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kaos pad

wizards teeth on 2001-10-01 12:28 [#00038108]

Does anyone like using these ?

What other effects units produce nice effects ?


gotmeth? on 2001-10-01 18:42 [#00038161]

that thing is pretty badass. i don't own one, but i always
fuck with them in music stores. i'd consider getting one
for playing live. you could do some wicked shit with lines


pitch from the deepest mines on 2001-10-01 20:48 [#00038185]

when i saw radiohead live, they used it on thom's vocals for
uh, everything in its right place. it was done in real time
of coarse and it reversed his vocals and added delay -- it
was dope. i've heard their good. and radiohead must approve
of them!


Chris Ochre from Newcastle, UK. (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-10-01 21:19 [#00038188]

They are a great live tool (it makes it look like you're
doing something for starters, heh heh!) and allow for some
pretty cool realtime sound-mangling. Good fun, too.

By the way, Wizard's Teeth, you're in or around Newcastle
upon Tyne aren't you? I'll be doing a short PC set at The
Black Swan on the 18th - and I'll be using a Kaos Pad then
(I'll borrow one off my mate). It would be really cool if
you could come along and say hello, (bring your mates!).
There'll be more live music from a couple of mates of mine
as well as some DJs, so it should be a good night. It's £3
too, which is nice. Let me know if you're interested and
I'll get more info on the times etc for the night.




klumpen from oberunterhausen on 2001-10-02 00:00 [#00038227]

i have one....and always fun.....
halls echoes filters modulation recordfunction....you can
always have a laugh when you are stoned


bubu from Rio de Janeiro on 2001-10-02 06:34 [#00038298]

the kaos pad reminded me the modulation controlers of the
mini-moog in a very simple way. the superposition of one
sign into another with degrees and degrees of modulations is
reaally nice


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