from analog soundscape on 2001-09-25 20:13 [#00036290]

if youve been creating eletronic music for 5 years and you havent yet thought about approaching any record lable then you need to pull you head outta of your ass...mate...
dont shit on me for fuckin trying to contact someone after makeing music for 3 year's...
i know its not that easy but anythings worth a try.... sending demos isn that hard you fuckin moron....
from analog soundscape on 2001-09-25 20:19 [#00036292]

besides whats rong with approaching rephlex.... whats the big deal..... why do you think your special...... your workin still on a BIG project......for what record lable or are you allready under one..?
on 2001-09-25 20:22 [#00036293]

hey, try early i reckon, you never know, and if you do get in, your still young nd you can have lots of fun... that would be nice.
from analog soundscape on 2001-09-25 20:24 [#00036295]

true....thats what im sayin... it dosent hurt....besides i have nothing to loose.. none of us do...
Bobby Horse-Fucker
on 2001-09-25 21:44 [#00036339]

FortNox, not everyone makes music just so they can make money.
from formerly www.dronox.com [under construction] on 2001-09-25 22:45 [#00036381]

Sorry if I seemed really brash, I just was trying to say that you shouldn't aim so high at yr' first few times, ya know?
I just wouldn't think that rephlex records would pull some guy out of total obscurity right away and slap him on a cd...
Not trying to be mean :] All the power to ya.
And, yeah, I may be a wanker for not approaching any labels, but, I'm really really busy with school, and, I have weak esteem about my stuff, so I keep making new stuff thinking that my old stuff was shite...
well... whatever, heh.
Good luck anyway :]
from bwisbane on 2001-09-25 22:48 [#00036384]

i do that sometimes, i write a new song, and all my old stuff sounds shit and i want to disown it....tis not good.
from u!l73q on 2001-09-25 22:55 [#00036392]

NO it *is* good, because you'll advance quicker, after a while you'll be able to judge the overall output better, it's like makin a puzzle, that keeps growing to all directions, some old music sounds so corny, but then... it's probably cool *because of that* and anything that conserves your state of emotion at some time is a fun thing to enjoy when yr older.... b/w pictures are cool, too..
[now playing rdj albums at -35% speed, my brain is a mash]
Mr. Negative
from Destroying Dreams & Crushing Hope since 1985 on 2001-09-25 22:57 [#00036394]

Dronox, you should have low self esteem, you're a dick, no one likes you, why don't you just kill yourself? Your own parents think you're a dick, no one likes you, you'll never get signed, you're shit, a piece of shit, kill yourself, dick.
djfony -mike b-
from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 2001-09-25 23:42 [#00036430]

actually what's sad is that dronox is 15 years old.. and is 15 years more mature than most of the people here. Some of you need to grow up. I always see these threads asking "how old are you" and everytime I read through.. I laugh. Because either:
1. they lie about their age or.. 2. they are a toys r' us kid trapped in a mans body or.... 3. they are mature people that just have problems accepting other peoples opinions and immediately go on the defense thus returning them to number "2"
on 2001-09-25 23:47 [#00036436]

good point...
Sarah Goldfarb
on 2001-09-25 23:49 [#00036439]

"reducing" not "returning," I don't know, sometimes when I talk to you I feel as though I'm conversing with an immature fetus.
djfony -mike b-
from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 2001-09-25 23:53 [#00036443]

how is it reducing? its not a progressive list... its 3 different points. You cant reduce someone to something that is not lesser than the original point.
Wow man.. you must be a number 1 :D Stay in school.. maybe you'll get somewhere someday besides a number 2.
Sarah Goldfarb
on 2001-09-26 00:16 [#00036452]

You can't return to somewhere you've never been but you can be reduced to a position you've been to or haven't.
djfony -mike b-
from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 2001-09-26 00:38 [#00036462]

once again:
This is not a progressive list... You are obviously not reading before you post are you?
review your comment.
fluffy bunny
on 2001-09-26 01:12 [#00036522]

i don't think there is anything wrong with aiming high - ... arrogance with regards to this is good -
so when one gets shat on because ones music is a piece of pie chucking maggot infested curd - it can only be seen as character building, and indeed in some respects sought after.
Either one is strong/confident enough to carry on making music one enjoys and loves making
/or one will admitt that the music one makes is actually quite pie chucker-ish .. in which case being shat on can only have a motivating effect on one producing music. - ie pluck one out of the clouds [doesn't mean you cant aim at the clouds though !]
? wtf was that? wtf the wtc
if you send stuff to Rephlex early (ie when you are somewhat reasonably happy with the music) - yeah they probably wont sign, but if you start early enough, and keep sending them solid stuff, they might start to take notice!
I don't know .. I just think going in with a defeatist attitude wont really lead to much (if that is what one wants!!) I how can you expect yourself to make a really cool tune if you already dont expect and in some ways don't want yourself to do so ..????
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