djfony -mike b-
from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 2001-08-29 08:22 [#00026976]

Thanks to those of you who have no sense of maturity. Most of the threads here now are merely flames or idiots using a fake name or someone elses name for their own amusement.
You know I dont even know why I come here! And another thing, I REALLY dont understand why phobiazero doesnt shut this board down! I am almost certain that he is tired of seeing the same old immature shit too!
This board has turned to shit, and its not phobes fault at all.. he is providing a gathering place for us to come and discuss things and all you prepubescent kids or just flat out stupid adults are ruining it.
I know exactly what to expect from this.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-29 08:22 [#00026977]

I don't think the board will shut down.
The imposters and children will get tired of this eventually and it will go back to the way it was.
from brisbane on 2001-08-29 08:24 [#00026980]

perhaps usernames and passwords would help.
Jaffa Kid
from Newcastle, UK on 2001-08-29 08:25 [#00026984]

Do you people ever frequent the other board? Not to slag this one.....I used to come here all the time...there are some decent posts there in regards to everything music orientated...from hardware/software/afx/"IDM"/.....etc
from Canada on 2001-08-29 08:29 [#00026989]

This board has gone downhill. It used to be a place where i could come and get rid of my bordem, share my opinions and talk about music.
Now it's shit, a bunch of stupid ass posts that are just a waste of time to look at.
I think it'll get better when V5 comes along though. I sure hope so!
on 2001-08-29 08:32 [#00026992]

and when Reflex dies or stops posting, he'll probably die first though.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 08:32 [#00026994]

Totally agree, and you know that im down on this one! I mean seriously, I remember as iam sure ALL of you do when it used to be about... regular everyday AFX and music related stuff, I mean sure the off topic here and there is totally cool and fine about.... whatever, weird stuff, news, and whatnot. But.. its just a bunch of crap now. I hope v5 helps a lot.
Mikeb{fony}: what prompts you to write this all of a sudden? You must feel the same way most of us do.
djfony -mike b-
from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 2001-08-29 08:34 [#00026997]

Im here more often than it seems... I just like to read the threads and such.. I will comment on few but for the most part Im to myself here.
But what pushed me to write this was just the fact that almost every thread on the page was garbage.
from Milan on 2001-08-29 11:36 [#00027182]

djfony -mike b- / Aron? / r3fl3x: I am agree with you all, we think the same things about this messageboard and probably because we know how beautiful it was months ago...
I am losing my wish to come here, it's possible I take my bags, cases and I'll move to joyrex forum, at least until Phobiazero will release V5...
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 11:41 [#00027188]

\/\/ooÆ’er_Attack: you must email or get ICQ and chat with me about my new site... uhm its secret I have someone coding/designing it already... its a big project. It will be based soley on music/art/remixing community. you can join in there.!
Mitch Hedberg
on 2001-08-29 11:49 [#00027192]

I'm off to work at joyrex.com right now.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 12:08 [#00027200]

Woofer: well this one will be.... proffesionally designed and coded,,, built from the ground up actually. it will be very good. dedicated to music/remixing/art and COMMUNITY!
on 2001-08-29 12:09 [#00027204]

A community? Run by r3fl3x?
I wonder how long that'll last!
from UK on 2001-08-29 12:11 [#00027208]

I'll go there....
on 2001-08-29 12:13 [#00027209]

Chrispy: you'd get banned right away, just like everyone else who ever comes close to maybe possibly disagreeing with the great and mighty paedofl3x.
from UK on 2001-08-29 12:14 [#00027211]

from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 12:15 [#00027213]

Yeah well... Geonime: its dedicated to some serious stuff, im not going to ban at will, and its not centered around a MB, i know that youd be allowed there, but.. alas if you acted like a jerk yes.. id ban you. and cloning there would be impossible. The community will run perfectly and I know tons of people will enjoy it. Ive already got connections with some major sites out there such as these.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 12:16 [#00027214]

Chrispy: were you been? havent seen you in a while!
on 2001-08-29 12:20 [#00027218]

paedofl3x knew you were being sarcastic, which is why it said "well this one will be....".
from UK on 2001-08-29 12:21 [#00027220]

I've been kinda of busy since I came back from Canada. The company made loads of people redundant the day of my flight to Toronto, which was pretty scary, and I'm still here! "HOORAH!" but I've got loads to do.
I pop in and read still but theres not alot of time for the old message writing!
How are you R3fl3x?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 12:21 [#00027221]

\\\\/\\\\/ooÆ’er_Attack2: what do you mean? what are you getting at?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 12:23 [#00027222]

Chrispy: ahh! pretty good actually, been keeping busy with this new site and some other music stuff im doing with my friend. been trying to organize someting in my city here.. its been succesful so far.. hope it gets better.
on 2001-08-29 12:23 [#00027223]

Chrispy, just to let you know, r3fl3x sent me child porn by e-mail. Which is why I'm calling him 'paedofl3x'. When you're talking to him, bear in mind he likes to view pictures of small children being tortured.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 12:23 [#00027225]

Geonime: you know what? Stop it. I never said anything to you, and im not saying anything to you in the least bit angry, or name calling. I didnt sent you any sick emails, and thats that. Stop calling names.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 12:24 [#00027226]

Geonime: your really going too far, telling people i sent you disgusting pictures and what not. I did not send you ANYTHING, nothing.
from UK on 2001-08-29 12:26 [#00027229]

I dont give a shit... Even if he did; he's not gonna meet me and Im not a child so piss it in your filthy hammocks
from UK on 2001-08-29 12:28 [#00027233]

Geonime: He asked me how I was and you say shit that you and him need to talk about, not me
on 2001-08-29 12:28 [#00027235]

Chrispy: so what? Does it not shock you that someone who seems so nice to you sends child porn to people? I don't know if he likes to look at it, maybe he sent it to me as a joke, but the fact remains that he must have originally downloaded it from somewhere, which no normal person would do.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 12:32 [#00027238]

Chrispy: ok.. ignore him please, I didnt send him any Child Porn at all, he thinks I did or has some weird idea that I did. but in all honesty i didnt. if we look at his record and mine, i think my honesty holds up a lot more than his does.
from UK on 2001-08-29 12:32 [#00027240]

Some one at the top of my street has been accused of being a Peter File. There isnt any evedence yet him and his wife, whom I know quite well, Have nearly been deliberatly run down several times.
No-one has sent me any proof of r3fl3x doing this shit, so I dont wanna hear it. Now piss off and have it out with r3fl3x on another post if you really want!!! Ball catcher.
from UK on 2001-08-29 12:33 [#00027241]

How long have you actually been posting here r3fl3x? Total?
Jaffa Kid
from Newcastle on 2001-08-29 12:34 [#00027242]

This thread has gone beyond angry.....it'#s becoming viscious....which isn't good....Geonime, that's a pretty sick fabrication to tell others about someone else....pretty low aswell if your joking about......grow up will ya mate....
from Milan on 2001-08-29 12:39 [#00027249]

"How long have you actually been posting here r3fl3x? Total?"
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 12:40 [#00027251]

Chrispy/Jaffa Kid: thank you! thank you both!
Chrispy: ive been posting here for about... err 1 year or so I think now.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 12:41 [#00027253]

I've been here since the begining, it really boils my semen when young punks come in here messin' up my jive.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 12:41 [#00027254]

Its obviously not Woofer Attack... sad sad Clone.
on 2001-08-29 12:41 [#00027256]

When someone sees a picture of a naked girl, probably aged about 6 or 7, being penetrated by a fat man probably in his 40s, the girl crying and covering her eyes. And when the picture has been sent to them by someone involved in a childish debate, I think in most cases they'd want to FUCKING TELL PEOPLE ABOUT IT. What is wrong with the world nowadays?! Why are there people like r3fl3x? It almosts reduces me to tears that he's getting away with this, and that I'm the one being insulted and attacked by people. It's sickening.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 12:42 [#00027257]

r3fl3x from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 13:41 08/29/2001 I've been here since the begining, it really boils my semen when young punks come in here messin' up my jive.
Yet Another Clone....
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 12:42 [#00027258]

Geonime: SHUT UP already. Jesus Christ man.
on 2001-08-29 12:43 [#00027259]

A year? just one year? Is that all? Ha, I really have been posting here longer then you so what the fuck are you talking about? You're a "nebie" compared to me.
on 2001-08-29 12:44 [#00027261]

Shut up, nebie.
Maury Povich
on 2001-08-29 12:45 [#00027262]

Strawn from Skyhooks died in a helicopter crash today
on 2001-08-29 12:46 [#00027263]

shut up, nebie
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 12:47 [#00027265]

Oprah: since when did I call anyone a "newbie"......
Jaffa Kid
from Newcastle on 2001-08-29 12:48 [#00027266]

Anyone for Music?
from the uk on 2001-08-29 12:55 [#00027269]

You know what you did, you stupid newbie
from UK on 2001-08-29 14:07 [#00027291]

I cant be arsed with this.
Geonime: If you're that upset, Dont tell us about it! Its a pissin message board. What do you want us to do about it?!
from Milan on 2001-08-29 14:12 [#00027294]

Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, ahahahahahaaah.... ahahahahahah... ahhhh...
who is this ridicolous piece of shit clone?!? whoaaahhhahahahaha...ahahahahahaha....
You ignorant stupid woofer's clone... ahahahahaahaha... ahahahah.... you're so ridicolous...
sorry... what did you write? \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/ooÆ’er_Attack2 from Milan on 13:39 08/29/2001
I'm looking for your IP address little bastard... You will be erase.
\/\/ooÆ’er hate the clones!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from UK on 2001-08-29 14:15 [#00027297]

Ha ha ha! I was gonna say... It didnt sound like you \/\/ooÆ’s! Ha ha ha! You've never been nasty to me :)
< bless hime >
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-29 14:16 [#00027298]

Woofer is a great guy {the real one that is} hes always been a nice guy
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