from over thar on 2001-09-19 05:59 [#00034011]

ok ok, i know stupid, right? but who here has a pet (or two)? i've got a cat named ringo, and a large leaf tale gecko named chrometheis (chrome for short).....
so? dogs? cats? cocks? snakes?
on 2001-09-19 06:05 [#00034012]

What a girly topic. Your poor maternal instincts need something to cuddle... poor thing. Your behavior is misfiring on species in which it would be impossible to pass your dna along with, sorry. I feel sorry for girls who don't want to add any more to the human population and have a baby. It makes sense though, your estrogen just backfires.
djfony -mike b-
from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 2001-09-19 06:06 [#00034013]

since you mentioned it.. yes I have a cock named "Buddy" :D
Seriously though... I have a few gecko buddies... they arent caged.. they just hang out in my room and take care of any bugs that invade my space :)
I live right next to the Dole Pineapple field . . so I get those little pineapple bugs that fly right through the screen :( but thats what my little gecko buds are for :D
from over thar on 2001-09-19 06:08 [#00034014]

M, right now i my young life i am not ready to have childeren. myabe some day, but untill then i will cudle my gecko, and cat..... yhank uou for being an ass about this post. i hate "opening up" becasue as soon as i do, some one like you have to be rude about it. i guess i should just go back to being the bitch i have always been on this board, eh?
from over thar on 2001-09-19 06:10 [#00034015]

mike, geckos rock. i love'em. mine is about 9 1/2 inches long, and has the coolest orange eyes..... so cute...
djfony -mike b-
from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 2001-09-19 06:14 [#00034017]

shit... my geckos are about 4 inches long max very small... but quick as shit!
from NZ on 2001-09-19 06:14 [#00034018]

we just got a lutino cocatiel, we thought it was a he...we named him "aphex"..brought him home to what we thought was a she named "nikita" who had lost her mate "blixa"..well
after a few days of quarantine we put aphex in with nikita..a few hours later nikita was mounting aphex..turns out aphex is a she..and nikita's been a he all along...
true story..honest!
from colour bubblejet printer on 2001-09-19 06:14 [#00034019]

i have a puppet named cunteyes.
no other pets.
from over thar on 2001-09-19 06:24 [#00034021]

that is truely beautiful f.l.e.a.....
on 2001-09-19 06:26 [#00034022]

i have a border collie called Saffy.
from over thar on 2001-09-19 06:30 [#00034023]

where the hell is reflex, i know he has a dog named Dexter...... i lke boarder collies.... all black and white and stuff... i had a dog, Vitzig, a german shepard, but she lives with my parents.. i miss her...
on 2001-09-19 06:34 [#00034024]

I'm sorry, I don't mean any harm. It just strikes me odd how people keep pets. It's a weird form of slavery, where their only function is to serve the desire for human companionship. Birds in cages is wrong considering their natural habitat millions of times larger. This bird in my parents house looks so lonely and sad sometimes, he's a musical genious. But he looks out the window at the huge sky and doesn't cry, that would be anthropomorphizing him, but I know him quite well and he's certainly depressed, I know animals other than humans have feelings. Then people keep like 3 cats, who are nocturnal. They don't let them outside because coyotes prowl the streets at night. Their whole natural behavior patterns are completely scrambled. Feed the dog outside and hornets start raiding his food so he can't eat. So, spray the hornets with insecticide... what's the difference between that and killing the dog and keeping the hornets as pets instead. "Cute" creatures are the first to be given aid when they become endangered, because they have the most anthropomorphic characteristics that humans misfire on. They don't eat monkeys in this one place I saw a tv thingy on because they are too human like.
from over thar on 2001-09-19 06:40 [#00034026]

M, in all cases of my pets, i try to give them the most happy home i can possibly give. my cat is the king ehere, i go out and catch little lizards so he has some thing to chase around the house (and evetually eat), my gecko has a huge fucking tank, 50 gallon, they recomend 10gal tanks for them... i do what i can to keep them happy, which in turn makes me happy. you weren't raised with pets in the home, huh?
on 2001-09-19 06:46 [#00034031]

Lots actually.
from over thar on 2001-09-19 06:51 [#00034035]

well, ok then.. what an odd veiw. i my fam, pets were always regaurded as a member of the fam.. we never left our dogs locked outsied 24 hours a day, that sort of thing....
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-09-19 10:07 [#00034062]

ok you asked missy thankyousomuch! my old mans a falconer do you get those stateside? we have a buzzard called tim a harris hawk called mitch a barn owl called liffy and a snowy owl with massive yellow eyes and a tiny little black cat called pudding also two cokateels called eddie and ritchie three westhighland terriers called poppy,bramble & daisy i also had a lizard but it got real depressed and chewed its hand off
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-09-19 10:09 [#00034063]

ps i dont eat monkeys
from over thar on 2001-09-19 19:10 [#00034252]

dingle, are you fucking serious??
Bobby McGee
on 2001-09-19 19:18 [#00034257]

I am in possession of an aborted fetus called "Sandra."
from detroit on 2001-09-19 21:03 [#00034298]

2 dogs, and a 3 legged cat(amputated cause of cancer) formerly known as sam-now called tripod
from NZ on 2001-09-19 22:25 [#00034342]

I know keeping birds in cages is not too cool..all the philosophical, ethical and ecological ramifications point in that direction..but the birds I got aren't wild..they were reared and raised for petshops.."Blixa" was sad lonely and confused the only cockatiel sharing a cage with tiny little finches that kept buzzing around his head..we just happened upon him and fell in love with the very gentle being...we got a mate for him and brought him home...he had very happy 5 years with us....yes birds in cages are wrong...but that's all these birds know..most of them don't have a wish to get out of the cages..lonely pet birds are always a problem..that's why we always make sure there's two in there..other than that we leave them to it..we don't try and finger tame em or force them to say stupid human lingo..but they naturally bond with you everytime you come back from outside..you get the biggest welcoming song..infact they sing all day..we just feed them keep them warm and safe, and currently stoping them from having sex..because the vet thinks "aphex" is too young..
from . on 2001-09-19 23:21 [#00034384]

dog- fastuc
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