from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-09-24 23:22 [#00035983]

BERLIN, Sept. 21 - The killing of thousands in the terrorist attacks on New
York and Washington last week has prompted great unity of purpose in the
United States, cemented by shared outrage. President Bush has called on the
world to unite against barbarism.
While Europeans have expressed enormous sympathy and solidarity, often in
emotional ways, they have also been divided in their responses. A debate has
begun over whether the inconsistencies of American foreign policy, and the
sheer weight of American dominance in the world, mean that resentment of the
United States - even, in extreme cases, hatred - are inevitable.
There was no rejoicing or support in Europe for the killing of so many
Americans. Many Europeans wept and the continent fell silent for a moment
last week in remembrance of the dead.
But it has also become clear that some Europeans feel that ordinary
Americans have largely floated on a tide of prosperity, triumphalism and
indifference to the world since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Their view
is that the United States has now been confronted with a sobering reality,
and that it must try to understand. For those critics, Americans are now
facing unsurprising retaliation from an important part of the Islamic world
that considers America to have declared war on its faith.
The arguments are sometimes simple - America should expect war in return for
bombing Iraq regularly. Some Europeans also contend that many Americans have
a blinding confidence in their own goodness and so do not see that the acts
of the United States are regarded in many quarters as driven by the
domineering pursuit of national self-interest.
European writers and intellectuals have pointed to a catalog of actions that
include the bombing - in reprisal for the terrorist bombings of two American
Embassies in East Africa in 1998 - of one of Sudan's two pharmaceutical
factories on the challenged grounds that it was linked to Osama bin Laden,
aid to Israel to buy weapons used against Palestinians, or even the American
refusal to intervene to stop the mass killings in Rwanda.
Matthew Parris, a former Conservative Party member of the British
Parliament, wrote in The Times of London, "The bigger they come, the harder
they fall."
Disgusted by calls for quick revenge, Mr. Parris wrote: "Do they think a
terrorist is like a pin in a bowling alley: one down, nine to go? Do they
want to give Osama bin Laden his own Bloody Sunday? Do they not know that
when you kill one bin Laden you sow 20 more? Playing the world's policeman
is not the answer to that catastrophe in New York. Playing the world's
policeman is what led to it."
Dario Fo, the Italian playwright and satirist who won the Nobel Prize for
literature in 1997, said bluntly in a widely circulated e-mail: "The great
speculators wallow in an economy that every year kills tens of millions of
people with poverty - so what is 20,000 dead in New York? Regardless of who
carried out the massacre, this violence is the legitimate daughter of the
culture of violence, hunger and inhumane exploitation."
There have been other voices that pointed to Mr. bin Laden's various
enemies: not just the United States but also the autocratic Islamic
governments that Washington supports, like Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Kuwait.
The Observer newspaper wrote: "America needs to recognize that, all too
often, it poses as a champion of democracy while supporting regimes, such as
that in Saudi Arabia, which have no proper respect for democracy."
Tariq Ali, a leftist British commentator, wrote that America was now about
to wage war on Afghanistan, a country ruled by a religious movement, the
Taliban, only as a result of Washington's proxy war against the Soviets.
Mr. bin Laden himself joined in that proxy battle, and became a hero partly
because of that war.
"The underlying maxim is, `we will punish the crimes of our enemies and
reward the crimes of our friends,' " Mr. Ali said.
In an editorial, Le Monde wrote that America is also unreliable in the sense
of appearing inconstant in its choice of allies. The United States, it
noted, refused to help Ahmed Shah Massoud, the leader of anti-Taliban forces
who died last weekend from injuries suffered in an assassination attempt.
Yet it considers Saudi Arabia an ally, although that "is where the financial
support of the Islamic radicals comes from."
Even in Germany, one of Europe's most pro-American countries, there was
concern that NATO allies had somehow handed Washington a blank check. Die
Zeit commented that, "The defender against terror must not act like a
furious giant," adding: "The fear of U.S. hegemony is as deep-seated as the
anti-American sentiment that bubbled up predictably after Bush came to
Anti-Americanism is almost a reflex reaction among some left-of-center
French intellectuals, and there has been a predictable outpouring.
To the cry that "we are all Americans now," Marie-José Mondzain, director of
the prestigious French National Center for Scientific Research, writing in
Le Monde, retorted: "I don't feel at all American, but to the contrary feel
redoubled in me all the reasons to condemn a world that sings along with a
catastrophic president, who defends the death penalty and who has only
disdain for the Middle East."
Such anti-Americanism is rare in Germany. But the composer Karlheinz
Stockhausen, 73, called the attack on the World Trade Center "the greatest
work of art imaginable for the whole cosmos," impressive for the imagination
of the act and the precision of its execution.
His commentary was regarded with horror by a nation that has reached out to
Americans with sympathy and support, and Mr. Stockhausen apologized, saying
that his allegorical remarks had been misunderstood.
from manc on 2001-09-24 23:39 [#00035986]

illustrative commentary PMV..... the implication being the US is the bully of the world: yeah...
LETS SEE the EVIDENCE against whoever gets bombed before they get bombed. dont just show our governments; WE want the evidence, cos if the Western allies fuck this one up its our children who'll get the next 747 down their throats.
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-09-24 23:49 [#00035993]

Not to sound ANarchist or anything, the events of sept 11 were horrifying, but this thing here in America with everyone putting flags on their cars made me ponder...
America is proud of itself and the stars and stripes now -- and it only took the deaths of 5000+ people.... i find that sad.
George Bush has been trigger-happy ever since he got into office.... he'd better not draft me. *grrrr@the draft*
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-09-24 23:57 [#00035997]

Agreed Melody, theres many things that piss me off about the way people are responding in the US.
I cant stand that whole God Bless America bullshit, how about the rest of the world where far more innocent lives end up in death EVERY DAY.
But oh no, the moment the US of A gets attacked and innocent people die, everyone reacts as if those innocent people deserve more attention, more mourning etc.....etc...
It is a horrible thing that happened ofcourse, but on a global scale its nothing, I personally feel far more sorry for millions of people starving elswhere, people being abused, die everyday.. etc....for years on end...but where are the mournings for them???Those innocent people are
Why, because they dont contribute to the world as our good working money hungry material driven people ( a lot of em anyways) in the WTC tower did???
This prayer service bullshit is total crap and extremely selfish, they all go to church , read the bible and wanna go to war afterwards....as if this is what it says in the teachings of the bible ..
Oh lets all pray...for what???? No ones coming back......and even more sickening is how these very people such as the survivors love to say that GOD was by their side and all that crap...oh and the rest of the ones who didnt make it GOD somehow let go huh??
As if the ones who survived now feel personally chosen by God.( im not even remotely religious), but these people use the word God for their own bloody convenience as most North-Americans seem to do...
from Chicago on 2001-09-25 00:00 [#00035998]

what are you guys talking about? do you believe everything you read in the fucking paper? do you believe the media? I don't even know an american who is like what you guys are talking about... i don't even know a religious american... we're not all wearing flags and praying...
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-09-25 00:04 [#00036000]

tonnes of people in the Us I know are like this, maybe you are not, but most of em believe blindly and stand behind moron Bush, who shouldve stayed governor of Texas.
The whole world laughs at this man.trust me....
from Chicago on 2001-09-25 00:09 [#00036001]

I laugh at it too...but we aren't all like that... you're making pretty big generalizations...i'll be the first to admit america fucking sucks but I hate being insulted like "all of us" are like that...just like you'd hate me saying all canadiens are like characters out of "strange brew." there are people like that, but it does not represent the majority...
Clobe Smith
from united states on 2001-09-25 00:11 [#00036002]

we are stubborn in our ways, fat in our bellies, and oblivious to the outside world unaware such horror can be a part of everyday life. naturally there are the exceptions ... but with the people i've talked to, not a lot.
while everyone has been so devasted (rightly so) i can't help but wonder what would tempt someone to take so many lives (still oblivious to the situation, excuse me) and wonder what the flags on cars and porches do in fact stand for.
as individuals, though, what did they ever do to deserve that?
from moo kid on 2001-09-25 00:11 [#00036003]

most Americans seem real good people to me, you dont see me attacking good people or their religion;; But the coriidors of power are based around asserting hegemony on the rest of the world for US interests . Fuck anyone who dont like it because weve got the weapons and controls to squeeze em dry if they show dissent. US people like you and your pals aint the problem , its the cunts in power and their redneck sentiments.
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-09-25 00:13 [#00036004]

i'm not saying everyone but many are,I never said EVERYONE. And to be honest I couldnt care less if anyone puts down a country I reside in, couldnt give a flying fuck to be honest.
If i'm not personally insulted I dont care..I dont have the need to feel part of a group or nation/country to be important .
I see myself simply as a person of this world, just like you are.
I'm simply commenting about how a large part of America is reacting, thats all, and theres still a lot of self flattery in many cases.
Dont worry, Im not talking about you personally....
from Chicago on 2001-09-25 00:16 [#00036005]

Good, i'm not trying to be a bitch, and like you i don't care about what people say about america... it's frustrating though cause it's a difficult situation and we have a total fucking MORON in office who wants to kill something really badly...which reflects bad on a lot of us who do not support him in any way whatsoever...
from ming on 2001-09-25 00:19 [#00036006]

all the "we'll show the world were the greatest" posturing since the attacks just seems to me to be a tad perverse considering the US attitude that actually catalysed the attacks in the first place.
RE; nationality and identity; PMV is fuckin right; all that dumb flag shit is for those who want their identity and sense of self prescribed by something or someone more powerful. SAD.....
from Chicago on 2001-09-25 00:21 [#00036007]

good point melody...the posturing shit is really (the way I look at it) for the jock-type people that just want to belong...i really don't understand it. i've lived in america my whole life and don't feel even a tiny bit of nationalism or patriotism... i'm just kind of embarrassed..
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-09-25 00:24 [#00036008]

I like this article by Noam Chomsky, theres some real valid points in this one...
On the Bombings Noam Chomsky
The terrorist attacks were major atrocities. In scale they may not reach the
level of many others, for example, Clinton's bombing of the Sudan with no
credible pretext, destroying half its pharmaceutical supplies and killing
unknown numbers of people (no one knows, because the US blocked an inquiry at the UN and no one cares to pursue it). Not to speak of
much worse cases, which easily come to mind. But that this was a horrendous
crime is not in doubt. The primary victims, as usual, were working people:
janitors, secretaries, firemen, etc. It is likely to prove to be a crushing
blow to Palestinians and other poor and oppressed people. It is also likely
to lead to harsh security controls, with many possible ramifications for
undermining civil liberties and internal freedom.
The events reveal, dramatically, the foolishness of the project of "missile
defense." As has been obvious all along, and pointed out repeatedly by
strategic analysts, if anyone wants to cause immense damage in the US,
including weapons of mass destruction, they are highly unlikely to launch a
missile attack, thus guaranteeing their immediate destruction. There are
innumerable easier ways that are basically unstoppable. But today's events
will, very likely, be exploited to increase the pressure to develop these
systems and put them into place. "Defense" is a thin cover for plans for
militarization of space, and with good PR, even the flimsiest arguments will carry some weight among a
frightened public.
In short, the crime is a gift to the hard jingoist right, those who hope to
use force to control their domains. That is even putting aside the likely US
actions, and what they will trigger -- possibly more attacks like this one,
or worse. The prospects ahead are even more ominous than they appeared to be
before the latest atrocities.
As to how to react, we have a choice. We can express justified horror; we
can seek to understand what may have led to the crimes, which means making
an effort to enter the minds of the likely perpetrators. If we choose the
latter course, we can do no better, I think, than to listen to the words of
Robert Fisk, whose direct knowledge and insight into affairs of the region
is unmatched after many years of distinguished reporting. Describing "The
wickedness and awesome cruelty of a crushed and humiliated people," he
writes that "this is not the war of democracy versus terror that the world
will be asked to believe in the coming days. It is also about American
missiles smashing into Palestinian homes and US helicopters firing missiles
into a Lebanese ambulance in 1996 and American shells crashing into a
village called Qana and about a Lebanese militia - paid and uniformed by
America's Israeli ally - hacking and raping and murdering their way through
refugee camps." And much more. Again, we have a choice: we may try to
understand, or refuse to do so, contributing to the likelihood that much
worse lies ahead.
from mecca on 2001-09-25 00:33 [#00036016]

just as peace was breaking out ........ Chomsky is himself Jewish and a credit to thee art of delving into the key issues . Read "Acts of aggression" and the "Umberella of power" Rephlex , they may (or may not) help ......
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-09-25 00:34 [#00036017]

Trust me Reflex, the Americans live on War, they always have.
When they end up in a recession war has always been there way out, mostly seen as a humanitarian thing but in the end only to serve themselves.
Kill em all will never ever solve this problem. First its Bin laden they want, now all of a sudden its an all out attack on terrorism which they will NEVER conquer.
Bush has no clue who and what hes dealing with. I lived in Saudi Arabia for 3 years( Dhahran) and unless you've been there you'd know what I'm talking about ( No offense to you Reflex), but theres so much the US has done in the middle east that no civilian person in the US and Canada knows anything about.
The media hides far too much for that.
This is the 'spoilt child' syndrome. America gets hit...oh boy......( not to take aways from the horrible event, but I dont like the fact that this gets more attention then when something happens far away)
And terrorism will never ever be defeated and thats a guarantee
from macho on 2001-09-25 00:41 [#00036021]

USA put the Taliban and Bin Laden in the position of power they now enjoy; so lets now "fuck the sick bastards??" Rephlex?? . The northern Afghanis who the US is now siding with have an equally bad record on human rights, especially for women; but you dont want to FUCK EM do you. Any excuse for a good war eh Rephlex?
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-09-25 00:44 [#00036025]

reflex, I meant the American government ofcourse... And yes, history has proven this and I know far too many people who have waged for wars for the US they'll tell ya differently....
Its simply my personal opinion ( not without getting and having proof) that the US goverment in terms of world affairs are just about the most corrupt of all.
Simply my opinion.
from mars on 2001-09-25 00:57 [#00036035]

REPHLEX.....it shows that you live on the wave of present emotion rather than looking at the bigger picture; that whoever ends up in power in Afghanistan will become Americas next enemy unless you stop victimising the people of Afghanistan for their governments alleigance with Bin Laden (which is ALWAYS the effect of war and sanctions......
Bombing the Taliban only creates much more vengeance against the US and so the spiral of hatred deepens.........
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-09-25 02:24 [#00036047]

I gotta get the fuck out of American I don't like it here I think I might buy a Island does anyone want in ???THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!!
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-09-25 02:39 [#00036063]

Give me 2 hours to pack my bags and I'm on my way over !!!!!There better be plenty of nude women for all!!!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!!!
on 2001-09-25 04:24 [#00036075]

gee reflex you're a feisty little fuck aren't ya
from brooklyn on 2001-09-25 07:23 [#00036104]

i was watching mtv last night and they had all these kids who live in places other than ny saying they cried and their hearts go out to ny and shit, then my boy courtney walked in and said "shit guys they canceled boo6 (ny's anual mega-rave)". kids in ny are pissed that boo 6 got canceled. hehe.
oh and since the 'tragedy' or whatever are k source has dried up. i'm assuming its cuz of the tight security around the city lately. that really fuckin sucks.
i dont care about my country really. they made drugs illegal. i do drugs, so the country's been waging war on its youthg for a long time now.
last week me and carlos went around union square hanging up "have you seen me?" pposters of ourselves.
that shit was fun. =fuckyous
from USA on 2001-09-25 07:24 [#00036105]

PostModrenVancover in one of your statements on this message board you stated that
"As if the ones who survived now feel personally chosen by God.( im not even remotely religious), but these people use the word God for their own bloody convenience as most North-Americans seem to do... "
Your in Canada right? The North-American Continent contains The United States, CANADA and Mexico. You yourself are north-american. So your actually one of these people that you are talking about, right? Oh I know you'll say your not using the word of God, but you are using recent events and your need for attention for your own convenience. You are no better than anybody else in this world so stop acting like you are more informed about the world than anyone else is. I am not trying to offend you in anyway I just feel that statements you have posted here about us are totally uninformed as everything else in the world is. I will agree with you that this was The United State's fault. But some of your comments about this are very misinformed. You tell us to look at the bigger picture. Why don't you try looking at the bigger picture. The recent tragedy's that have taken place are not ONLY the direct result of The United State's foreign policy decisions. True some of the decisions we have made in this area have warranted the attacks. But a lot of the blame lays on our kindness to accept anyone into our country that wishes to live here. I am not saying this in a pigheaded lets shut our borders and not accept anyone else kind of way. I am saying that we are so willing to accept other people who are discontent with their government's way of life that we have let our immigration offices slip into total chaos. That is a big part of the reason we allowed terrorist to get on our planes and kill our citizens. Another reason is that we have become to easy going. We actually allowed these people to come into our country and go to our flight school's and say "I'm not actually interested in taking off or landing I just want to learn how to do the stuff in between." Why? We are Americans. We were fortunate enough to live in a country where we felt safe. All of that is changing now. These attacks were good for us as a whole in a way. Another thing that you have said that is uniformed is that it's the president's fault. You say this because he is a republican and republican's are all big supporters of the military. If you really want to look at the BIG PICTURE it is the other way around. Democrats are to blame. The bombings you referred to that Clinton agreed with were because Democrats felt that Osama needed to be punished, but they don't like war so they figure you throw a couple of bombs at him and go away for a little bit. He attacked a naval vessel, Killed a couple of people. He blows up some embassies kills a couple of more people. Now to me the attack on a Naval vessel would warrant an act of war against Osama, but no, democrats do not want to go to war they just like to throw a couple or stones and result to name calling. Anyone who says The United States should not take military action against Osama and terrorist actions is not looking and the bigger picture. If we sit here and do nothing we just warrant more attacks against us. Another thing that has changed for the better since the attacks is that our government has sat politic's aside for the moment being. Hopefully it will stay that way. They are no longer worrying about who sleeps with who, they are now worrying that we have steered away for the true purpose of our government for too long. It is a government meant to protect but lately it has been a government that has sought to blame each other for what happened. It use to be it's not our fault it's theirs. Now the case is it's our fault and we're sorry. Maybe that's why SOME of the people have flags on their cars. Oh another I want to ask you. You say war is always what America does to get out of a recission? The only big recission that I can think of that we got out of because of us going to war was the great depression. Are you saying we should have sat by and watched Hitler murder thousands of people? I don't agree with war totally. Most war's that The United States have engaged in were pointless. Vietnam is a great example of that. But when something of this magnitude happens you can't just sit by and do nothing. Hmm to put it another way, if someone walked into your house and murdered your family while you were out doing something would you not want to take any form of revenge on them?
from USA on 2001-09-25 08:40 [#00036137]

I agree. The statment he made about the wtc connecting it with a sign of The United State's wealth was ill informed. It's called the world trade center, not the USA trade center. There were people of other nationalities that worked there. Canadians, Chiness, British, Japaness it goes on and on. Our Govrenment is not to be blamed entirely for people starving in other counties. If you want the truth it is corperations. Corperations that care not a thing about us, the earth or the enviroment. They just care about money.
They are the ones who truely owned the wtc. Sure there were a couple of federal office's in it, but most of them were stockbrokers. Not govrenment Officals. If your looking for infomation you don't get in news papers often check out www.corpwatch.org out sometime. The world is being killed. Coperations should start getting picked on as much as world govrenments do. I hope I'm not comming off as an americain zealoist or anything. And I hope I have not offended anyone by anything I have said on this message board. I just feel that people should start looking at things from more perspectives than what the media in your respected part of the world tells you to.
Mr Cool
from Norwich on 2001-09-25 09:04 [#00036144]

REFLEX, noone cares what you think.
Mr Cool
from Norwich on 2001-09-25 09:20 [#00036146]

eusis, it's you're not your. how can you sit and talk about a lot of bull, like you actually know what you're talking about, and hope for anyone to take you serious when you can't even spell.
oh, and it's recEssion, not recission. what the hell is that? By the way, i am Mexican, not North American
from USA on 2001-09-25 09:29 [#00036153]

Most of the people on this message board don't spell things right. Why single me out? By the way their is this book called an atlas. It's got pictures of what the earth looks like when you veiw from above. Go to the part on north america and you will see Mexico as being part of north amerian. You are mexicain. True. But you also live in north america which makes you north american also.
Mr Cool
from Norwich on 2001-09-25 09:29 [#00036156]

Eusis, i want you to write down these words ten times until you learn,
statement chinese japanese government officials information truly environment american coming centre, though i think this one is something to do with the way americans spell.
anyway, you should listen to pmv, he makes more sense than all of you.
Mr Cool
from Norwich on 2001-09-25 09:39 [#00036161]

eusis, i singled you out because you spout a lot of bull. Mexico is middle America, we are the same people as those from Guatamala, Belize and the rest of central America.
we are just divided because of bullsh*t politics, we are in no way connected with the US or Canada, except Aztlan, or the so-called southwest USA, which will always be Mexico, it was stolen illegaly just like a certain Israel i can think of. the US like to help to claim land unfairly and through ill means, dont they?
forget a map, a map is bull, great, mexico is just below USA, so what.
from USA on 2001-09-25 09:44 [#00036162]

So you are saying people who do no live in this country know more about what is going on inside of it than people who do?
Mr Cool
from Norwich on 2001-09-25 09:49 [#00036165]

yes, of course. we can see what is going on inside. you are blinkered by your Americanism. a drunk man doesn't realise what a fool he looks like, he needs someone to tell him that for him.
Mr Cool
from Norwich on 2001-09-25 09:55 [#00036168]

how can you compare what happened to someone going into your house and killing your family? there is no similarity whatsoever. think before you write.
from USA on 2001-09-25 10:01 [#00036171]

So why not just say they truth. You didn't single me out because I spout bull. It's just because I am American. Okay Look at it this way. When you were a child you had parent's that told you what to do. You could say that when you get Older Govrenments can fill in the place of parents because they lay laws down that you have to follow. If you look at it from that perspective you ccould say that all citizen's of govrenment are it's children. Therefore it would be like someone comming into their house and murdering them.
Mr Cool
from Norwich on 2001-09-25 10:14 [#00036175]

governments f*ck the people over, they kill people of their own country, they lie, they steal from the poorest, they favour the priveleged, they cheat, they massacre.
they don't show love, only when they put on an act to get on our good side, so we vote for them.
i'd rather do without family like that, with family you feel connection and love, governments do not do that.
Bush doesn't care for the families of the dead, just his hurt pride. It's all an act, the sooner you learn this and wake up from your delusions, the better.
There is no family involved.
from USA on 2001-09-25 10:18 [#00036176]

And the soon you wake up from your delusions and realize that corporations are just as bad as any govrenment the better you will be. So I guess you had a perfect family that didn't say or do anything that you disagreed with or felt was wrong or made you angry?
Mr Cool
from Norwich on 2001-09-25 10:29 [#00036177]

i have had enough of this seek and destroy mentality the americans seem to be taking on, they are hell bent on retaliation, not even giving a second thought to getting to the actual root of the problem.
why did this happen? greed, america HAS to be the biggest, greatest superpower on earth, and will stop at nothing.
oh, a few small insignificant countries might kick up a fuss, just blow them off the face of the planet, why not? just as long as they can remain all powerful.
spread your beliefs, everyone elses is worthless, you NEED everyone to think the way you do, get your influence spread all over the globe. f*ck all the other cultures, the american way is THE way, those who dont agree, impose sanctions, bomb their villages.
damn straight.
from USA on 2001-09-25 10:34 [#00036178]

It seems to me that these attacks are most of the opinions from people outside the usa steam from the greatest evil of all. Jealousy. Can you tell me with a straight face that corporations haven't screwed your countires economy and eco system more than any govrenment ever has?
Mr Cool
from Norwich on 2001-09-25 10:36 [#00036180]

i never doubted that the big corporations were evil, they are equally bad.
of course my family is not perfect, of course i get angry, but you miss the point as clear as your nose.
from USA on 2001-09-25 10:38 [#00036181]

OUR Votes? since when did mexico vote in usa elections?
Mr Cool
from Norwich on 2001-09-25 10:42 [#00036182]

i agree about the corporations, you are spot on with those. There is no jealousy involved at all, why should i be jealous, you are no better than me, you or your country.
Mr Cool
from Norwich on 2001-09-25 10:43 [#00036183]

Governments of the world.
from USA on 2001-09-25 10:44 [#00036185]

Just because you are upset with your govrenment dosen't give you the right to rip on other people's govrenment. And I never said they WERE our families you said there was no connection what so ever to comparing it to family members getting killed. I said you could LOOK at it from that prespective to see how you can connect the two. Apparently you can agree with this veiw because now you are using the family comparison.
Mr Cool
from Norwich on 2001-09-25 10:45 [#00036186]

its been interesting talking to you, and i thank you for the discussion.
but, i have to leave now. cheerio.
from USA on 2001-09-25 10:49 [#00036190]

It has been intresting. Thank you for taking the time to share you veiws with me.
from USA on 2001-09-25 10:57 [#00036194]

Before I log off I would like to agree with reflex one last time. He is right if we were going to bomb the hell out of them we would have done it already. We just want the people who were involed and aided.. the same as any other country would if this happened to them.
from USA on 2001-09-25 12:03 [#00036198]

The date of the attack: 9/11 - 9 + 1 + 1 = 11
September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11
After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year.
119 is the area code to Iraq/Iran. 1 + 1 + 9 =11
Twin Towers - standing side by side, looks like the number 11
The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11
But ....There's More.......
State of New York - The 11 State added to the Union
New York City - 11 Letters
Afghanistan - 11 Letters
The Pentagon - 11 Letters
Ramzi Yousef - 11 Letters (convicted of orchestrating the attack on the WTC in 1993)
Flight 11 - 92 on board - 9 + 2 = 11
Flight 77 - 65 on board - 6 + 5 = 11
from mars on 2001-09-25 13:43 [#00036224]

Bush should declare war on Arithmetic , the number "11" and anybody harbouring maths books and calculators. Especially calculators that have beards. If any do...........
from USA on 2001-09-25 13:51 [#00036228]

Bush can only declare war on all those things for a mere 30 days. You need congress to give him the ok to declare actual war.
Julian Casablancas
on 2001-09-25 13:54 [#00036230]

Yeah, I think we should stop using Arabic numerals, too.
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