from Berlin on 2001-09-18 21:20 [#00033866]

Hey there... this is a new... perhaps "junk" mail that I received... I do not want to give the email addy out... but I do want to share with you what this person said:
Dear Friends, Please take a few minutes to read and act on this email. On May 23rd 2001 the Taleban authorities in Afghanistan confirmed that all Hindus will be required to wear a strip of yellow cloth sewn onto a shirt pocket in order to identify themselves.
They claim that the measure is for their "protection". The world has faced this before, in 1939 the world was required, at great cost, to rid itself of Hitler's tyranny, it is not hard to spot his child.
Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to relive it. The Taleban's record on respecting other religions gives great cause for concern that their ultimate aim, upon which they are intent, is "religious cleansing". They have already demonstrated their distain and intolerance for other religions and traditions by the desecration and destruction of the ancient Buddhist statues, our collective heritage, within the Afghanistan.
Whatever your religion, or even if you have none, we hope that you will agree that this is fundamentally wrong. Remember, "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing". Please do not do nothing, add your voice.
DIRECTIONS: PLEASE COPY this email on to a new message, add your name and those of your household who wish to participate to the bottom and forward it to everyone on your distribution list. If you receive this petition and you find that you will be the 251st name on it, please e-mail a copy of it
to: alastair@om-int.com. It will then be forwarded to the UN.
Even if you decide not to sign, please be considerate and do not kill the petition as you will be denying your friends, and theirs, their legitimate voice. Instead return it to
To The Secretary General, Security
Council and General Assembly of the United Nations.
We the undersigned are appalled by the decision of the Taleban government of Afghanistan to require all Hindus to wear a piece of yellow cloth sewn onto a shirt pocket in order to identify themselves. An individual's communion with God, however they find him, is a matter of personal conscience and must not be the subject of intimidation or persecution. The right of everyone to worship as they wish is fundamental and inalienable. The United Nations was founded in order to defeat Hitler and his henchmen who required the same from another religion with all it's horrific consequences. It is completely unacceptable that nearly 60 years later history is repeating itself. We ask the following:
1. That the Taleban government is made aware in the strongest possible terms that the world will not countenance this perversion of human rights.
2. That prior to the United Nations and/or it's constituent members granting recognition of the Taleban government this obscene policy is reversed.
3. That the United Nations widen the terms of the trade sanctions currently in force.
1. Alastair Mitton - London UK
2. Robert Mitton - London UK
3. Paulette Budd - London UK
4. Andrew Peake - London UK
5. Pippa Howell - London UK
6. Cecile Kusters - Arnhem, the Netherlands
7. Sarah Malpas - London UK
8. Susan Donnelly - Newcastle UK
9. Paul Donnelly - London UK
10. Pauline Bartholomew - London UK
11. Is0bel McMillan London UK
12. Fiona Adamson
13. Minka Emina Kulenovic La Jolla, US
14. Cath Dolan, London, England
15. Liz Murphy, Murcia, Spain
16. William M. Rueter, Wisconsin, US
17. Jaclyn A. Knapper, Tennessee, US
18. Louise Morris, Tennessee, US
19. Joe Stoud, Matsuyama, Japan
20. Keiko Stroud, Matsuyama, Japan
21.Larry Asher, Nepal
22. Phyl Asher, Nepal
23. Reiny de Wit, Nepal
24. Helen Johnston, Nepal
25. Isaac Thompson, Northern Ireland
26. Anne Thompson, Northern Ireland
27. Paul Carter, Vancouver, Canada
28. Lois Carter, Vancouver, Canada
29. Bronwyn Short, Vancouver, Canada
30. David Short, Vancouver, Canada
31. Mark Calder, Sydney, Australia
32. Graham Wintle, Surbiton, UK
33. Geoff Chivers, Surbiton, UK
34. Derek Nathan New Malden UK
35. Mary Nathan New Malden UK
36 Rosalind Preston, London UK
37 Marlena Schmool, UK
38 Ephraim Borowski, Glasgow, UK
39. Ruth Warrens, London, UK
40. Anthony Warrens, London, UK
41. Ian Goodman, London, UK
42. Liz Lightstone, London, UK
43 Elizabeth Simpson, London UK
44. Dimitris Kioussis
45. John_Griffin
46. Hermann Bujard, Heidelberg, Germany
47. Regine Bujard, Heidelberg, Germany
48. Konrad Beyreuther, Heidelberg, Germany
49. Ursula Beyreuther, Heidelberg, Germany
50. Horst Simon, Heidelberg, Germany
51. Michael Brand, Dresden
52. Dorothea Brand, Dresden
53. Christoph Lorra, Dresden
54. Martin Stocker, London, UK
55. Walter St=FChmer, G=F6ttingen, Germany
56. Michael Hans, Bonn, Germany
57. Wolfgang Mueller, Berlin, Germany
58. Claude Wasterlain, Los Angeles, USA
59. Jerome Engel, Jr., Los Angeles, USA
60. Gyorgy Buzsaki, Millburn, NJ, USA
61. James M. Tepper, Boonton NJ USA
62. Harvey H. Feder, New York, NY USA
63. Steven J. Diner, New York, NY, USA
64. Michael Goodich, Haifa, IS
65. Frederic Goodich, Los Angles, CA
66. Richard Milton, Pacific Palisades, CA
67. Carol Milton, Pacific Palisades, CA
68. Bob Baxter, Pasadena, CA
69. Vince Hemingson, Vancouver, Canada
70. Nicholas Racz, Vancouver, Canada
71. Michele Matthews, Vancouver, Canada
72. Marshall Marinker, London, UK
73. John Gilbert, London, UK
74. Renata Langford, London, UK
75. Antonia Owen, London, UK
76. Julia Bell, London, UK
77. Nick Mickshik, London, UK
78. Julian Sims, London UK
79. Alvaro Homar, London UK
80. Jane Lamacraft, London UK
81. Katya Brightwell, London UK
82. Lee Freeman, London UK
83. Charlotte Chahrvin, London UK
84. Catherine Mackenzie, London UK
85. Markus Nisch, Berlin, Germany
86. Paul van Dyk, Berlin, Germany
from Berlin on 2001-09-18 21:21 [#00033867]

respond to this one please :) Thank You.
Sylvester Stallone
on 2001-09-18 21:43 [#00033868]

Oun darnt oont ta rood soomthung tart lung.
from NZ on 2001-09-18 21:45 [#00033869]

where's yer proof Quoth..TALEBAN are torturing and arresting every muslim man without a beard....didn't see any petitions going around about that...they are messed in the head that way...what's the deal with you here? Bombs not falling quick enough for you?We all know Afghanistan's gonna be blown to kingdom come..Bush's just got $40bn worth of schlong surgically grafted on and it's gotta spray fire sometime soon...So relax..you are gonna get yer non stop entertainment on the CNN..one way or the other..stop making a case for it..dig!..let's talk about some music
from Berlin on 2001-09-18 23:27 [#00033889]

"where's yer proof Quoth..." It ISN'T PROOF... that's why I said it was "junk" mail... I just happened to find it interesting.
"Taliban are torturing and arresting every muslim man without a beard....didn't see any petitions going around about that...they are messed in the head that way..." They also treat women like shit... something has to be done and I have belief that it has already happened.
"What's the deal with you here? Bombs not falling quick enough for you?We all know Afghanistan's gonna be blown to kingdom come..." -My deal with me here, is that people will actually listen to me and make me think. Not very often in my real life does this happen. I have to respectfully disagree that Afghanistan will be blown up. I do not agree in any kind of social cleansing effort, no matter what country/nation. IT's WRONG
from NZ on 2001-09-19 00:43 [#00033912]

just on the edge man forgiveness.. spend all day scouring any shred of news I can get..just pop on here to chill..an all I see is the impending doom here too..tis nerve wrecking thas' all
Berty Beatle
on 2001-09-19 01:23 [#00033918]

Well Flea, there's really no reason to act like a beaver's penis.
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-09-19 01:53 [#00033934]

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