on 2001-09-27 06:13 [#00037087]

dammit i already told you guys autechre is WAY fucking cooler and much more talented than rdj. most of you probably don't even *get* autechre. pure fucking genius - you're missing out.
on 2001-09-27 06:17 [#00037088]

I agree. Get Crunch's "1" on forcedexposure.com if you don't have it yet. It's similar in audio wizardry, that is if your liking to autechre is aimed at their new hyper detailed intricate work. I like 777 and that song off chickensuite with those garage dropped ball bearing sounds, plus just about every song they made. Aphex twin is quite good too though, probably the second I would give the title genius to.
red iv ider
on 2001-09-27 06:25 [#00037091]

the m's and w's in your nick don't refer to mmw (aka medeski martin and wood) do they? probly just a coincidence...
on 2001-09-27 06:29 [#00037093]

No no, they came from the historical day when I held a pencil above the keyboard and let gravity randomly poke a letter. That letter was M. (sniff) the w's are just upside down M's, don't let them fool you. I don't know who you're talking about.
on 2001-09-27 06:31 [#00037095]

Actually there ARE no w's in this name. I need to find my old one and copy and paste it again. I miss it so! Like I miss my dinosaur blankets...
red iv ider
on 2001-09-27 06:34 [#00037096]

hah - cool way to choose a nick. medeski martin and wood are a jazz trio from nyc - they honestly fucking rock (if you're open to open to music made with more traditional instruments - which in my opinion can be intricate in some of the same ways as electronic music)
on 2001-09-27 06:41 [#00037099]

That was my exact argument awhile back only I used the probably crappy artist Beck (when refering to live instruments he's probably not the best example) I'll check that stuff out. I like the subtle sound quality of live stuff sometimes, it's not tweaked to sound someway and to be complicated. It already IS complicated. But you need a computer to make a good composition in my opinion.
red iv ider
on 2001-09-27 06:46 [#00037101]

i also love miles davis - bitches brew. to me, they have some of the same spacially complex ideas as autechre, implemented with keyboard, guitar, bass, drums, and trumpet.
on 2001-09-27 06:59 [#00037105]

Thanks for the suggestions. Have you heard crunch's 1? It's great, most good songs are from track 6 and on, but the first one is genius too, not showing off at all, but it actually has so much emotion and has a sort of "cute" little popping drum bit which makes if funny. It's really intricate stuff.
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