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DrukQs digital piano

klods-hans on 2001-09-10 04:53 [#00030438]

hey ..I have the feeling that the piano tracks are all
electronic/digital ..I mean, why would he sudenly start
recording acoustic piano tracks? ..he once said in an
interview that he found a way to make the computer sound
"live" (acoustic)... The acoustic noises is sorta exegerated
on some points, so my guess is that it's a digital emulation
of a piano..


quelox from 45 on 2001-09-10 06:54 [#00030462]

could also be one of that fancy wancy piano's [acoustic]
that can be triggered by midi..

aha !!!..

doubt it though .


Sido Dyas on 2001-09-10 19:04 [#00030539]

qelox: It is one of those!
Accourding to the man himself it composes for him.


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