from [ e r z a t z ] on 2001-09-03 18:17 [#00029021]

Come and download the new AFX now. Look on it on "HOTLINE" http//www:bigredh.com DOWNLOAD: hotline client. Then go to: www.tracker-tracker.com And look for AFX DRUQS... You'll find it.
Are to make it easy, just mail me for an account on MY server, and download it from there.
For more info go @ www.erzatz.org and read in "contact me"...
from brisbane on 2001-09-03 18:24 [#00029022]

i'll pass. thanks.
Justin Schiz
from Aphex Land on 2001-09-03 18:27 [#00029024]

from brisbane on 2001-09-03 18:33 [#00029027]

damn i never realised that piracy is so out of control... is it piracy? anyway, yeah... the release of drukqs will be a special day for me.. i dont wanna ruin it.
from manchester on 2001-09-03 19:02 [#00029038]

justin: What the fucks teh point? Just say your not going to, its assholes like you that are fuckign up this board.
from Kortrijk city on 2001-09-03 19:05 [#00029039]

Does anyone know the release date for Belgium? hmm, thought so let me know when you got it in UK thanx
from manchester on 2001-09-03 19:13 [#00029041]

I think its a world wide release date of 22nd october isn't it? I dunno. I would guess 22nd thought :)
from [ e r z a t z ] on 2001-09-03 22:14 [#00029086]

man, this is what internet stands for. It is all for FREE !!!!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-04 01:47 [#00029137]

No. Sure.. thats what it stands for - but not in HERE this MB. So take your pirating information else where..... over all it is not wanted here.
from a hot and muggy seattle on 2001-09-04 06:30 [#00029248]

i am currently downloading it. i often download stuff then buy it on vinyl. untill i can afford a vinyl cutter, i will always have to buy the stuff in one form or another.
i am downloading this because, as a result of my american upbringing, i have NO PATIENCE.
oh, and its good shit yo so all of you who do have patience are in for a real treat in 48 days or whatever
from a hot and muggy seattle on 2001-09-04 06:33 [#00029249]

in fact, i like this album so much i will probably buy it in duplicate so i can do some mixy mixy trix with it.
downloading early isn't always good though. like when radiohead's last one came out like 3 of the trax i had were fakes but i bought that one on cd and vinyl anyway just for the fancy package because like most americans i like fancy packages. narff
from Milan on 2001-09-04 10:24 [#00029292]

22 OCTOBER 2001 * 22 OCTOBER 2001 * 22 OCTOBER 2001 * 22 OCTOBER 2001 * 22 OCTOBER 2001 * 22 OCTOBER 2001 * 22 OCTOBER 2001 * 22 OCTOBER 2001 * 22 OCTOBER 2001 * 22 OCTOBER 2001
Mr Man
on 2001-09-04 11:38 [#00029315]

You know, you might as well get a taste of the dissapointment you guys are setting yourself up for.
Mr Man
on 2001-09-04 11:40 [#00029316]

But people who download music just because they don't want to pay for it should be shot.
Its called being cheap.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-04 11:41 [#00029319]

Personally... {could be my mood right now} iam actually expecting to be ..... let down by this album. I really REALLY dont want them to be short RDJ album type songs.... Ill be really upset if thats the deal... I like RDJ album... but... its one of the worts Aphex Twin releases ever.. I think. I like his older rougher stuff.
Mr Man
on 2001-09-04 11:45 [#00029321]

I like his newer stuff. Where he actually adds a bit of complexity to the compositions. And the production is MUCH MUCH better in his newer work. Drukqs is OK. Its not a great album. There is a range of different styles, so everyone should get something from it. There is some SAWII style material. Some Analogue Bubblebath type material. Some RDJ album type material. Its like a sampler cd, really.
And there are a couple 8 min ++ songs.
Arthur Conan Doyle
from Baker Street on 2001-09-04 11:46 [#00029322]

It might be good, it might be cack . . .
Some people will love it, some will hate it . . .
But at the end of the day, it's only a record. Let's all calm down.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-04 11:47 [#00029324]

Ah ok good... that made me feel somewhat better about the album. I decided not to download any of the tracks... none of them. So I wont know until it comes out and I buy it. Oh well.... cant win 'em all.
Mr Man
on 2001-09-04 11:47 [#00029325]

Yeah. Your right. Its only a record. And in a place set up for discussing music, this is the perfect place to sound exited about music. Lay off.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-04 11:51 [#00029330]

nicely put
Arthur Conan Doyle
from Baker Street on 2001-09-04 12:20 [#00029334]

I'm not saying don't discuss it, but until it's actually officially released and everyone is able to form an opinion on it, there's not much point saying "it's going to be amazing", or "it's going to be crap". It's like trying to guess what the next Star Wars film will be like; pointless and dull.
from [ e r z a t z ] on 2001-09-04 13:09 [#00029353]

you people are verry strange... it's cool you all wonna BUY the goddam'n thing... I say, GO NAPSTER, GO NAPSTER !
Aphex Only-Child
from usa on 2001-09-04 16:10 [#00029383]

Drukqs is an amazing album. I've had it for quite some time now, yet it might be the best thing I've heard from rdj. I must stress that you should listen to the album in its proper order immediately after DOWNLOADING the mp3s for maximum aphex. btw, im still gonna buy the album when it comes out, and ill be on to newer and better things by then.
drukqs = drug use
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-09-04 16:26 [#00029386]

Well i have the album now, and it's certainly ... different. Sounds like richard just found a bunch of his drugged up tracks on his harddrive and spewed them onto a CD. Lots of them are him just dabbling on some piano with a microphone sitting next to it, and theres a bunch of short (10 seconds type) bits. hmm. I'm a big aphex fan, but this release didn't knock my socks off. Also, it's richard himself that goes on about how he's only in it for the money, so go ahead and help him buy fuel for his tank.
from seattle washington U.S.a on 2001-09-05 07:01 [#00029523]

rdj also admits to downloading mp3's.
i downloaded the last two radiohead albums and bought them both (one on both cd and vinyl)
i downloaded confield and didn't buy it cuz i didn't really care for it enough to pay for it.
i am downloading drukqs and will deffinately buy it mp3's are like that fat lady at costco handing out slices of corndog.. if i find em tasty then i might buy a whole box.
from over here on 2001-09-05 07:12 [#00029526]

i see nothing wrong with pirated music, but if you want to save the album for when it comes out errrrrr what ever, that is your choice.
from over here on 2001-09-05 07:15 [#00029527]

oh, but one more thing, stop trying to RAM it down or fucking throats, SINUSJOG... we'll download it if we damn well please.
from [ e r z a t z ] on 2001-09-05 16:09 [#00029637]

[sinusjog]© is a big fat bitch, with druqs on his computer :)
on 2001-09-05 20:18 [#00029666]

Ill give RDJ my money....for the cost of a cd that is :)
on 2001-09-05 20:21 [#00029668]

Ill give RDJ my money....for the cost of a cd that is :)
on 2001-09-05 20:21 [#00029670]

heyhow do those songs get out before theyre released anyway?
Netlon Sentinel
from morf no on 2001-09-05 22:18 [#00029696]

i liked the happy birthday song
from [ e r z a t z ] on 2001-09-06 08:36 [#00029801]

We have powerfull friends :)
from the black whole on 2001-09-06 18:43 [#00029871]

Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-06 22:14 [#00029893]

how much longer is this debate over mp3's going to go on for?
i think that everyone that's putting down others for downloading the album should look on their own harddrives and if they have any mp3's on there, but don't own the album, should zip it.
and if everyone did that, this whole conversation would be no more. cause no one would be arguing about this.
from R.D.Jamesville on 2001-09-07 00:13 [#00029916]

I think pirating music is wrong. we the under ground electronic fans should support our musicians by buying their music. did you ever look on the back of a rephlex album? it says "home taping is killing music, and its illegal" by not buying the music we are taking away from the money musicians like aphex twin, squarepusher, plaid, etc etc use to make a living. record companies have to deal with costs and sales. the better the sales the better the more money record companies have to use to sign on new musicians , and to pay the for the music that is being released. Pirating music takes money away from the record companies and kills music.
from www.dronox.com on 2001-09-07 00:25 [#00029917]

Dude, evolume said it fucking brilliantly... "mp3's are like that fat lady at costco handing out slices of corndog.. if i find em tasty then i might buy a whole box."
<3 that.
And to the guy who said Aphex needs our money... Look at how many people are on this site... he has a mammoth fan base, probably one of the most listened to and looked up to electronic musician I can think of... he doesn't need my 10 bucks: I DO, I need to support my OWN music career. I can't plop down the cash for every single album I'm interested in on a TEN DOLLAR A WEEK ALLOWANCE... hah.
Little boy in tha house.
((>e V o L u M e<))
from seattle washington U.S.a on 2001-09-07 03:40 [#00029936]

heh thanks, someone called me a dumbass the other day. anyway like i also said, RDJ himself downloads mp3's.
in INDEX magazine april/may 2000 issue he says: "creative people use napster to get music that they'd never normally be able to get."
"I've gotten really good at finding stuff on MP3." "...its already becoming accepted that music isn't copyrighted... you can't go back now. on the other hand, i've made all my money from copyright. so i cant really criticize."
and "if i didn't make any money, i wouldn't give up making music."
anyway, its a good read if you can find it.
i wish i could remember where i read this but i also read (time magazine maybe?) that record sales were actually up like 3% last year. the only music market that is really hurting is the singles pop stuff. they used to make like 2 to 5 dollars for a single where as now people save their money and download the fucking mariah shit; listen to it for a week and then erase it. you wanna hurt mariah? p-diddy? britany? teach your little brothers how to download their shit.
((>e V o L u M e<))
from seattle washington U.S.a on 2001-09-07 03:41 [#00029937]

sorry, thats INDEX april/may 2001 not 2000
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-07 04:19 [#00029946]

that interview is on this site.
i haven't heard a single person say that they were going to burn it and not buy it. everyone here that has downloaded it still says that they're going to buy it. i myself am going to burn the cd, but buy the vinyl.
so far no one here is doing anything wrong. tho people may be lying, most people here are really big afx fans, so they'd all want the real thing.
from now-where-but-here on 2001-09-07 16:28 [#00030034]

Thanx [erzatz]
from UK on 2001-09-07 16:57 [#00030040]

The word "gotten" does not exist in the english language (well, the one we speak in the UK), and aphex is english. So that interview might be inaccurate.
from @ mothers on 2001-09-08 18:37 [#00030218]

:) it sounds good, go download it !
from ... on 2001-09-09 14:24 [#00030360]

from @ a chat on 2001-09-10 17:24 [#00030528]

ok, where do I find these files ??? I don't understand it ??? please mail me the info. I really wonna listen to druqs
from www.dronox.com on 2001-09-10 22:59 [#00030583]

Okay, going out and finding these mp3's is one thing, but flopping around like a helpless toddler covered for shit whining for them is a whole 'nother story.
If you aren't smart enough to find the mp3s then you should just buy the damn cd.
too much booty in the house.
blub, blub, blub...
from @ see on 2001-09-11 18:20 [#00030789]

word !
blub, blub, blub...
from @ see on 2001-09-12 11:21 [#00031008]

+ it is to easy
from my hotline server on 2001-09-12 18:19 [#00031075]

ok kids, it is still online :)
P.S. go @: www.erzatz.org
blub, blub, blub...
from @ see on 2001-09-13 20:38 [#00031553]

Hotline server:
-server: erzatz.hldns.com -login: micro -pass: music
info: www.erzatz.org
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