wizards teeth
on 2001-09-05 12:02 [#00029567]

I live in newcastle in england
i want to go out and listen to digital hardcore, can anyone please tell me to what places i can go to
also can someone please inform me of some artists to start to listen to
i have started to make some digital electronic melodic tunes. i have started in fruity loops but as soon as i start to add some complexities the sound starts to distort, would extra ram solve this problem ?
Jaffa Kid
from Fog On the toon. on 2001-09-05 12:09 [#00029570]

Wizard's Teeth, you'll be lucky to find anywhere in town that will play DHR stuff, your best bet is probably Scotland Yard on a friday/saturday night, or Tanner's Arm at Manors who have djs who sometimes play that sort of stuff....
Check out Lali Puna, Ovuca, Leila, and Biosphere (all top)
Hope this helps :)
wizards teeth
on 2001-09-05 12:56 [#00029586]

Cheers Jaffa Kid
I have been to scotland yard a few times and i like it.
Did you go and see autechre there ?
Do you go clubbing in newcastle much ?
I have been to the riverside a few times, it is a rip off and the music is usually shite. Quite a few of my mates are into the "Progressive Trance Scene". I find this music to be very boring if disco biscuits have been consumed. I have not had them for a while as the quality has gone down hill, I can enjoy myself more without them.
Some lads I know organise a night called fuelled by hate some times. In April a party was held on a boat in saint peter's basin in north shield. It was a static party boat in a very nice area, and was on till six in the morning.
It was only a tenner and the music was very loud and hard. A dj called la peste from france came over. The boat had a hole in it, but has been repaired, i assume there will be another party soon, i will keep you informed.
Do you make tunes yourself ?
Jaffa Kid
from Fog On the toon. on 2001-09-05 13:19 [#00029591]

I missed Autechre when they played, but I saw Aphex and Mike Dred a week or so ago, I remember you saying you went aswell....What a night...
I only go out clubbing if there's someone who I consider to be really decent spinning..mostly I save myself the hassle these days of spending £40 on a night out that turns about to be a pile of toss...heh...waking up with no money and a massive hangover isn't that great.
Yeah, I make tunes, I got a page up at Ampcast
They're alright, but I got this annoying problem when transfering tracks from my stereo to comp.. can't get rid of bloody tape hiss...heh....although now I'm working soley from my comp so it should sort that out...
When I do go out I go local..Jesmond...or when I occasionally go into town down to Head Of Steam by Central Station--good hip hop and funk on fridays......or The Trent is okay..by Haymarket
wizards teeth
on 2001-09-05 13:48 [#00029603]

Autechre was also a good night, not as busy as the aphex night and not as dancey.
Team Dyobi were on before them and they "rocked the house". Autechre were trying to be clever, the club was not as full during the set.
I too do not go out as much. Last year I used to go to rockshots on a friday for bulletproof. I went just about every friday night for a year. In the front room they played the same stuff each week. In the end i decided never to go back, why the f*ck i went every week, i don't know ?
I am actually pleased about scotland yard as i have not yet had a shite night there. I am also a fan of arcane that is on at the student union once a term.
I will check out your tunes, are you aware of my two sites? I have no music on them yet but i have been making tunes for a while i will try to send a few mp3 of them to you.
Do you live in jesmond, i live in a place called ouston near chester le street, when i come to the town i go to the tut n shive, head of steam or that place down the quay side called pravda.
Jaffa Kid
from Fog On the toon. on 2001-09-05 14:10 [#00029611]

Yeah, I live off of Osbourne/Jesmond Road.......I know where Chester-Lee street is to, nice area :)
I used to go to BulletProof ages ago when it was at Madisons....been a few times at Rockshots, prefered the back room to the front one, because they never seemed to play anything but Oasis' "Ciggarettes And Alchohol" all the time..
I didn't know you had two web sites either> have you a url for them Wizard...? I'll check em out :)
Yeah, I'd like to hear your music aswell....
Later man
wizards teeth
on 2001-09-05 14:27 [#00029614]

here are the links as requested
they are slightly pre-fab, i am getting some new programmes soon to improve the quality
give me a shout if you need some software for making music
i will check out your tunes tonight
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