from zurich-ch on 2001-09-23 15:15 [#00035624]

have a look at the soundtrack of A.I.!the coming movie by Stanley K.
Autechre - the Egg Autechre - crystel orb - loving you live polygon window - my teapot
on 2001-09-23 15:21 [#00035625]

hey thats cool. my teapot is my fav aphex song... can you tell?
yeah thats me!
from Germany, nearby Munich on 2001-09-23 20:53 [#00035647]

if only the film would be interesting! I dislike him at all - but I recognize that music, too
from Birmingham, UK on 2001-09-23 21:36 [#00035661]

AI is an excelent film, if you haven't seen it do so!
i fear quite a few people won't "get it" though cos of the crap audiences seem to like lately like pearl harbour... oh well.
Jazzy Jeff
on 2001-09-23 22:18 [#00035668]

A.I. was a shit film, and no I didn't like Pearl Harbour.
Barrett, Syd
from T Dot on 2001-09-23 22:49 [#00035680]

Hedgeman, I'm afraid that A.I wasn't made by Stanley Kubrick. You see, Stanley Kubrick died a couple of years ago. He had the storyboards done i beleive, and obviously alot that comes before that, but it was Steven Speilburg who directed it.
I liked the movie myself. The Aliens I thought were really really cool.
I haven't seen Pearl Harbour. I know it sucks, but I want to see the 2nd hour of the film which is the attack. Cause it looks really pretty.
from over thar on 2001-09-24 03:57 [#00035767]

i really liked that movie.. most people hate it....
Super Reflex
on 2001-09-24 06:35 [#00035786]

No, most critics like it, most people are divided and most dickheads say "I really liked it."
from bwisbane on 2001-09-24 06:40 [#00035787]

im gonna go see it tonight and i bet i really like it.
on 2001-09-24 06:43 [#00035789]

I hope you sit on a needle and come out of the cinema infected with AIDS.
from bwisbane on 2001-09-24 06:44 [#00035790]

that would be lovely.
Vagina Warrior
from the outskirts of Vagina City on 2001-09-24 07:28 [#00035810]

Lovely or Luidasasdasvly?
from over thar on 2001-09-24 09:18 [#00035830]

Super, you calling my a dick head? i like to think of myself as a bitch, but i guess you are entitled to your own self-centered, narrow minded opion, eh?
on 2001-09-24 09:51 [#00035841]

"narrow minded opion"?
You mean "option" or "opinion"?
from over thar on 2001-09-24 09:57 [#00035844]

one thing you'll have to learn, horse, is that i can not type for shite.. but i mean well...
from europe on 2001-09-24 10:01 [#00035850]

almost no one of my friends liked the film. everyone had the argument that it was kitschy and corny. well, i think it's too easy to say the film was just crap, because there were some really interesting (and creepy) scenes in it, which were clearly made up of some original kubrick sketches... joe finding the dead body of a woman, david talking with the voices of a secretary and his dad's on the telephone, the robots in the search of replacements for some of their bodyparts, the damaged nannyrobot (who sings a french nursery song to david) and the buildings of rouge city. these scenes are a kind of fragments from a.i. by stanley kubrick, and they made the movie really interesting. the core of the final scenes was also part of kubrick's treatment, but in a kubrick version, they would have been equivalents to the final scenes in 2001. but, well, spielberg made this film, and so he softened the scenes to a level that they became in the end a kind of spielberg kitsch á la e.t. the only thing is that these last scenes are - even in the spielberg version - still kind of creepy, because david, who is for his 'mum' a simulation of a son who loves her, finally also gets his 'mum' back, in order that she (or it) simulates a love for him. so, in the end you have a typical very dark irony á la kubrick with 'artificial intelligences', which are only simulating their love for each other (so david is just as lonely in the end as dave in 2001). in the spielberg version, david makes some coffee for his mum, in the kubrick version david hands his mum, - which is (was) in fact an alcoholic - some gin.
it's really sad that kubrick died too early and could not realize his movie. i wonder if chris cunningham, who worked with kubrick on the design of david, would have some influence on the music... it would be so fantastic to have tracks from aphex's sawii in it (track 1 and 6 from cd 1 and blue calx for the coney island scene), come to daddy (come to daddy lord faulteroy mix, funny little man, is-uz, flim), nanou (for the scenes in the apartment of the swintons), at the heart of it all (from nin's further down the spiral), some dark tracks from 'classics'. tracks by boards of canada and autechre would have been great, too. and the (rouge city) waltz in this music would have been from richard strauss' 'rosenkavalier'.
on 2001-09-24 11:12 [#00035853]

Close Encounters of The Third Kind is a much better movie and dealt with similar science fiction themes. Dreyfus's two performances he gave for Speilberg in the 70's with Jaws and Close Encounters are unforgetable and quite possibly helped make Speilberg's career.
from Birmingham, UK on 2001-09-24 17:59 [#00035898]

just thought i would say there weren't any aliens at the end! They were highly evolved robots that continued advancing after the humans became extinct... can't believe no one realised that.
and just because someone says they really liked a film does not mean they are a dickhead.
I thought speilberg took many risks with the film... especially with the way audiences are today.
Blade Runner and 2001 opened to poor reviews but look at how they are regarded now... i think the same will happen to AI.
Clobe Smith
from over here on 2001-09-24 20:53 [#00035940]

i loved a.i. granted i can't watch it repeatedly like some other films but i thoroughly enjoyed it. it was to my understanding kubrick wanted spielberg to direct because essentially, it was supposed to be more of a "fairy tale"-like movie.
as far as the creatures in the end being advanced robots, i was wondering if that was the case. i said that among some friends and got all the same reactions "nooo, those are aliens!" oh well
(hehe, did anyone else slightly consider spielberg was making fun of jar jar binks/lucas with teddy. an effective, comic relief side character? haha)
from europe on 2001-09-24 23:06 [#00035975]

yes, it's so interesting almost no one guessed that the creatures in the end were in fact robots... it's kind of a proof that not many people got the movie, or had a second thought about it. a friend of mine said that the end was so corny but the aliens were 'cool' (i found the effects in the finale were a kind of a let-down), and in the end she said that the movie was the worst she'd ever seen (i should have remind her of the scenes i mentioned above!). in my case i don't hate the movie, but in the same way i don't think a.i. is a masterpiece. it is a very interesting movie, far from perfect or great, but with weird and outstanding scenes and visuals. i mean there are not many good sf-movies, and a.i. was a lot more ambitious than almost any other recent sf-movie. it's really sad, sf could be such an interesting genre, but there are not many people with ideas, and the production companies in hollywood, who got the money are not willing to take any risks (but this is a truism, i know). but there is now a project which could be interesting - '2046' by the hong kong director wong kar-wai. we'll see.
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-09-24 23:45 [#00035991]

I am a fan of Kubrick's films...... Full Metal Jacket, The Shining, and A Clockwork Orange were all brilliant!!
But i haven't heard much on A.I.
But Kubrick died during the making of Eyes Wide Shut -- perhaps that's why it sucked in comparison to his other work.....
i have yet to see 2001:A Space Odyssey.
red iv ider
on 2001-09-25 04:20 [#00036074]

i automatically assumed they were highly evolved ai's, because of the way they were excavating in the ice to learn about themselves. i think that many thought they were aliens because they had that typical cliche alien look that's been established by the media.
Barrett, Syd
from T Dot on 2001-09-25 04:35 [#00036080]

2001 is amazing. wicked soundtrack.
from europe on 2001-09-25 09:23 [#00036147]

2001 is one of the greatest movies ever, and the best sf-movie.
Julian Casablancas
on 2001-09-25 12:41 [#00036207]

Organ Grinder: Eyes Wide Shut was completed just before Kubrick's death, I think.
from dublin on 2001-09-25 14:52 [#00036248]

good joke hedgeman........
from zurich-ch on 2001-09-25 15:46 [#00036252]

sorry, but where is the joke. i know that Kubrick died, but i didn't say he is still alive.
See! i have my troubles with english
from dublin on 2001-09-25 15:59 [#00036254]

the joke that Artificial Intelligence is a series from Warp and that the movie AI doesn't have Warp stuff on it's soundtrack!...ha ha!!...gotcha!
from zurich-ch on 2001-09-25 16:04 [#00036255]

why? anyone told me that fucking information about AI how the hell can i know it. so im sorry. i'm a swiss, also i could't knwo it. argh.....really funny funny joke. i had lost
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