from In my head on 2001-09-13 21:06 [#00031564]

Okay whose first ...my lass is lush-enough said
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 21:08 [#00031565]

mine just called me.
from In my head on 2001-09-13 21:11 [#00031567]

Well get to it then Syd:)
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 21:12 [#00031568]

we're having phone sex.
no. not really.
she's asking me what i want. a couple dvds or gran tourismo 3.
fuckin girls.
: )
from In my head on 2001-09-13 21:15 [#00031570]

The best Ive got out of my lass this week has been 2 slaps and a knee to the groin for looking/staring rather too long at other girls while out with her...heh
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 21:17 [#00031571]

wear sunglasses. they can't tell then : )
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 21:37 [#00031578]

Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 21:42 [#00031584]

not all are bad. most. not all.
from G on 2001-09-13 21:51 [#00031588]

I'm too psychologically disturbed to form any sort of meaningful relationship with another person, plus there's no point in further populating the world with the miseralbe likes of my genes or the genes of anyone else that could be classified as human.
from a giraffes throat on 2001-09-13 22:22 [#00031596]

women...can't stand 'em, but can't fuck without them.
from In my head on 2001-09-13 22:39 [#00031604]

Sad Cunts:(
from In my head on 2001-09-13 22:43 [#00031605]

I doubt you've been close enough to one to even form an opinion about them :) Internet Porn doesn't count:)
from a giraffes throat on 2001-09-13 23:56 [#00031620]

it doesn't. oh. i'm sorry. (rub,rub,rub...)
the gurl with the stupid raver gurl site
from where the grass is always greener on 2001-09-14 00:11 [#00031625]

well... well... well... Reflex you hate women? that is really disappointing because I really thought .... well... nevermind,
It's not just girls who suck, guys suck too, well not all of them, I guess what I'm really trying to say is that you can't judge everyone like that, I am not a bitch, or a slut... not even the littlest bit, I guess it's because I understand males more than females, sorry guys I'm babbling...
from cold and balmy seattle on 2001-09-14 01:51 [#00031633]

girls... cant live with em... pass the beer. actually, i cant see why anyone would want to be with anything but girls. guys are all stinky and hairy and loud. girls are soft and pretty and nice smelling (well, some girls anyway). even if i were a girl, i think i would still prefer girls.
oh and also, girls got boobs. i like boobs. oh and my girl likes aphex twin and movies so i am pretty set up.
George Lucas
on 2001-09-14 01:56 [#00031635]

You may not believe this, you may already know about this though. But you know Jar Jar Binks from The Phantom Menace, well, for the franchise thing they have alot of shit and action figures and among them was a Jar Jar Binks human size blow-up doll; and it had some sort of blow-up sex doll sort of things like a realistic mouth, i think, I didn't see what they look like but I can imagine. Anyway, it was supposed to be just a blow up Jar Jar Binks thing for kids to play with in the pool or something, and kids had sex with it and it was later taken of the shelves, recalled because of this.
And I guess mothers found out because they saw it happen or something, then they reported it. I don't know.
the gurl with tha stupid raver girl site
from inbetween the lines on 2001-09-14 07:03 [#00031717]

well... If you want to know what I was going to say I think it's time you e-mailed me for once dont you think?
I was thinking that we should do something real soon ;) and um ya, so e-mail me aight?
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-14 07:11 [#00031722]

can i email you as well? i saw your website and am very strongly attracted to this particular hottie in the pictures section i want you to hook me up with!
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-14 07:13 [#00031725]

it's not her that i want.... ; )
on 2001-09-14 08:29 [#00031797]

I'm starting to understand the physical and emotional reaction men feel toward women... I didn't at first, but now I understand that it's the same way I feel about penguins. Do you get all tingly and funny feeling? Yep, that's the way penguins make me feel... I love that feeling, I wish I lived in the North Pole, I hear they have "emperor" penguins there, WHOA MAMA!
on 2001-09-14 08:33 [#00031803]

I hear the Emporor Penguin is a real bitch though(and a slut - I hear she once fucked four married penguins at one, she was going down on them like a seal).
on 2001-09-14 08:36 [#00031805]

I want to get a cuddly little mate and take turns hatching eggs on our feet.
on 2001-09-14 10:05 [#00031897]

women are the most dangerous thing on the face of the planet. they are collectively a far more threatening force to male humans than anything else on this planet. i am about 90% sure that a woman will be either directly or indirectly responsible for my death, to a great extent. they hurt you, they lie to you, they lie to themselves, they talk about your private personal things to other people, they cheat on you, they trap you into getting into arguments with them, they deceive you, and so on and so on. yet in spite of all this, WE LOVE WOMEN!! they're so fucking beautiful and they sound and smell so nice, and they feel good too. i could not possibly live without women in this world, they are one my favorite things, even in light of all the bad experiences i've had with them. every time one hurts me, i think the answer is to go find another one. i suppose the point of what i'm saying here in all this rambling is that the subject of women is a confusing and painful one for me. but i have to admit, it is much better than all this talk about you-know-what.
---disclaimer--- by pointing out some of the things women are notorious for, i am not saying that they are the only creatures with these characteristic traits (as it may have sounded like i was). i acknowledge that men act much the same way at times too. i'm only venting anger, so pay it no mind.
from perth on 2001-09-14 15:49 [#00031959]

the girls i know are hilarious. i dont understand why so many guys want girls that listen to idm....basically i dont care what they listen to as long as they laugh a lot and get pissed with us.
Purr Sent
from Cat Fractions on 2001-09-14 16:27 [#00031961]

Wow, some of the men on here have freeeeaky fucking views on women....
I like women, and I love my girlfriend. I think, generally, that women behave better than most men. There are exceptions, but thats what they are, exceptions.
I'm surprised any of you ever get laid at all with attitudes like that. Maybe that's root of your problems! Talk it through with the group. Let's emote. Group hug.
Captian Slipknot
from www.mp3.com/chaka015 on 2001-09-14 18:24 [#00031964]

We need to organise a camp to turn these panzys into MEN don't you think?
Netlon Sentinel
from morf no on 2001-09-14 22:50 [#00032009]

heh. i got her on the phone right now. tellin' me "at the next tone the time is 23:50"
from over yonder on 2001-09-16 16:10 [#00032495]

damn it relfex, you have issues. i hopew you find some girl just like you, and you can populate the world with your eveil, un-intelligent spawn.
on 2001-09-16 23:31 [#00032578]

yeah some guys here do have issues with girls..fuck, i guess it depends where you're coming from, but girls arent as evil as you're making them out to be, not at all..but then again, that is personal opinion i suppose..most of my close friends are girls, so that could also alter my opinion, ah well
Osama Bin Laden
on 2001-09-16 23:41 [#00032580]

Ross, perhaps you being a homo sexual alters your perception of women.
from Canada on 2001-09-16 23:45 [#00032581]

Ok, lets get to the bottom of this.... Are chicks evil?
Well we all know that girls require time and money.
and we all know that time=money
so girls require money then
and we all know that money is the root of all evil.
so therefore girls=evil
ha ha ha, there! I solved it with math!
no just kidding, girls kick ass! ;p
Osama Bin Laden
on 2001-09-16 23:51 [#00032582]

Religion is the root of all evil. You can't buy catfood with religion, but you can with money, so with money- Fluffy lives a good healthy life; but with religion, Fluffy surely looks at death.
from Canada on 2001-09-17 00:10 [#00032584]

Hmmmm, you do have a point there.
i may have to rework my equasion
Ham Lincoln
on 2001-09-17 02:40 [#00032617]

ha, ha, ha. Sure you did, reflex. Make sure you email that "woman" that you were "talking" to earlier.
Ham Lincoln
from repeating life above, laughing at the lonley. on 2001-09-17 02:41 [#00032620]

|REFLEX| from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 01:17 09/14/2001
Gurly: no no no...... I hate women that are typical. you.. are not.. now lets finish what you was gonna say?.. hm,,,????? email me at least! I like ya.
the gurl with tha stupid raver girl site from inbetween the lines on 08:03 09/14/2001
well... If you want to know what I was going to say I think it's time you e-mailed me for once dont you think?
I was thinking that we should do something real soon ;) and um ya, so e-mail me aight?
|REFLEX| from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 08:09 09/14/2001
Definitly I will....
Barrett, Syd from Toronto on 08:11 09/14/2001 can i email you as well? i saw your website and am very strongly attracted to this particular hottie in the pictures section i want you to hook me up with!
|REFLEX| from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 08:12 09/14/2001
Sorry son.... Im gonna do something with her soon here.. hopefully eh!
Ham Lincoln
on 2001-09-17 02:53 [#00032635]

Yeah, you'll be right.
Captian Slipknot
on 2001-09-17 03:00 [#00032640]

I want to fuck kate moss right now.
Captian Slipknot
on 2001-09-17 03:01 [#00032641]

And a long island iced tea.
Rufus Wainwright
from the Village on 2001-09-17 03:06 [#00032645]

I want to fuck a coca-cola.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-17 03:08 [#00032647]

I fucking hate you rufus.
Rufus Wainwright
from the Village on 2001-09-17 03:17 [#00032651]

I'm a homo sexual and I make popular music, why am I such a threat to you?
from over yonder on 2001-09-17 03:40 [#00032657]

reflex! how DARE you call me a nazi! heh...
from NYC on 2001-09-17 05:17 [#00032815]

They should call it a large Island ice tea!
Wait no...Long is better.
A man with a hole in his penis
on 2001-09-17 05:21 [#00032821]

long like my dick you faggot
on 2001-09-17 10:58 [#00032918]

i have never met a girl AFK that liked aphex twin ...
damn shame ...
Ewe Kay
from K.U. on 2001-09-17 11:04 [#00032920]

REFLEX; "oh and i like women, actually the last two nights out clubbing I grabbed many many womens asses, and such other activities. but thats what happens when you go clubbin. suck it."
Yeah, you like women, this is proven by your grabbing of their asses when you go out. Duuuhrrrrr.
Ewe Kay
from K.U. on 2001-09-17 11:16 [#00032930]

To be honest, if I liked a woman, I wouldn't grab her ass, in order to show her some respect. Like I wouldn't grab her tits. I don't think wanting to fuck someone is the same as 'liking' them.
Ewe Kay
from K.U. on 2001-09-17 11:34 [#00032939]

Well if you grabbed the ass of any of the girls I know, they'd kick yours. And these are fun-loving girls, but girls who don't like to be treated as pieces of meat. And if you grabbed my girlfriends ass, I'd knock you out. Simple as.
Ewe Kay
from K.U. on 2001-09-17 11:57 [#00032967]

I go out quite a lot. Maybe things are different in London than they are in Canada, but no-one grabs girl's asses in clubs here, unless it's a ragga club, which is a different kettle of fish. People would get slapped, and girls here are often in the clubs with some scary fuckin cliques.
As for whether or not I'd not you out; well, let's not get into dumb arguments like that. I'm never going to meet you, so who cares. And hopefully you'll never grab my girlfriend's arse (ass).
Ewe Kay
from K.U. on 2001-09-17 11:58 [#00032968]

Sorry, missed the words 'I'd knock' out. durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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