from I lost it on 2001-09-18 11:21 [#00033746]

ok, let's start from the beginning... I love a girl, she don't love me... After some time she startz to love me to and we go out :) Years fly by... Then after 3 yearz she goes away on hollyday with some friendz.
I stay @ home coz I must work :(
After 1 week I see back an old girlfriend ov me. I was verry horny that night and... yeah, "we did it".
My girlfriend comez back from holliday, and I tell her the true storry. She getz SO pissed, she breaks up with me...
Ok, now for the new stuff...
So, she dumpz my ass over some stupid one night stand (something she did to me to once and I thought it was "ok", annywayz) she dumpz my ass BUT NOW, SHE ASKZ ME TO GO LIVE WITH HER !!!
What the F#### am I to do ????
1) I love her 2) I wonna be with her 3) I can't stand her not loving me 4) I donno what to do...
So come on you AFX cuntz, have some afx-acid and tell me, what is poor moogly to do now ?
Stay all alone, are move in with the girl I LIVE MOST OF ALL, but who sayz she don't love me no more...
WHAT AM I TO DO ?????????????
from @ see on 2001-09-18 11:23 [#00033748]

you loser
from h on 2001-09-18 11:30 [#00033751]

buy a dog.
Beards of Camera
from 89999 on 2001-09-18 11:31 [#00033752]

Buy some pornography and wait for someone else to come along.
from come on you cunt, have some aphex acid ! on 2001-09-18 11:44 [#00033753]

Yeah those are all great ideaz... But I allready have a lot ov porn, I don't really like dogs, and I hate to wait...
I think that I am gooing to do it...
on 2001-09-18 11:58 [#00033755]

Hold on, if she hates you so much, why does she want you to live with her? Your message was hard to understand due to bad spelling and grammar.
from venus on 2001-09-18 12:03 [#00033758]

well I can't spell... sorry about that. I'm just a dumb person. Annywayz, that is what I don't understand... You see she still lives with her mom and dad, and she wantz to MOVE !!! (normal no ?) But where to go ??? It's not easy to find a cheap please here in Paris and so... move'n in with me is "the best" I think.
She's just using me...
Beards of Camera
from 89999 on 2001-09-18 12:08 [#00033762]

Move in with her, because she'll bring a stream of women into the house. You can fuck all her mates, which will make up for the fact that she's using you. Everyone's a winner!
from fuck'n it with my ex'z girlfriendz ! on 2001-09-18 12:12 [#00033764]

Well I did think ov that ! Mmmm.... lotz and lotz ov pussy :) Thatz why I alwayz wanted an older sister. So she could bring home her friends.
Ooooooh poor me. You know, I am an HORNY devil, but I really do love that girl.
from usa on 2001-09-18 13:05 [#00033783]

there are millions of girls in the world pursue the one you love as far as you can but don't lose the plot
you should be able to get by without a partner after all just don't spread diseases
Mr T.
on 2001-09-18 18:38 [#00033828]

I don't pity da fool! You got what you deserved asshole.
Sylvester Stallone
on 2001-09-18 19:12 [#00033843]

Margly, Frunk loovs yargart.
from over thar on 2001-09-19 05:55 [#00034010]

moogly, if you listen to half of these dolts, you're going to get screwed over adn over again. don't move in with her. cut off the relationship. start a new.. move to a different town, a different STATE. don't fuck her friends!? as if you didn't have enough problems!
from over thar on 2001-09-19 19:22 [#00034259]

relfex, is there ever a time when i am not?
Bobby McGee
on 2001-09-19 19:29 [#00034261]

Moogly, you should become a homo sexual and resent women and live in a garbage bin and wear "Proud To Be Gay" shirts and work at K-Mart and stare at children and hang around primary school toilets and adopt an aborted fetus which you will come to call "son."
from Vancouver, B.C. on 2001-09-20 00:55 [#00034448]

Moogly: DON'T move out with her...she's just looking for an escape partner. She wants to get out of her parents house right? That should be an indication that she is gonna use your ass and throw it away when she gets her feet on the ground....it happened to me dude.
She cheats on you, you got over it. You cheat on her, she dumps you.
from Vancouver, B.C. on 2001-09-20 00:57 [#00034449]

and don't listen to these chaps....they're wack.
Caucasian Slouch
on 2001-09-20 01:17 [#00034454]

Have her assassinated.
from Vancouver, B.C. on 2001-09-20 06:29 [#00034507]

Just the advice you were giving was wack. [reflex]: Give me some credit on the "you are wack thing" You must realize....I am insane.... Help G!
from Vancouver, B.C. on 2001-09-20 06:30 [#00034509]

This topic is fun....make it better REFLEXINATOR
from Vancouver, B.C. on 2001-09-20 06:32 [#00034511]

Toffee is fun.....
I live under the porch packed with egg shells.....
from @ see on 2001-09-20 10:36 [#00034592]

Ok, I made up my mind... I'm MOVING IN WITH HER !!!!!!
This will be my death, but I'm gooing to do it !
from UK on 2001-09-20 12:10 [#00034603]

Hi everyone! Haven't been about for a while coz it's busy at work.
Moog: What do you really want to do? From all the information you've given us it seems like she doesnt know what she wants. Tell her to Cool the whole thing off for about a month, she can decide what she really wants and then she can come back and tell you.
I dont know either of you so this advice is pretty invalid. :( But thats what I would do.
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