Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-08-29 18:01 [#00027445]

The follow up to Super Mario 64 is currently titled Mario Sunshine, it should be sometime in 2002 in Japan along with the new Zelda game =D
reflex: I've heard a lot of great things about Luigi's Mansion :-) Suck ghost's up in a vacuum cleaner... my dream finally come true :-)
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 18:01 [#00027447]

DAMN ! my friend has GBA ill get gim to get it.
H.. Mario KART! i have 2 copies of that game for some reason.. it KIX ASS!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 18:02 [#00027449]

Super Magnetic Neo: wow! really!? suck them up!?!?! crazy SHIT!.. wow Im gonna have to get that game.
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-08-29 18:02 [#00027450]

Mario Kart 64 is like the game I've most played...
I've heard heaps and heaps of praise on the SNES version and I know I HAVE to get it... pitty my SNES is broken :-(
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 18:06 [#00027456]

man.. the one for SNES is wicked cool!
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-08-29 18:07 [#00027457]

Reflex: Totally crazy shit! Poor little Boos :-)
And it seems that Luigi is staying up past his bed time! In one shot he was battling Boo's past midnight!!! :-)
Reflex: awwww! I really want a GBA. Once again it's money thats stepping in my way of gaming fun =D
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-08-29 18:10 [#00027460]

Reflex: Hmmm... I'm thinking this Saturday, me & Cash Converters (Australian second hand store). Get a cheap SNES, and get Mario Kart...
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 18:10 [#00027462]

Super Magnetic Neo: I loved "Big Boo" in mario world for SNES.. that game is fucking amazing.. very original stuff there. wicked fun....
yeah the GBA is crazy....
oh and ehhehe... Luigi battling boos past midnight!? what is this craziness!?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 18:12 [#00027463]

Super Magnetic Neo: DUDE!!! we have cash converters here too.. hm... .well id say go for it!!! dosss it up! I have many many MANY SNES games... you can buy many for CHEAP on ebay.com....... its great.
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-08-29 18:17 [#00027469]

Reflex: What is this craziness? I'm not sure but I hope Nintendo keep taking their pills =D
You have Cash Converters too! Wow :-) My local store has been a wealth of old games...
Hey, thats a good idea (Ebay). Oh hang on! If it's the American Ebay then most of the games would be NTSC... I'll check out Ebay Australia.. and Europe. Or perhaps I could get an NTSC SNES? Hmmm so many options!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 18:19 [#00027470]

Super Magnetic Neo: hell yeah bro! check it out.. there are so many goddamn good games for the SNES.. its great shit!!!!!! I think ill play some later tonight.. {its 11:11am} havent slept yet.. hehe will need some good old skool games to keep me occupied tonight.
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-08-29 18:19 [#00027471]

Do you remember a SNES game called Urban Strike? You were in a helicopter and you had to shoot these terrorists. The first level was set in Washington D.C. I loved that game so much, I'd be one happy gamer to find it some where =D
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 18:20 [#00027472]

Super Magnetic Neo: im sure you could fint id d00d... i bought some games off of ebay.com that were cheap and I never thought Id find them again!
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-08-29 18:23 [#00027474]

Also one of my SNES faves (and a pretty popular game here) was Super International Cricket. That was so fun, I can remember Christmas Day years ago and not being able to set it up =D Now it would take me a couple of seconds :-)
Super Int. Cricket is one of a few rare games that never made it out of PAL region. Most likely because cricket is a sport where most people from "non-cricket-countries" are like "what the hell are you talking about? Whats cricket?". :-)
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-08-29 18:26 [#00027475]

I think you can find pretty much anything at Ebay :-) I believe I seen a Warp artist's ponytail being sold!
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-08-29 18:29 [#00027478]

Reflex: Thank you for guidence for SNES. After mine broke it just sat in a box sitting next to a few lonely games... But now I'm really starting to miss it. And I really want to start getting new games I've never played before =D
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 18:29 [#00027479]

Super Magnetic Neo: hell yeah! only advise for you when there is read the little reviews people leave beside the sellers name.. they are little stars or something.. youll notice it.. read them.. because it shows the past trading/selling/buying history of the person.. you can tell if they are genuine or not!.. easy as pie!
I know what Cricket is.... ehhe.e
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 18:31 [#00027483]

Super Magnetic Neo: hey d00d..... ofcourse!.. I can give you so many good games.... well not GIVE You them.. but I can give you some names of some really good games, and even help you find some! just let me know... the SNES is amazing.. very cool... get Donkey Kong 1, 2.. they are really REALLY fun games.
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-08-29 18:32 [#00027486]

r3fl3x: Ah cool! So if the person is bent I'll know about from the feedback, great!
Really! Cool... I know about Ice Hockey :-)
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-08-29 18:34 [#00027489]

r3fl3x: Wow! Man, your damn nice! Thanks!
Damn! I wish you could give me games =D
... Donkey Kong 1 and 2 ... on the list!
I seem to have fond memories of Donkey Kong Country.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 18:35 [#00027490]

Super Magnetic Neo: yeah youll know whats what from that review stuff! good stuff to know.
Hmm hockey is funny.. its the "Canadian" sport.. but... I HATE IT! hahahaha.. funny that.
I think youll enjoy the SNES.. its actually really entertaining... very. oh waitt!!!! WAITT!!!!!
THe star wars games!! FUCK!!! IM GOING TO Buy THoSE!!! ON EbAy.com! not kidding man.. those are fucking AMAZING games... AMAZING..... oh my godd...... oh MY GOD!!! i cant believe I forgot those! they are some of the BEST games ever.. holy shit they were damn ass cool.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 18:37 [#00027492]

Super Magnetic Neo: just helping out a fellow/man/gamer/Aphex Twin lover... its ALLL good.. seriously if you like Star Wars look for those games..... im going to.. no joke! they are the SHIt.. you can be all different characters... ride the machines and shit, use blasters, light sabers, other weapons, the levels are diverse and interesting. and the gameplay is second to none... see a lot of the new games are lacking.... they lack motivation and fun.. the old ones.. have that. especially these.
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-08-29 18:38 [#00027496]

r3fl3x: lol You seem to like the Star Wars games :-)
What?!? Your Canadian and you don't like Ice Hockey?! :-)
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-08-29 18:41 [#00027500]

r3fl3x: SNES Star Wars game(s) on the list too :-) Sounds awesome! Yeah, a lot of games today lack that...
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 18:42 [#00027502]

Super Magnetic Neo: OH HelL YEAH!! I loved those games.. I was way way too much into them when my friend had them all.... I advise you get them.. I know iam going to.. for real.
Ice hockey.... never interested me really.. i played street hockey.. as a kid.. thats about it!
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-08-29 18:44 [#00027504]

Silent Hill was rather disturbing...
Like that phone call at the school, freaked me out. Hopefully the sequel will continue this...
Do you know of any SNES titles that are scary/horror-ish?
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-08-29 18:52 [#00027511]

r3fl3x: OMG!!! I just remember!! Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island... I spent hours of wonder and fun with that game...
I must get it again!! Why did I ever part with it? Ebay here I come =D
Dream come true: Come late October, me, SNES, yoshi and DrukQs... and maybe some pizza :-)
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 18:58 [#00027514]

Super Magnetic Neo: hahah this is great!!! wow.. very cool indeed... hm.. hm....... I read that SIlent Hill 2 is going to be WAY scarier and fuct up that the 1st one! thats a big statement.. big... hehe...
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-08-29 19:04 [#00027521]

r3fl3x: Damn! Scarier than the first one and more f#cked up (Silent Hill 2), WOW!! Bring it on =D
Well, I'm going to drag my sorry ass off to bed =D G'night all
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 20:21 [#00027552]

Super Magnetic Neo: alright sounds good to me.... im off for da day..actually at a net cafe now...
nepa thix
on 2001-08-29 21:02 [#00027572]

yeah, the creators for silent hill 2 were supposedly given "free creative reign" over the project or something like that. in other words...they can make it as fucked up as they liked.
Organ Grinder
from from my own little phuqed up wrld on 2001-08-29 21:03 [#00027573]

Hmmm.... where to begin?
On the original NES, I still like to play the original Legend of Zelda, as well as the NES Metal Gear games and Castlevania 2. (anyone ever notice how ALL the original NES games that had sequels -- the sequels were nothing like the originals!!)
I never owned a Super NES but when i lounged at my friend's house i would indulge in Final Fantasy VI (part 3 in the states) and Chrono Trigger.
I owned a Genesis during the 16-bit revolution. My faves were Sonic and Knuckles, Landstalker (a damned good and underrated RPG), Phantasy Star IV which was Sega's answer to FF3, as well as some the Sega classics like Altered Beast, Vectorman and Earthworm Jim. I also studied the ways of the fist in Street Fighter II and Super SF II, as well as Mortal Kombat!
I then got a PlayStation and my faves you probably recognize: Castlevania:SoTN, Metal Gear Solid (of course!), Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Twisted Metal 2 (3 and 4 SUCKED!!), the Clock Tower games (underrated!), Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2, and the Tekken series.
I bought a PS2 just days ago and i am already hooked. The only game i own is Twisted Metal Black, but this game redeems the entire series and is the best so far, considering the fact that it actually has some DEPTH to it now in terms of character storylines.
I am looking forward to Silent Hill 2 as well as Metal Gear Solid 2, which should shape up to be the best game of all time... for the time being.
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-08-29 22:39 [#00027627]

metal gear solid 2 is going to own the gaming market when it hits the shelves. super mario kart was fun as hell, but even better is Crash Team Racing with crash bandicoot and friends. jeez i love that game! i wish i could be playing it right now.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-30 01:24 [#00027670]

crazy!!!.. keep it up. iam defenitly getting a pS2 for Metal Gear Solid 2 and Silent Hill 2
from ardmore on 2001-08-30 04:57 [#00027708]

http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/298/quadrapelegicrobotikev. html
on 2001-08-30 07:17 [#00027742]

ha i forgot twisted Metall 1,2 Vigilante 8
Nobody on this board like RPG, why? (I don like final fantasy - it looks childish myself)
on 2001-08-30 08:36 [#00027748]

Silent Hill for PSX, I am willing to bet no one on this board that has played that game knows and understands the scope and brilliance of its storyline
Xenogears, for PSX, basically the greatest story ever told in a videogame, 'nuff said
Super Metroid for SNES, best side scroller ever, beyond classic, this is the ultimate elite of videogames
MGS for PSX, amazing action, graphics, music, storyline, characters, virtually flawless.
Super Mario 64, to this day probably the best 3D adventure game, and doubtlessly the most revolutionary.
I could go on, but those are personal faves...
from NYC on 2001-08-30 08:39 [#00027749]

ORGAN GRinder you have fucking great taste in video games, I've been through all those.
I grew up with Final Fantasy for NES and Final Fantasy II and III for SNES, along with Chrono Trigger and the rest of the gang. That was my sad sad childhood.
from NYC on 2001-08-30 08:42 [#00027750]

Actually so does everybody else here.
Notice how people have been listing the same games over and over.
Everything you guys have listed from Resident Evil to Metroid have been some of the best games of their time.
Good Taste in Music (AFX) = Good Taste in Video Games?
Those who share music share video game tastes coincidentally? Or is it part of the brain/your upbringing etcetera.
from Ganjaland on 2001-08-30 08:47 [#00027751]

Final Fantasy 7 (PS1) Granturismo 1 & 2 (PS1) Phantasy Star (Megadrive SEGA) Miracle Warrior (Megadrive SEGA) Tony Hawk (PS1) WonderBoy 5 (MasterSystem SEGA) Diablo (PC)
nepa thix
on 2001-08-30 09:08 [#00027755]

xanatos: thats an interesting thought.
maybe growing up playing those games effected our musical taste for later in life. i mean you can hear alot of the same sounds in video game music as you can in aphex music...the bleeps and quick percussion kinda stuff.
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-08-30 12:05 [#00027787]

I've always been a fan of Pitfall also Maniac mansion for Nintendo that was a fun game but lately I've been throwing stuff at old people for kicks THE BARON HAS SPOKEN !!!!!!!!
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-08-30 14:30 [#00027827]

Organ Grinder: I my informational is correct then the reason why Twisted Metal 3 & 4 sucked is because they were not developed by the company as the first two. I believe Single Trac made 1 and 2 and 989 Stuidos make 3 & 4.
Most of the original team from Single Trac made Twisted Metal Black under a different name, Incogneato (sorry for the spelling).
from perth on 2001-08-30 14:39 [#00027828]

has anyone mentioned the megaman series and/or kid chameleon?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-30 19:17 [#00027913]

The megaman series and/or kid chameleon ??!!? How the hell could I forget!?. Jesus.. damnit I did forget. I remember playing Megaman 2 that was some sweet shit.
The Baron: Maniac Mansion was fucking crazy shit.
on 2001-08-30 20:43 [#00027933]

MINER - is the Greatest Game in the world. I think AFX loves it too. )
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-30 20:57 [#00027940]

twisted metal black
rainbow 6 / eagle watch
rogue spear / urban ops
tony hawks 1,2,3 (i know it'll be great)
grand theft auto 1,2,3 (Ditto)
dino crisis 2
red faction
nhl 2001 (ps2)
sky oddssey
need for speed 1 & 2
all command and conquer & red alert games + add-ons
metal gear solid 2 (only played demo so far, but everyone knows how good this game is going to be..........)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, and the time traveling one for snes
any and all forms of Tetris
silent hill 1 & 2
quake 2
this list could go on for hours.........
on 2001-08-30 21:02 [#00027944]

California Games, N.E.X.U.S. and IK+ on Commodore 64.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-30 21:16 [#00027954]

Barrett, Syd: Dino Crisis 2! I still have that game... the ending is pure gold! Amazing story line if I do say so myself.. great game.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-30 21:17 [#00027955]

I think the list should go on..... there are SO many...
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