Netlon Sentinel
from beyond on 2001-04-02 20:08 [#00002372]

tell me.
mookid does it for me.
from Australia on 2001-04-02 21:52 [#00002376]

I find funny little man depressing
on 2001-04-02 22:37 [#00002378]

nannou for some readon, but I like depressing music so it might just be me
from www.mp3.com/ea on 2001-04-02 23:09 [#00002379]

Pigeon Street. It's so happy that when it's over I'm sad. Prolly cuz I remember I can't ever be as happy as it sounds. Or maybe. I dunno. And some tracks on SAW2, they just sound so isolating. And I'm like claustrophobic. That's just my overactive imagination, but I like it.
rob aka bucephalus
from aus on 2001-04-03 01:35 [#00002384]

probly rhubarb from saw2
or maybe icct hedral (just cos its so disturbing...)
or maybe ventolin, cos i cant listen to it without getting a headache :(
from Australia on 2001-04-03 05:48 [#00002394]

nannou definitely is depressing
from Australia on 2001-04-03 05:48 [#00002395]

nannou definitely is depressing
from KC Missouri on 2001-04-03 06:35 [#00002400]

I dont know if you guys have tried this, but me and some buddies take these cold pills and we get pretty fucked up on them. Anyways, they make oneself very sensitive to music. I popped on rhubarb and it was the most moving piece of music i have ever heard in my life. It sounded so perfect at the time. usually i find that song depressing, but that night it seemed like i was in a movie or soemthing....it was absolutely beautiful.
from Sweden on 2001-04-03 06:49 [#00002402]

GAK3 and Nannou....
from Australia on 2001-04-03 07:20 [#00002406]

whats the name of these cold pills? and what is the main ingredient on the side (eg. paracetomol) this seems like an interesting discovery, wouldn't mind trying it myself
from Sweden on 2001-04-03 07:24 [#00002407]

White blur and "Blur" from SAW2... depressing or what?
If you want any other depressing songs, try and find one of the following:
Counting Crows - Colorblind Moby - Guitar Flute & String Dune - Little princess Dune - Variations Dune - Works Coldplay - We Never Change...
Some depressing songs... I was stunned that Dune made songs like that... only him and a piano set.... I though he only made cheap rave/trance shit.. obviously, I was wrong.
// Erik
from malmö/sweden on 2001-04-03 09:38 [#00002410]

the dune albums "Forever" and "Forever and Ever" are nice, especialy the piano-only-thingies. go get it!
on 2001-04-03 10:44 [#00002414]

One depressing and obsessive song It's "HEDPHELYM" from SAW (85-92).
In this period I think It's depressive also "QUINO-PHEC" from POLYGON WINDOW.
........................................................... ............................... woofy
from Inside the Mind of Val Donican on 2001-04-03 12:35 [#00002419]

I think that Dodecahedronn is depressing due to the almost werewolf noise that runs through it, the poor creature sounds in great bloody pain! Also the D-scape remix from ON (remixes).
And of course the "nothingness" feel from SAW II.
from KC Missouri on 2001-04-03 20:12 [#00002447]

The cold pills are called corididan. Im not sure what all the ingredients are but it contains a drug called dxm, also found in robitussin. Take 8 pills to start out with, work your way up to the whole box, 16. Oh, and dont forget to get the cold and cough, non of the other stuff or youll get sick. Coricidan, cold and cough.
from KC Missouri on 2001-04-03 20:12 [#00002448]

Coricidan, not corididan.
from San Jose, CA on 2001-04-03 20:21 [#00002450]

yeah tek, a friend of mine said that if you take a whole bottle of cold medice, it gets you hella fucked up. he called it robot tripin'
anywho, Its funny that this topic arose, because i thought about it one day earlier when i mentioned that i have to turn to other genre's of music for depressing shit.
My most depressing aphex twin song:
Yellow Calx. the break in the middle when all the snare rushes stop, and it's just those simple aphex sounding bells playing that sweet melody.... it breaks my heart.
on 2001-04-03 20:45 [#00002452]

Just for the record Its Robo Tripping...Referring to Robotussin (cough syrup)...
from www.mp3.com/ea on 2001-04-03 22:50 [#00002466]

Robo Tripping is fucking dumb, you'll be fucked up for life. Just tellin ya. Same thing with those cold pills. I do do drugs, just not that.
Man... I need to memorize the track names for SAW2 like yall have...I always have to refer to this damn printout of a discog...lol.
from Australia on 2001-04-03 23:25 [#00002471]

robo trippin eh,.. sounds like it's a more popular thing than I thought,
from NEW YORK on 2001-04-04 05:32 [#00002502]

yo dont do robotrippin it messes with ur brain BADLY. its not the greatest feeling and it does more damage then xtc and/or acid.
from southern california on 2001-04-04 05:41 [#00002503]

i listened to selected ambient works 2 (the first disc) after smoking a few bowls right before bed. i thought if i went to sleep, i'd die. that's got to count for something ...
from KC Missouri on 2001-04-04 07:10 [#00002506]

Well i heard the opposite about robo trippin. I heard from a couple people that its the safest way to trip. But who knows, maybe your right.
from San Jose, CA on 2001-04-04 09:33 [#00002516]

okay first of all, i do drugs too, just like most of us (it seems), but I've learned one thing from it... DON"T do drugs. and if you are going to do them, learn about them. personally i haven't researched this robo trippin' thing at all (thanks for the correction), but i've never done it either. and if you are going to do drugs, just try to stick to the psychodelics... the uppers are the scary ones, because you get addicted. trust me, it's not a fun thing to be. i don't want to sound all parental, but fUCK. if i could just stop one of you when you ever faced with the decision, it's worth it.
anywho... another depressing song I want to mention... Lichen of SAWII. Now that one is probably the most touching one out there. sober, stoned, gaked, whatever.. it reminds me of the color orange... and a warm peace.
from Perth, Scotland on 2001-04-04 19:39 [#00002557]

Dont know if depressing is the correct term, i mean no one enjoys being depressed, do they? But Ventolin does make my ears bleed, thats a bit depressing.
from h-town-tex on 2001-05-07 20:56 [#00005839]

Tripping on DXM (syrup) is better than other drugs in my opinion. I have done other "illegal" drugs in the past but this is a different experience. It's more of a mind fuck than anything else i have done. By the way...CORRICIDAN COLD CAPS contain harmful active ingredients besides DXM so DO NOT do it. ROBITUSSIN containing only DXM is the best way to go.
Fatboy Slim songs sound kind of depressing to me (especially when tripping).
from Western Canada on 2001-05-07 21:29 [#00005842]

Downers are very addictive, if not more than uppers, such as Meth. Either way I don't do them anymore.
Chris Ochre
from rhymes with bum (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-05-07 22:55 [#00005848]

The most depressing Aphex song surely has to be 'At The Heart Of It All', from NIN's 'Further Down The Spiral'. Fucking ace, though. I wouldn't call SAW II depressing. I reckon Nannou is quite a sweet little song...
I don't do drugs because they fuck you up. End of story. Never been tempted either. Shit, when will people learn...
from Western Canada on 2001-05-08 00:27 [#00005852]

Chris: good call.. ive been clean for almost a year now.
from perth on 2001-05-08 03:24 [#00005859]

i thingk that they can be good depending on the person personally they made me paranoid as fuck, but im not gonna stop, coz theyve had other benefits. but im only on basics at the moment. i wanna robotrip sounds liek fun. the best story was my mate on these laced billies. we all went a little over the top and he went mad for 17 hrs.
from Western Canada on 2001-05-08 03:53 [#00005865]

od: ive done many billies.... we tried to do them with hash, but it didn't really work.. so we had to smoke feathered hash in a bowl and joints.. we have a brick the size of my fist... which is big. And we had an ounce of weed... it was all gone in 5 hours.. we all felt ILL. But in a good.. relaxed way.. sorta. :]
from +-=0 on 2001-05-08 05:39 [#00005868]

CORICIDAN PILLS CAN AND WILL KILL YOU! If you want to try DXM, get a bottle of Vicks cough syrup with DXM as the only active ingredient. Other active ingredients can make you vomet or will take your life so I suggest reading up on the issue anyways.
trybohexonhophonallycedrine extracts
on 2001-05-08 07:21 [#00005870]

No they cannot, people kill people. Everything else is either coincidence or accident.
-=[MC PhuQheAd]=-
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-05-08 08:25 [#00005876]

Counting Crows - Colorblind, from the "Cruel Intentions"-Soundtrack
-=[MC PhuQheAd]=-
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-05-08 08:28 [#00005877]

oh sorry, aphex related...
well, i guess "rhubarb" (track 3, cd1) from saw2.
Arch Rival
from NY on 2001-05-08 10:56 [#00005879]

XePhA88 I feel exactly the same way as you!!! Lichen is definitly a ORAnge track and its nice and mellow.
Why do yall take drugs? What do yall think of good ol booze and beer? I only drink firewater and Heineken.
from Amsterdam on 2001-05-08 11:05 [#00005880]

its not aphex but, Ennio Morricone-Once upon a time in America makes me burst into tears every time i hear the bit where Bob Deniro sees his childhood sweetheart(who he raped) again after so many years.
Ooh the Strings! Heartbreaker!!!
rubbish john
from your local supermarket on 2001-05-08 11:45 [#00005881]

one of the most depressing SONGS i've ever heard is "washer" by slint.
always brings a tear to my eye.
reverend blood red
from Florida, USA on 2001-05-08 22:54 [#00005930]

yeah, or 'good morning captain' by slint
from h-town-tex on 2001-05-08 23:03 [#00005931]

Non-Electronic Music Depression is best found by STAIN'D. I listen to their CD and am left feeling lonely and slightly depressed. LOVE IT THOUGH!
By the way...DXM is nifty. =oP
rubbish john
from a washing machine stuffed full of daz. on 2001-05-09 11:59 [#00005967]

'good morning captain.' is a huge big piece of quality. fucking amazing. although i think it has a more dark eerie feel to it rather than being a depressing tune, that said though, it isn't exactly a party tune.
Netlon Sentinel
from beyond on 2001-05-09 19:56 [#00005992]

2 of the most depressing songs EVER:
draun quarter by autechre mayonaise by the smashing pumpkins
from California on 2001-05-09 21:06 [#00006009]

Well, define depressing. Cause I really don't think Draun Quarter is depressing, rather uplifting actually. Rae on the other hand, can be depressing, methinks.
from CA, USA on 2001-05-10 00:32 [#00006021]

"Grass" from SAWII Disk 1 : Track 4
One of the most beautiful pieces of music ever done.
from Philadelphia on 2001-07-20 07:53 [#00016721]

IZ-US from the Come To Daddy EP or, i forget the name of it, but track 7 on Ambeint 85-92...both very moving
Clobe Smith
from over here on 2001-07-20 07:59 [#00016723]

hehe, this was the first thread i ever posted in.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-20 08:11 [#00016725]

Depressing songs? This is old too. hm... Dodecaheedron is good.
from europe on 2001-07-20 15:24 [#00016823]

hey, what about 'icct hedral' (philip glass orchestration)? it is really dark and depressing, bordering on madness, like a nightmare... i love it!
nannou and iz-us are very melancholic pieces, but i think it's a light melancholy (kind of agreeable despair, to quote an erik satie piece), a kind of european city suburb on a rainy day - melancholy.
and funny little man is fantastic, i guess its more insane than depressing, something which is already beyond a depression. i always have the picture of a little boy in mind who tortures a little man (in the size of a mouse). could be a great video in the style of chris cunningham. and depressing, that's for sure.
Lt. Gerbal Malone
from the Woodchip Cage on 2001-07-20 17:20 [#00016843]

I don't know about Aphex Twin tracks, but the new Toothcock track "Daddy, I can't be a coal miner no more" is pretty depressing. It's ironic really, but at the same time depressing. Listening to it you feel that it's not to late to better ourselves, a universal message, really.
from Milan on 2001-07-20 17:48 [#00016848]

Oh yeah, it's nice to find some old topic... I find the CD1 of SAWII enough depressive.
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