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offline afxNUMB from So.Flo on 2003-03-22 23:28 [#00610669]
Points: 7099 Status: Regular | Followup to Dolleater: #00610666

then im glad youre a man


offline corticalstim from Canada on 2003-03-22 23:29 [#00610670]
Points: 3885 Status: Regular | Followup to afxNUMB: #00610668

funny thing is - corticalstim and ctrl alt del have the
sameamount of characters if you count spaces >:P


offline Ctrl Alt Del from Ft. Worth (United States) on 2003-03-22 23:29 [#00610671]
Points: 2190 Status: Lurker | Followup to afxNUMB: #00610668

what the fuck?!?!

my intentions were all clear and now you have confunded me!

but yea, i didnt mean anything to anyone. i was making a
broad genral statement. blarg!


offline pachi from yo momma (United States) on 2003-03-22 23:30 [#00610672]
Points: 8984 Status: Lurker

better than the crappy topic i started below this one...i


offline Ctrl Alt Del from Ft. Worth (United States) on 2003-03-22 23:30 [#00610673]
Points: 2190 Status: Lurker | Followup to corticalstim: #00610670

true, unless you go unabrreeviated

cortical stimulator
control alt delete

bastard ascii! just 1 measly letter


offline Ctrl Alt Del from Ft. Worth (United States) on 2003-03-22 23:30 [#00610676]
Points: 2190 Status: Lurker | Followup to pachi: #00610672

no no! ALL topics are created equal, my friend.


offline corticalstim from Canada on 2003-03-22 23:30 [#00610677]
Points: 3885 Status: Regular | Followup to Ctrl Alt Del: #00610673

control alternative delete actually


offline pachi from yo momma (United States) on 2003-03-22 23:31 [#00610678]
Points: 8984 Status: Lurker | Followup to Ctrl Alt Del: #00610676

but it was gettin some negative rap, so that's why i feel

= /


offline Dolleater from Afrika Bambaataa on 2003-03-22 23:34 [#00610682]
Points: 4819 Status: Addict

Jarworski once tried to kiss me.


offline Ctrl Alt Del from Ft. Worth (United States) on 2003-03-22 23:35 [#00610683]
Points: 2190 Status: Lurker

cortical>you perfectionist bastard

pachi>shame on those people


offline afxNUMB from So.Flo on 2003-03-22 23:35 [#00610684]
Points: 7099 Status: Regular

dude crt you were talking directly to me saying:
and I quote

"im not exploiting anything here"

so how can you say it was a generalization and im confusing

tsk tsk


offline afxNUMB from So.Flo on 2003-03-22 23:36 [#00610685]
Points: 7099 Status: Regular | Followup to Dolleater: #00610682

didnt you tell me you kiss someone else here????

you cheating bastard


offline corticalstim from Canada on 2003-03-22 23:38 [#00610686]
Points: 3885 Status: Regular | Followup to afxNUMB: #00610684

settle down lady


offline afxNUMB from So.Flo on 2003-03-22 23:39 [#00610687]
Points: 7099 Status: Regular | Followup to corticalstim: #00610686

sorry sir....ya know I come here and talk my shit...but ya
know how much can a lady take?? how much damnit.


offline corticalstim from Canada on 2003-03-22 23:40 [#00610689]
Points: 3885 Status: Regular | Followup to afxNUMB: #00610687

this much:

- (----------------------[]------------) +


offline afxNUMB from So.Flo on 2003-03-22 23:41 [#00610692]
Points: 7099 Status: Regular | Followup to corticalstim: #00610689

ahhhh man thats pretty fuckin' cool

I like that =)


offline Ctrl Alt Del from Ft. Worth (United States) on 2003-03-22 23:43 [#00610695]
Points: 2190 Status: Lurker | Followup to afxNUMB: #00610684

first off, its CAD not CRT

and secondly ill direct my comments to whomever i please,
thank you. and in this case i choose to direct my comments
at everyone regardless of what some stupid web board says.


offline Dolleater from Afrika Bambaataa on 2003-03-22 23:44 [#00610696]
Points: 4819 Status: Addict | Followup to corticalstim: #00610689

This thread still dosnt rock as hard as cheffes and jArons.
Those are still more forbidden.

On the forbidden level this ranks a mere 4. Its only rocking
a 4 becuase the cool people are here. Excluding corticalism,
afxNUMB, and Ctrl Alt Del, and pachi.


offline afxNUMB from So.Flo on 2003-03-22 23:45 [#00610697]
Points: 7099 Status: Regular | Followup to Ctrl Alt Del: #00610695

CAD, I apologize would you accept my apology if I do down on
you =0


offline neetta from Finland on 2003-03-22 23:46 [#00610698]
Points: 5924 Status: Regular



offline Dolleater from Afrika Bambaataa on 2003-03-22 23:47 [#00610699]
Points: 4819 Status: Addict

Ctrl Alt Del has a dic in his ass. YES I SAID IT. ITS ONLY A


offline princo from Shitty City (Geelong) (Australia) on 2003-03-22 23:47 [#00610700]
Points: 13411 Status: Lurker | Followup to neetta: #00610698

this and that.


offline Dolleater from Afrika Bambaataa on 2003-03-22 23:48 [#00610701]
Points: 4819 Status: Addict | Followup to neetta: #00610698

AHH!! who invited you!?


offline neetta from Finland on 2003-03-22 23:48 [#00610702]
Points: 5924 Status: Regular | Followup to princo: #00610700

dis'n dat is a cool record shop in helsinki


offline princo from Shitty City (Geelong) (Australia) on 2003-03-22 23:48 [#00610703]
Points: 13411 Status: Lurker | Followup to Dolleater: #00610696

This thread needs a nice pic!


offline neetta from Finland on 2003-03-22 23:49 [#00610704]
Points: 5924 Status: Regular | Followup to Dolleater: #00610701

well sor-ree, this is a _public mb_ and it's not so
difficult to view this thread.


offline corticalstim from Canada on 2003-03-22 23:49 [#00610705]
Points: 3885 Status: Regular | Followup to princo: #00610703

yeah! we need someone with the pic posting abilities to post
a pic!


offline Ctrl Alt Del from Ft. Worth (United States) on 2003-03-22 23:49 [#00610706]
Points: 2190 Status: Lurker

afxNUMB>sounds fair

netta/princo>this that AND A WIFFLE BALL BAT

dolleater>dolleater's homepage


offline Dolleater from Afrika Bambaataa on 2003-03-22 23:49 [#00610707]
Points: 4819 Status: Addict | Followup to princo: #00610703



offline neetta from Finland on 2003-03-22 23:50 [#00610708]
Points: 5924 Status: Regular


Attached picture


offline corticalstim from Canada on 2003-03-22 23:51 [#00610709]
Points: 3885 Status: Regular | Followup to neetta: #00610708



offline Dolleater from Afrika Bambaataa on 2003-03-22 23:52 [#00610710]
Points: 4819 Status: Addict | Followup to Ctrl Alt Del: #00610706



offline princo from Shitty City (Geelong) (Australia) on 2003-03-22 23:52 [#00610711]
Points: 13411 Status: Lurker | Followup to Dolleater: #00610707



offline Dolleater from Afrika Bambaataa on 2003-03-22 23:52 [#00610712]
Points: 4819 Status: Addict | Followup to neetta: #00610704



offline Ctrl Alt Del from Ft. Worth (United States) on 2003-03-22 23:53 [#00610713]
Points: 2190 Status: Lurker

hey netta!! read this:

Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P
Corticalstim says: afxNumb offered to give you head :P


offline neetta from Finland on 2003-03-22 23:54 [#00610714]
Points: 5924 Status: Regular | Followup to Ctrl Alt Del: #00610713

nah, me and her have agreed not to go all dyke.


offline princo from Shitty City (Geelong) (Australia) on 2003-03-22 23:57 [#00610715]
Points: 13411 Status: Lurker | Followup to neetta: #00610714

Just eat it! muhahaha


offline Ctrl Alt Del from Ft. Worth (United States) on 2003-03-22 23:59 [#00610717]
Points: 2190 Status: Lurker

HAHA! why dont you show her how, eh princooooooo? ;)


offline Dolleater from Afrika Bambaataa on 2003-03-22 23:59 [#00610718]
Points: 4819 Status: Addict | Followup to princo: #00610715


offline princo from Shitty City (Geelong) (Australia) on 2003-03-23 00:01 [#00610719]
Points: 13411 Status: Lurker | Followup to Dolleater: #00610718


offline corticalstim from Canada on 2003-03-23 00:01 [#00610720]
Points: 3885 Status: Regular

neetta - i saw your pic on your website and i must admit -
you are quite the little cutie


offline princo from Shitty City (Geelong) (Australia) on 2003-03-23 00:02 [#00610721]
Points: 13411 Status: Lurker | Followup to corticalstim: #00610720


offline Ctrl Alt Del from Ft. Worth (United States) on 2003-03-23 00:02 [#00610722]
Points: 2190 Status: Lurker | Followup to corticalstim: #00610720

he's 15 and very much in love netta, BACK THE FUCK OFF!

and ron! shame on you! im gonna tell mel on you :P


offline afxNUMB from So.Flo on 2003-03-23 00:02 [#00610723]
Points: 7099 Status: Regular

oooooooohhhh lord this thread went crazy

sorry d0ll you cant tell me not to look i just had to


offline princo from Shitty City (Geelong) (Australia) on 2003-03-23 00:02 [#00610724]
Points: 13411 Status: Lurker | Followup to princo: #00610721


offline Ctrl Alt Del from Ft. Worth (United States) on 2003-03-23 00:04 [#00610725]
Points: 2190 Status: Lurker

/me trys to decipher hidden message with his little black


offline Dolleater from Afrika Bambaataa on 2003-03-23 00:05 [#00610726]
Points: 4819 Status: Addict

This thread is too communal. :-(


offline Ctrl Alt Del from Ft. Worth (United States) on 2003-03-23 00:07 [#00610728]
Points: 2190 Status: Lurker | Followup to Dolleater: #00610726

this thread is REAL man! straight from the STREETZZZZZ!


offline corticalstim from Canada on 2003-03-23 00:10 [#00610733]
Points: 3885 Status: Regular | Followup to Ctrl Alt Del: #00610728

word yo - this thread is 100% true to life! it aint no fake
shit b!


offline princo from Shitty City (Geelong) (Australia) on 2003-03-23 00:17 [#00610737]
Points: 13411 Status: Lurker

100th post in this thread


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