v4 should add a mp3 streaming room | xltronic messageboard
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v4 should add a mp3 streaming room

fOrTkNoX from in water tanks on 2001-09-26 18:09 [#00036820]

add a streaming room so that we can exchange tracks live...
i think it would filter out all the little chums that just
get in the way...of the whole reasion of this site.....i
think it would be really useful also then we could know what
level wer all on musicaly...


Narkotic from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-09-26 18:37 [#00036829]

Then we'd have to donate him money all the time so he can
pay for the bandwidth usage. Running this board isn't free,
you know.


demons from heaven on 2001-09-26 18:43 [#00036831]

you are one of the chums that get in the way fortknox, you
fucking moron bitch.


fOrTkNoX from in tha sand box on 2001-09-26 19:28 [#00036838]

yea what ever mate......


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