from slovlery on 2001-09-18 02:41 [#00033399]

Wow he rocks hurray for George! 86% approval rating and Dan quayle still gaining acceptance.. haha
ok the last part was George Sr. yippee for American we rule USA USA
I love all Americans, Arabians, Indians, Pakistanis all are great Americans, stop racial prejudice now!!
from mike on 2001-09-18 03:03 [#00033421]

IGNANT * Do you love the tens of thousands of black and hispanic Americans who were wiped from the electoral register by Bush's brother in the southern states , significantly Florida. I wonder if THEY approve of Bush ? The decision of the US to walk out of the Durban international conference on racism along with Israel 11 days ago may not have further endeared the US to the Islamic majority in the world , but it will have surprised few of those who had their vote disregarded in Florida :-/
Fuck teletubbys, this is real politics :-)
from feefee on 2001-09-18 03:13 [#00033424]

funny how the only votes they cared about there the ones in the select counties, not the entire state, if they really believed it they should of demanded an entire state recount, but now just these select few democratic counties.. um no sorry that's not how it works, and if they cared so much about votes why so many military over seas votes thrown out?? hmm and why didn't they want to recount states like MI. or Il, and a couple others that had suppose voter errors in the 10 or 12% margin of error, I will tell you, they one those states, why recount them? stupid,
and for a fact they recounted all the votes after the election by unbiased parties in the media and of both sided, and sorry bush still one. and if the one ballet you are sure to bring up that had all those retards voting wrong supposedly, wasn't made and approved by a democrats then I would say maybe they had a point there.. so haha there haws that
from feefee on 2001-09-18 03:18 [#00033426]

as far as Israel goes, a meeting on racism or terrorism, and was it a UN meeting or some crazy hair brained meeting set-up by the Palestinians after very serious attacks to Israel about a week or two prior? The Jewish government is smart, they don't retaliate again the people but against the military, but the Palestinians attack malls and restaurants.. why??
from mars on 2001-09-18 03:28 [#00033429]

no,ignant; i am talking about the private surveillance company employed in Louisiana, Georgia and Florida by Jeb Bush and the lovely brunette who had the casting vote in Florida. They were hired by the Republicans to blacklist people from the register of voters who had out-of-state felonies, traffic offences , jail term history etc... against their name. 90% of those removed in this way were ethnic minorities; And yet as many as 70,000 of them were in actual fact ILLEGALLY blacklisted; ie. had the right to vote unlawfully removed by dirty tricks. Remember the democratic world is led by a man who less than 1% of the world voted for,(and only 1 in 5 Americans) yet you say approval ratings are 87%?????? you guys sure are easily pleased.
from mukes on 2001-09-18 03:36 [#00033431]

i don't suppose you heard about israeli aggression in Hebron last week? 10 Palestinians murdered by israeli troops in an offensive on a palestinian community, the day after the WTC attack. Of couse the worlds attention was diverted by New York. Anyway, in America you only get one version of the facts. Heres some ;
250.000 Iraqi civilians killed by allied bombing 1991-93 600,000 Iraqi children starved to death by US sanctions on food , and even worse, MEDECINE
and who can forget the 3000 refugees massacred in Beirut by the Lebanese under the authorization of Israels then military co-ordinator Ariel Sharon.
and you wonder why the terrorists come ????
from feefee on 2001-09-18 03:58 [#00033436]

Israel is not perfect, they may target military and get civilions, whose to say,(Stop putting military targets in fron of schools sillies) the other stuff you posted about the voting sounded like somthing you read out of national democratic, I have heard many of the same statements blamed upon the democrates as well, back and forth, blah blah blah...ok like picking up the homeless and hobos and giving them cigs for a vote for good ol Gore, and then in some voting posts allowing them to vote not only once but up to five times, gee thanks. and in St louis, hey lets call the judges and have him reopen the voting booths after they were closed becuase the lines were to long. or (Gore was losing in other words). come on.. its all been read reread and dealt with Bush WON get over it and move on with your life, maybe ol Gore with his new Beard will have a better chance at getting the true blooded American vote, maybe if in the debates he didnt change his whole personality during each won to aapease whome ever he may of had a better chance, as afar as the popular vote goes, blah, we go by ELECTORAL VOTE, read my lipe ELECTRORAL votes so actuall he won more states, and got more electoral votes which is what counts like it did back when Truman won, than ol Gore the bore with the beard.
Well if they would stop walking into the Israely malls and bars and blowing up innocent poeple then there wouldnt be such retalitation, again its back and forth, so whats the answer? Uinte people quite complaining about the past move on and make the future a better place, appreciate the president you have, I would have to if it was Gore, even if he did steal it like he tried to.
haha ok
from feefee on 2001-09-18 04:00 [#00033438]

and whose fault is it the US or Hussein, um point the finger in the right direction.
why does he starve his people, he is a evil dictator, he is a stupid crazy insane man..he obviously doesnt care about them or he woul follow UN rules, but no stubburn to poverty regardless of his people, thats just sad...
from mosh on 2001-09-18 04:09 [#00033443]

you fought Iraq for oil. you werent there to help East Timor . 97% of people in the West Bank are Palestinian and want to have it as thier homeland. thats a majority vote of 33 to 1. You live in the land of democracy. Do you agree ?
from feefee on 2001-09-18 04:14 [#00033446]

gee how much land do they want, they just gave them a big chuck to shut em' up they agreed then started terrorists attack again, hy, they want more.. come on, why they always picking on Israel, they so big "97% of people in the West Bank are Palestinian " yet they cant seem they want more land and more of Israel's God given Land.. sorry..
you have enough maybe ship Israel where what do you suggest?
Democratic yes, run now by republicans, no fight for Oil, most the oil was burned up by ol Hussien any ways, help the crying plea of Kuwait from raping and slavery, whats wrong with that?
from monged on 2001-09-18 04:26 [#00033454]

stop the rape and slavery and massacre in East Timor then instead of continuing , along with Britain , to supply 80% of all arms to the oppressors./.......Fuck theres no easy answers
lets not argue , your views are fine; ps. on a lighter note; there were 77 allied troops killed in the gulf war . That means if we had sent 78 men out there we would have still won that thing.... ..there would have been one guy coming home in a ticker-tape procession , being played the star spangled banner and waving to the crowd calling out, proudly, "It was me. I won it. ME!!" :-)
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-09-18 04:28 [#00033458]

Bush is one big fuckin moron of a cowboy, end of story. He's America's scariest man. How anyone could vote for that cowboy is missing all of his/her braincells.
Whats even more emberassing are his pathetic dumbfuck patriotic patriotic speeches.
The whole world laughs whenever he opens his mouth. Even Dick Cheney talks far more sense then cowboy Bush does..
from feefee on 2001-09-18 04:33 [#00033462]

to the lsat post: aww.. I only laugh when you open your mouth, he is obviously smarter than you. sitting back all smug in your lazy boy, flipping channles agreeing with whom ever says what..
Melody: yeah I agree with you both sides have valid points, somthing to think about in the future, funny about the 1 guy ticker tape parade thing.. funny and sad
At least you only laugh when he speaks, with Gore I laugh every time I see his big bearded face.
from mishaddad on 2001-09-18 04:35 [#00033464]

he's got his finger on the button alright ; "Tell me when lord, Tell me when". They waited til the least capable most error-prone dumb-ass got in power before striking. "WE still live in a dangerous world" he said. thanks to you you fucker.....
from feefee on 2001-09-18 04:40 [#00033467]

aww: no thanks to terroist, no button pushing, just terrosit punishing hopefully.
why is it, planes go into WTC and Bush is ass, its CLintons fault he wanted all the CIA, FBI, military cut-backs, not Bush...maybe if he would of pulled his head out and got this country more secure, this wouldnt have happened. Bush hasnt even been pres for a year yet, takes time to make transitions. Hey I got my tax relief check, thanks Bush Jr. Clinton could of used it to help the chinese build more nucleaur facilities, what did ol Clinton do over there in China anyways? where did all that money go hmmm.. didnt they help get him re-elected in his second term?
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