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Loudon Wainwright on 2001-09-17 05:10 [#00032799]

Call the album "Droppin' Out Of Da World Trade Centre Like A


teapot from brisbane on 2001-09-17 05:10 [#00032800]

regurgitator are a shit band, and powderfinger live down the
road from me, they are grade A geezers.


Banky from Red Bank, NJ on 2001-09-17 05:11 [#00032801]

Have a picture of a hooker killing a small child on the
cover. the image fits your songs perfectly.


teapot from brisbane on 2001-09-17 05:11 [#00032802]

now now, lets not make a mockery out of the WTC shite..


Holden from Red Bank, NJ on 2001-09-17 05:12 [#00032803]

No fuck that. put a picture of a huge amount of coke on a
models tit. nipple to nipple lines.......


Captian Slipknot on 2001-09-17 05:13 [#00032805]

did someone say something about coke and hookers?

fuck i need a drink.


Banky from Red Bank, NJ on 2001-09-17 05:14 [#00032808]

Have a picture of a man fucking a small duck


teapot from brisbane on 2001-09-17 05:14 [#00032809]

all these amazing ideas... how can i thank you?


Holden from Red Bank, NJ on 2001-09-17 05:14 [#00032810]

fuck that. a crackpipe. a crackpipe and a severed testicle.


Banky from Red Bank, NJ on 2001-09-17 05:15 [#00032812]

I want to fuck Elizabeth Hurley


Holden from Red Bank, NJ on 2001-09-17 05:16 [#00032813]

Me too. Me too.


Boris on 2001-09-17 05:16 [#00032814]

A Human bong with the guys penis hollowed.


Banky from Red Bank, NJ on 2001-09-17 05:18 [#00032816]

I'm going to get an old 1970 cadaliac and drive down to
texas. fick some hot bitches.... do some coke, fucking some
more hookers, then drive myself into a fucking brick wall.


Barrett, Syd from Toronto on 2001-09-17 05:19 [#00032817]

I want to write the great american novel.


teapots father on 2001-09-17 05:20 [#00032818]



A man with a hole in his penis on 2001-09-17 05:20 [#00032819]



teapot from brisbane on 2001-09-17 05:21 [#00032820]

but its 2:27pm!


Taliban = Evil on 2001-09-17 05:27 [#00032825]

fuck me hard and hard and hard and hard and long you fruit.

and listen to your dada. go to BED!


Tampax Compak on 2001-09-17 05:27 [#00032826]

Would you shove a shampoo bottle up my ass if i asked you


fluffy bunny from mm on 2001-09-17 05:28 [#00032827]

I'm down loading comply right now ..

will let you know what i think shortly


Captian Slipknot on 2001-09-17 05:30 [#00032830]

just stream it you fucking lush.


fluffy bunny from mm on 2001-09-17 05:50 [#00032842]

Suck a big fat one capt'n -- no offence of course!


The Trix Rabbit from onionville on 2001-09-17 07:10 [#00032863]

Okay, I'm actually listening this time. It's quite funny but
this whole thread just snowballed. You see, Duff Man gives
reviews like that, he said his head fell off when listening
to some other persons song.. but you took that seriously.
Then Kool-Aid Man came in and was upset only that Duff Man
was getting all the attention, probably because he's
alchaholic, the bastard. You misinterpreted that as
offensive too. Then Evenkern made a post, and I have to
admit his music is dead sexy... and everyone helped in
bashing you... because it's fun, especially for someone with
a name like that...


Trix Rabbit: armed and dangerous from will kill anything in his path for trix on 2001-09-17 07:26 [#00032864]

Comply is pretty nice. It sounds like a melody was created
but then the structure was taken to outer space for about 15
seconds so that the lack of gravity made the notes drift out
of place and away from eachother a little bit.

Qestios has some weird drones and for some reason the
panning works even though it's low fi. It doesn't really
give an impression of a tight organization like the above
song. There's a tone here and there, they sound pretty good
in their positions, but they don't sound rhythmically
specifically placed. The drums are white noise bursts. The
beats are really important in music, try making them more
complicated and intricate and scrambled up to make
symmetrical reconstructions of the same prototype beat. You
could argue that it's ambient and so should be slower,

Sleet starts rich in sound like the recorded rustling of
leaves, a pipe organ and an unknown animal rustling the
bushes simultaneously. Then weak drums come in from some
little guy that is using a brick to pound on a piece of wood
and a piece of metal alternatingly in a simple pattern (but
to him it's pretty complicated) It's quite funny when this
drum pattern gets glitchy when the percussion units glitch
out, because it doesn't work with such a primitive beat.
After that it got quite noisy and I had to turn it off.

Pedestal has equally rich sound as above for a start, but
this time it's the sound of one of the machines in willy
wonkas factory that makes ever lasting gobstoppers, and two
different types of futuristic electronic gizmos playing
simultaneously. The drums are quite weak again. This sounds
like Bagpipe Man vs. Bouncy robot Sandwich man. My main
suggestion is to make more intricate interesting drums, your
strength is your rich sounding, never repeating ambient
sounds but you can change your style anytime to anything you


Duff Man from Springfeild on 2001-09-17 07:35 [#00032867]




teapot. from brisbane on 2001-09-17 10:46 [#00032914]

ok maybe i did take it too seriously, anyway, thanks for the
indepth review, it was insightful :)


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