Barrett, Syd
on 2001-09-18 07:43 [#00033600]

This is for random talk. No fighting in here.
Who's on right now?
Corey Feldman
on 2001-09-18 07:50 [#00033610]

You just wanna know so that you can argue with me.
on 2001-09-18 07:52 [#00033612]

Barrett, Syd
from T Dot on 2001-09-18 08:05 [#00033627]

Corey Fieldman....
He was great in the burbs. which has tom hanks. who was in saving private ryan.
which i just watched. it's a very good war movie.
Barrett, Syd
from T Dot on 2001-09-18 08:27 [#00033648]

I'm dying to see Apocolypse now: Redux. It's comming out to dvd very shortly but i'm not sure if i should get it because it's pretty bare in special features and i'm worried a better version may come out some time down the road. happens all the time and any big dvd collector will tell you it's the one thing that pisses them off the most, and the one thing no one I REPEAT NO ONE can escape from . just like purple toads. but that's a whole 'nother story.
enemy at the gates was good. i think saving private ryan was better. and i'm a big stanley kubrick fan but full metal jacket i don't think is my favourite war movie, tho it is very good... platoon is very good as well.
i'd have to say that the directors cut of DAS BOOT is the best war movie ever. 3 and a half hours of germans yelling in a world war 2 sub, trying desprately not to die....
no other sub movie comes close.
Barrett, Syd
from T Dot on 2001-09-18 08:51 [#00033668]

I probally will.
How about this for good will hunting 2?
Good Will Hunting 2: Hunting Season
fuckin a.
Barrett, Syd
from T Dot on 2001-09-18 09:19 [#00033690]

I want to see that movie. Is it any good?
from europe on 2001-09-18 09:56 [#00033713]

apocalypse now was great, and i cannot wait to see the redux version. but, uh-oh, saving private ryan...
hey, 'burbs was great. did anyone discover that there's this a military fanatic with the name Rumsfield in this movie? just like this secretary of defense Rumsfeld? But this time the enemy is not 'Queenie!' or the Dr, Klopek, his brother Ruby and Hans 'Pinocchio' Klopek...
ricky 'Yo Mr. Rumsfield!', art weingartner and ray peterson, these really were great folks. they brought back order and justice to the neighbourhood. yo!
Frank Stallone
on 2001-09-18 18:43 [#00033831]

I hated Saving Private Ryan. The Thin Red Line, I liked. Tom Hanks is a bitch.
Frank Stallone
on 2001-09-18 18:45 [#00033832]

You know before an album is released, how fake tracks circulate the internet. Bjork's Vespertine, did anyone hear the the instrumental "Harm Of Will" which wasn't actually Harm Of Will?
Sylvester Stallone
on 2001-09-18 18:46 [#00033833]

Art ya yargart, Frunk.
Barrett, Syd
on 2001-09-18 18:49 [#00033834]

Thin Red Line was fantastic. I like how Woody Harelson dies in it.
My back fucking hurts.
I like SE7EN. It's a fun little movie for the kids, that the parents can enjoy too.
Frank Stallone
on 2001-09-18 18:54 [#00033837]

He blows his butt off, not his back. Damn you, have you seen La Luna?
Barrett, Syd
from T Dot on 2001-09-18 18:58 [#00033838]

I never said he blew his back off. i said that MY back hurts.
no i haven't seen la luna.
have you seen pornography? great stuff!
Sylvester Stallone
on 2001-09-18 19:02 [#00033841]

Frunk oos ar boosood, Lar Larnoo os prarty mooch parn, ya shard art yargart.
from NZ on 2001-09-18 21:59 [#00033872]

so much for various topics..admit it Syd..you gots War on yer brain..yer remote finger's itchy fer some swift channel flippin action of third world countries bein blown to bits..me..I got my guts full of it..and I need a break..still can't contact my family at home so I am stay off stuff talkin about war..f.l.e.a out
from Fruitville on 2001-09-18 22:12 [#00033875]

Flea, stop annoying people.
from UK on 2001-09-18 22:28 [#00033881]

Yeah, Enemy at the Gates was a really good surprise, great film.
Don't like Apocalypse Now, seeing that cow get macheted was very unpleasant, and it looked very real.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-19 00:01 [#00033900]

Loogie: I think it was real. That movie is killer.. ok then.... how about Platoon? that was kick ass
from UK on 2001-09-19 00:06 [#00033903]

Yes I liked Platoon. I didn't think Full Metal Jacket was very Kubrick though.
I've heard good things about Hamburger Hill.. any good?
what is redux version of AN?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-19 00:07 [#00033904]

Redux verison has 40 extra minutes of film! it add SO much more to it. completly different movie. more disturbing.
Hamburger Hill yes...... its pretty fuckin cool!
Check Jacobs Ladder as well.. not really a war movie.. but still is kinda. VERY awsome.
from UK on 2001-09-19 00:14 [#00033906]

AN was worth it for "I love the smell of napalm in the morning!" and "The horror" a phrase we use a lot when we see a minger.
MORE disturbing ?!?!?!!?
Yeah, seen Jacobs Ladder... really did my head in for days... very profound
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-19 00:44 [#00033913]

Loogie: YES - more disturbing. It really adds to the insanity of Kurtz {Brando} and the Lt.s infatuation for him. Its really quite fucked up
from UK on 2001-09-19 00:53 [#00033916]

Maybe I'll wait for a friend to buy it...
What other good war films are there? not interested in the gung ho ones.
Berty Beatle
on 2001-09-19 01:21 [#00033917]

Weekend At Bernies 4: Bernie Visits Vietnam is good.
on 2001-09-19 01:32 [#00033919]

Jacobs ladder is a great film...anybody heard the new tori amos cover album? got it today, i think it'S going to take time to grow on me..
parhelic teapot
from yeesland on 2001-09-19 01:39 [#00033921]

everyone should know that the best movie of all time is in fact Dancer In The Dark
and the best albums of all time are Ae's Confield and Nin's Fragile.
you cannot dispute.
Rustopher Krussel
from New York on 2001-09-19 01:46 [#00033928]

yes parhelic teapot, dancer in the dark is a good film, but a wee bit depressing. well, I guess that's not really a bad thing... Is the world trade center thing really big news in Europe? everyone here is shocked. I know some peeps that were in the building when the plane hit on the south tower...
parhelic teapot
from yeesland on 2001-09-19 01:53 [#00033936]

im not in europe, im in australia. the new york tragedy has given the australia a chance to believe that it is important to be involved in world issues. they put their military on high alert for some reason.
oh and you cant dispute coz its my opinion, im sure you can dispute and in fact, you can dispute it.
Crocodile Dundee
on 2001-09-19 01:58 [#00033943]

Teapot is a catpenis. No one in Australia really cares all that much about the World Trade Centre, it only made our main paper's front page twice, now we're on to covering the cricket.
parhelic teapot
from yeesland on 2001-09-19 02:02 [#00033949]

yeah theres some truth in that, but i don't think you needed to call me names cumsock.
Sylvester Stallone
on 2001-09-19 02:06 [#00033951]

Ya, ders nar nard ta carl da Arsaliens narms.
on 2001-09-19 03:27 [#00033971]

dancer in the dark is my favorite movie..:)
Sylvester Stallone
on 2001-09-19 04:29 [#00033989]

Rarmba ars mar farvart marvoo.
from Canada on 2001-09-19 04:31 [#00033990]

I ate some cake today. it was yummy
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