you can and see what works and what you like.
from UK on 2001-10-08 19:18 [#00039523]

How about a Roland MC303 They're pretty cheap - about 250 pounds sterling new, even cheaper s/h, and a good intro to hands on knob twiddling :)
fluffy bunny
from mm on 2001-10-09 02:38 [#00039560]

Why not get the new yamaha RM series (with sampling capabilities) .. or so .. the one after RM-1X - which incidentally my flatmate has got [i think i have been over this before] -- but it is a very nice machine, gets rave reviews all over the show. 505 is pretty old school also ! -- i mean, I wouldn't complain if it turned up on my doorstep .. I'd be stoked . but these other machines seem pretty tops also .
fluffy bunny
from mm on 2001-10-09 02:54 [#00039564]

Sweet .. didn't realise people had such an aversion to Yamaha - thats all I guess. Yeah Korg is the shit also .
The only hardware I have is a Roland PC-300 keyboard, keeps me happy -- I'm one of those Software junkies I guess. :) Hardwarez cool.
Yeah .. mc505 is quite impressive, a reasonable size also, with plenty of buttons and knobs and shit to do .. > be keen to hear some of this polished off stuff: granted that it takes a while to get the hang of, etc. etc.
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-10-09 09:52 [#00039600]

If you got money go for anything by Novation - there shit rocks.
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