from mars on 2001-09-18 00:11 [#00033286]

what Bush 2nd deserves right now is Bill Hicks performing his take on this new "War" thing. His stuff on the "Gulf War Distraction" is some of the best shit anyone has ever said....... Bill Hicks 1961-1994; rest in peace but make a comeback soon :-)
on 2001-09-18 00:41 [#00033310]

on 2001-09-18 00:43 [#00033312]

bill hicks die"convieniently" in under 6 months of cancer, this was after months of his bashing the "BUSH" whenever he had a microphone. His deeper message was that the government that is in control is not what we are able to see, the government that is in control are people who want to eliminate freedom of speech and other civil liberties because it poses a threat to their lives.
That being said, G Bush Jr shouldn't have one this election, i am not saying that Gore should have. Bush was hand picked by a stronger force.
This stronger force is the one that allowed this to happen to america, the end result it clear
AMERICANS/Socitey if you want your freedom and safety to be ensured, you must allow us to enforce your way of living
and what does the average american at the airport say?
I dont mind being told what to do because its for my safety.
Thats the mentality that they want us to have,
keep us afraid, keep us stupid
Give us a scapegoat - Osama
kill him and we will be happy to do as you say because you are the great saviors.
Anyone who believes that AFGANASTAN can do real damage is just stupid. The people in charge are not americans but they can easily destroy the enemies and keep the "super powers" population subdued in hope of showing the world how to act civilized.
Bin laden is no threat, afganastan is not a threat, the people who allowed this to happen are the threat to our society and our freedom
why does the CIA have so much classified information when it is obvious that they really dont know anything?
Winning this war would be quick this way --- Nuke attack afganastan and offer Bush up as a sacrifice to the world as their retribution. Then there would be no loss of innocent life. The RDJ could assume the position of president.
from fooby on 2001-09-18 00:44 [#00033313]

I think he is handling it great, and so does most America with a %86 approval rating of how he is handling this tragedy, very good, best man for the job I say..
from fooby on 2001-09-18 00:46 [#00033316]

mick is clearly retarted, no one in Israel is complaining over there strict airport rules and regulations, not onw plane has been hi-jacked from the El-Al, we need to learn from them.. they rule more power to Israel
Bill HIcks
from Houston Texas on 2001-09-18 00:49 [#00033318]

and you are and inadvertant tool to keep society stupid,
he wasn't talking about GBUSHjr, he was talking about G BUSH SR
from fooby on 2001-09-18 00:53 [#00033322]

That being said, G Bush Jr shouldn't have one this election, i am not saying that Gore should have. Bush was hand picked by a stronger force.
this is what Mick stated.. so um yes he was talking about bush jr. read the resat of his statement moron.
Bill HIcks
from Houston Texas on 2001-09-18 00:57 [#00033323]

NO, bill hicks was not talking about George bush Jr, during his lifetime he spoke out against Gbush sr, So um, um um, um idiot
Bill HIcks
from Houston Texas on 2001-09-18 01:00 [#00033325]

and of course no one is complaining, thats what is supposed to happen, start taking the civil liberties away in such an event and watch them not complain, they say that the world will never be the same,
we dont own the world, we are a by product of its existance and in a few billion years, this earth will cease to be, i not saying that this should have happend, but why did it happen? the government clearly has no real control of what could possibly happen, unless of course they do, which wouldn't be much of a suprise.
from fooby on 2001-09-18 01:07 [#00033334]

things happen you want more control people bitch you want less people bitch and die.. so things happend, blah blah blah an American Goverment plot.. everytimg I swear its always fanatics going at it over the gov. this and that.. get a grip.
Bill HIcks
from Houston Texas on 2001-09-18 01:10 [#00033338]

nobody said this was an american government plot, the government is being kept stupid and because of that, so is the news, and because of that so is the public and because of that so are you
, this isn't a militant belief, this is reality.
from fooby on 2001-09-18 01:13 [#00033342]

nope sorry your nutso... complain comlain what would you do to make this country so much better since you know it all...
Bill HIcks
from Houston Texas on 2001-09-18 01:16 [#00033347]

first I would work on your grammer,
and to call some text nutso is crazy,
Bill HIcks
from Houston Texas on 2001-09-18 01:18 [#00033348]

im just so scared, my tears make it hard for me to speell correctly
from fooby on 2001-09-18 01:18 [#00033349]

To Nutso:
yipeee... so I type to fast and dont spell check big deal, seems my point still getting across to ya.
still didnt answer my question complainer..
from max on 2001-09-18 01:29 [#00033366]

*******GOVERNMENT ANNOUNCEMENT********** "" Go back to bed America. You're government is in control" " Go back to bed, we've worked out how it all transpired" " One man in a tent did it." "One man who we know very well because we used to pay his wages" " He was a good terrorist then because he was on our side; Go back to bed and watch TV instead"
"Here; Heres American Gladiators ; Heres 58 channels of it ; Sit down and watch these retards bash each others heads in and congratulate YOU on living in the land of FREEDOM'
ignant to his apocalyptic pal: "Hey, dude , i just saw the news , they figured out how it all happened ..... Yeah, this man was.. err..in a tent and ..... he was getting ..paid .... and ,,,,,... HEY, DUDE , WHAT TIMES AMERICAN GLADIATORS ON ???????"
(i bet Bill is glad he doesn't have to share air with these morons )
from fooby on 2001-09-18 01:39 [#00033377]

haha yawn, ok Wake up Stupid Idiots that watch to many movies and cant believe a guy once working with us to fight the russians turned on us in anger becuase he hates everything we stand for.
why did we work with one guy in a tent for so long and train him to fight against the evil communist regime, if thats all he is in the first place.. hmmm
Ever heard of a master mind? I can see your mind is a little disloved quit watching the goverment plot movies, they are not real its a moive.
American gladiators was a little stupid I did like the surivor seriuos though the first one not the one where they went to Australia that was all planned out.
I am going to England in Nov. unless the government stops me I mean they keep planting this dont fly sublminal message into my head but I keep shrugging it off.. damn them all..
haha what a psycho!!
from fooby on 2001-09-18 01:42 [#00033381]

things happen you want more control people bitch you want less people bitch and die.. so things happend, blah blah blah an American Goverment plot.. everytimg I swear its always fanatics going at it over the gov. this and that.. get a grip.
from fooby on 2001-09-18 01:42 [#00033382]

ok I got to go to bed the tv told me so..
from mars on 2001-09-18 01:47 [#00033384]

my mind is alittle disloved ?
from slpey on 2001-09-18 01:51 [#00033386]

no its dissolved.. what are you grading my work now..that's all you can think of is a misspelling? ok its official I win the argument.. hurrah for my side
footnote: use spell check
from slovlery on 2001-09-18 01:58 [#00033388]

melody: "alittle" Me: haha got you its "a little" silly can't spell moron.
from moos on 2001-09-18 02:04 [#00033389]

IGNANT....i prefer "You're mind is disloved" ..... i genuinely think "disloved " actually makes your argument sound more convincing than "dissolved". Maybe i HAVE learned to question agencies of social control because my mind is "Disloved"; maybe more love would have turned me into an avid flag-waver, i JUST DON'T KNOW,..... But DISSOLVED ??? that just sounds weird.
from slovlery on 2001-09-18 02:06 [#00033390]

ok disloved.. are you disloved I am sorry Iwasnt trying to be mean.. good points I hope you feel better
from mash on 2001-09-18 02:27 [#00033394]

No you don't hope i feel better ! Liar !!!! You've been trying to "dissolve my mind" for the last half hour with your annoying apologies for Dubya Bush whom i have as much respect for as the turd that dropped out my ass earlier today.
You must really hate me. Now i AM disloved. And i feel better already...........
from slovlery on 2001-09-18 02:29 [#00033395]

haha ok goody goddy angry bitter person who is disloved and has a dissolved head, brain ego.. tee hee
from slovlery on 2001-09-18 02:33 [#00033396]

we should switch names except you should be IGNORANT, because that what you are.. read more books and get some brain power.. yours had been sucked out by bad movies and junk food..
ok I am mean and disloving you.. I am sorry.. do you feel better now?
even with peace offering bitter melody attacks with anger.. wow crazy nutso person with hate in heart.. to bad for you.. love let love rule..
from slovlery on 2001-09-18 02:37 [#00033397]

Bush jr. for presidnet for ever, he is the best hurray for american yippee.. hurray for UK yippee hurray for Europe yippe..
USA USA.. down down negative melody with opinion of vegetable in Bin Laden salad, he is eating at your head right now.. yumm yumm melody taste good buying evey word of mine.. mmm mmm mmm.
haha I am so funny and clever
jack duckworth
from the final word on 2001-09-18 04:46 [#00033477]

you are a nonce
from feefee on 2001-09-18 04:47 [#00033480]

thats was funny wasnt it... nonce is good right?
Clobe Smith
from over here on 2001-09-18 07:43 [#00033599]

i am going to make a film about bill hicks.
Barrett, Syd
on 2001-09-18 07:44 [#00033602]

can i star as bill hicks?
Clobe Smith
from over here on 2001-09-18 07:45 [#00033605]

on 2001-09-18 10:04 [#00033714]

We only have US intelligence's word that the hijackers are in any way linked to Bin Laden.
Beards of Camera
from 89999 on 2001-09-18 11:00 [#00033729]

Experts on bin Laden say he didn't do it. EXPERTS on the fucker. He says he didn't do it. There's no proof he did it.
Why does nobody mention this?
dick cheney
from my own dick on 2001-09-18 11:24 [#00033749]

he does seem to live in a tent though. theres 87% approval ratings for a war on tents currently your government has spoken
from Trondheim/Bodø (Norway) on 2003-03-11 05:52 [#00590105]
Points: 8062 Status: Lurker

from out (Netherlands, The) on 2003-03-11 05:54 [#00590108]
Points: 10000 Status: Addict

would make a great couple
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