Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 19:44 [#00031543]

Regarding the United States Terrorist attacks on Tuesday, Marilyn Manson posted two messages on his official yesterday morning.
We all knew this day would come. My best wishes go out to those families who lost their loved ones. I also have friends in NY and of course here in LA that I am still concerned about. The only thing we can do now is to stick together.
If it takes something this terrible to unite us, so be it.
America hasn't always stood by me, but I will surely stand by America. Let's never forget how lucky we are to have so much freedom.
Marilyn Manson
I have always said that I hate so much and love so much about this country. Of course we would love more freedom, but let's not forget what we already have. And the freedom to live without fear.
When I say for us to unite I mean as like-minded individuals and as friends. I don't expect the country to come together because of this tragedy, but at least we can here.
Everyone is scared and confused and I wish I had more to offer. Right now I have my friends and family to worry about. I hope you all stay safe.
And for those who want to make ignorant comments about my feelings on this, you are entitled to your opinion but you can always take it somewhere else.
Even someone like me can show respect for those killed yesterday and for the people protecting our lives.
I expect the rest of you to as well.
Marilyn Manson
i don't know how little you people probally care, but i've got a guilty pleasure for manson. he's halarious. not here mind you, but i thought i'd post this so some of you could bash him and then let this post fall into obscurity. (didn't spell that one right did i?)
from G on 2001-09-13 22:01 [#00031591]

His image was always a bit fake, this proves it. He just doesn't want to take his fake image as far as to admit that he loved the attacks because he's scared the US will drop a bomb on his ass.
from Berlin on 2001-09-13 22:15 [#00031595]

I think the U.S. has way more important things to focus their attention towards, rather than blame Americans... this was an outside attack, why would they care what Marilyn Manson feels? Who in the world cares what Manson says? no one
Butch Anderson
on 2001-09-14 06:34 [#00031704]

Regarding the United States Terrorist attacks on Tuesday, Bob Saget posted this message on his official site yesterday morning.
We all knew this day would come. My best wishes go out to those families who lost their loved ones. I also have my pet dog "Stinkison" in NY and of course "Fluff Meister" in LA that I am still concerned about. The only thing we can do now is to stick together.
If it takes something this terrible to unite us, so be it.
America has always stood by me, but I surely wont stand by America. I'm moving to France, you can all go fuck yourselves.
Bob Saget
Stephanie Tanner
on 2001-09-14 06:35 [#00031705]

How roooode!
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-14 06:40 [#00031707]

holy shit that's funny. that brought tears. thanks butch.
and to F or whomever posted 2nd, you're an idiot.
that is all.
on 2001-09-14 07:02 [#00031715]

*shrugs* I'm an idiot in your opinion. I still love you though.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-14 07:04 [#00031718]

well your F comment was retarded. your butch comment was funny.
George3's mom
on 2001-09-14 07:10 [#00031721]

Why was it retarded? Hasn't maralyn manson previously stated that his view of a perfect world would be one where bombs were going off everywhere? If not that's what I heard at least. His message above, if the source is credible is completely contrary to his previously mentioned world view. So, therefore I conclude that his violent image is fake. What's wrong with that, nevermind. I don't know maralyn manson personally or care about him or you. And that bob saget post certainly didn't make me laugh aloud, you have a weird sense of humor.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-14 07:12 [#00031723]

yes i do. i thought it was halaious. you really don't know manson clearly. because you're image of him is all wrong.
Maury Povich
on 2001-09-14 07:13 [#00031726]

I wrote that Bob Saget thing and I didn't find it funny either. Syd did though, so I guess it was work it. But don't disagree with any of Syd's views or otherwise you'll go from a hero to a zero.
on 2001-09-14 07:15 [#00031730]

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! What you said was the funniest thing I ever heard!
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-14 07:16 [#00031731]

witty motherfucker aren't you?
on 2001-09-14 07:18 [#00031732]

Wittier then a carpet snake.
on 2001-09-14 07:18 [#00031733]

I'm as nutty as a carpet snake.
on 2001-09-14 07:19 [#00031734]

I sting like a squirrel.
Fly like a seagull.
I am the greatest.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-14 07:19 [#00031736]

how is a carpet snake nutty.
you're such a zero.
John Wayne Gacy
on 2001-09-14 07:20 [#00031737]

Darren Aronofsky is directing the new Batman, and George Clooney is going to be in it(according to Hollywood.com).
John Wayne Gacy
on 2001-09-14 07:21 [#00031739]

You're way unradical. You've changed, man, it used to be all about the image now it's about the music. Stuff you guys.
on 2001-09-14 07:22 [#00031740]

Thanks, my first impulse was to write something else, but I erased it and wrote that instead. Thank god, because my only goal was to be witty in your eyes... and now that I have succeeded, I don't know what to do with my life. I think I'll take up parasailing.
John Wayne Gacy
on 2001-09-14 07:22 [#00031741]

Go stuff yourself, wankerface. You are so uncool, dad.
John Wayne Gacy
on 2001-09-14 07:24 [#00031743]

George3, what did you say?
on 2001-09-14 07:27 [#00031744]

When people are communicating by speech, it makes sense to make clear what was said sometimes with remarks like "what did you say?" This is because when the words have been spoken, they no longer exist in a tangible form except for what was remembered of them. In writing however, you can simply reread any parts you didn't catch, thereby making it unnecessary to ask phrases like "what did you say?".
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-14 07:29 [#00031745]

i don't beleive anything official on that yet. Darren Aronofsky makes enjoyable feature films. he's going to make a sci fi movie with brad pitt first that he claims will be one of those sci fi movies that come along everyone once and a while that re-defines or shakes up the genre i.e. blade runner, terminator, matrix, etc.
that'll be swell.
and you're talking too much to yourself man. it's confusing.
on 2001-09-14 07:34 [#00031748]

That's probably because you've come to the false conclusion that I was posting under the names "pogo" and "john wayne". That last batman was a terrible discrace to the original, but don't worry they made plenty of money off of it and that's what matters.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-14 07:35 [#00031749]

i hope you aren't talking about the tim burton ones.
John Wayne Gacy
on 2001-09-14 07:36 [#00031750]

"Thanks, my first impulse was to write something else, but I erased it and wrote that instead."
I am unable to re-read something you did not post.
John Wayne Gacy
on 2001-09-14 07:39 [#00031753]

Tim Burton's Batman did suck dick. All of them did. I'm starting to set up a shit Aronofsky site and he's got four features in various stages of development. The one that looks more likley is Proteus. And that Boobzenes or whatever from Angel was considered to play Batman in it too.
on 2001-09-14 07:39 [#00031754]

Whatever it was I don't want to talk about it anymore, especially with you... even though I really really love you.
John Wayne Gacy
on 2001-09-14 07:41 [#00031755]

I want you to cum on the back of my neck. When you meet my parents, don't be scared, my Dad has no eyes.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-14 07:41 [#00031756]

why the hell would you think i liked peaches?
and yeah. aronosfky or whatever rocks, and i can't wait for those.
on 2001-09-14 07:46 [#00031759]

Oh, it was a misinterpretation. But it wasn't entirely my fault. It's the english language. I wrote something entirely unwitty, good thing I erased it, because now I'm the king of wit in the eyes of a person who's opinions should be treasured like rare china. The only problem will to be to find a way to wear two crowns at once, as I am also the undisputed king of disco.
John Travolta
on 2001-09-14 07:47 [#00031761]

Heya, fucka youa, Mr Kotter.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-14 07:48 [#00031762]

oh god. you were the one that made the german remark?
on 2001-09-14 07:49 [#00031763]

No no no, I don't love you. I love Barrett, aka myself. This is confusing, maybe it would help if I stopped posting under different names like F, George3, & Barrett, Syd.
Cecil B. Demented
on 2001-09-14 07:51 [#00031765]

What German remark? It probably was me.
on 2001-09-14 07:54 [#00031767]

Excuse me, but what the heck are you people talking about?
on 2001-09-14 07:55 [#00031768]

We're talkin' 'bout yo mamma.
George4's clone
on 2001-09-14 07:59 [#00031773]

It would help if the replies were visually directed at the post they were intended to reply to as they are in the forums of mp3.com.
on 2001-09-14 08:04 [#00031778]

It would help if you cut your head off and fed it to the homeless.
on 2001-09-14 08:04 [#00031779]

Yes. I agree.
on 2001-09-14 08:12 [#00031788]

I'm used to being chastized by my future constituents. I simply accept the historic pattern of hate directed at great leaders like myself. I did nothing wrong to you, and will even give shelter to all homeless when I overtake the government and replace it with my monarchy.
Bob Dole
on 2001-09-14 08:13 [#00031789]

I may not be smart but I know what catfood is, and catfood this aint.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-14 08:15 [#00031790]

how many people have been talking here the past 20 or so posts?
on 2001-09-14 08:23 [#00031794]

Pretty much just me. (I know you ARE me, but I'll humor myself by responding to you)
Bob dole: can I borrow your pencil?, heh heh. Wait, I am Bob dole, I'll just give it to myself, what was I thinking...
Bob Dole
on 2001-09-14 08:25 [#00031795]

It's just been three people.
on 2001-09-14 09:41 [#00031883]

I am Gorf
from the uk (school) on 2001-09-14 11:05 [#00031918]

Quoth, I diagree, you remeber tim mcvey? maybe his far right group had something to do with it
Purr Sent
from Cat Fractions on 2001-09-14 11:52 [#00031924]

Marilyn Manson - what a fucking joke that man is. He's like your fourteen year-old brother trying to shock his parents by dying his hair green. And his fucking records are unlistenable. Gangly fucking spanner.
Bin Laden
from Afghanistan on 2001-09-14 12:04 [#00031928]

McVeigh, that's how it's spelt, Jesus.... Poe, show some respect, the man died for your country.
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