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Live Performances...

Stone from San Antonio, Hell, U.S.A. on 2001-09-30 18:44 [#00037973]

How does Aphex Twin go about doing a live show with his
music? Does he just spin it, or bring a laptop or what?




Barrett, Syd from T Dot on 2001-09-30 20:26 [#00037980]

he has mildly remixed versions of his songs, and just sets
up a play list of mp3's, and hits play, then does his
e-mail. of course, no one can tell. but i saw him from
backstage once. it was very dissapointing to see.......
that made me a sad panda


ross on 2001-09-30 21:45 [#00037990]

checks his email? i would be very sad too..why not just sit
at home and listen to his records, that pisses me off


plastic raver on 2001-10-01 01:29 [#00038031]

for a live thing now he'll need a Steinway so he can do his
Kings new clothes act and a Pro-tools rig so he can really
go up his ring.


Barrett, Syd from T Dot on 2001-10-01 02:03 [#00038052]


I've just been keeping it a secret. NONE OF MY !!!!!!!!!

Tom Waits if controlling me.


boxrocket on 2001-10-01 12:14 [#00038107]

britney spears is coming to my town. i'm thinking about
getting trash-ass drunk and going just for the fuck of it.


dan from London on 2001-10-01 16:19 [#00038139]

i saw him spin two weeks ago at turnmills, it was just old
skool jungle + drum'n'bass but nonetheless he is an
incredible dj... hoping to see some original material
though. anyone got tickets to the barbican show? :)


wizards teeth on 2001-10-01 16:29 [#00038140]

go and see britney and wear a long brown baggy coat, use a
fake arm to disguise "you-know-what".

baby hit me one more time


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