from Australia on 2001-03-30 02:16 [#00001940]

With all the people here that make music, some of it has to be good, I make music myself but It's not at a very high standard *yet*, But I'm hoping to get better, But I was wondering what type of music the people here make, and I want to here some of your music, even if you think it's crap, I might like it, so please reply with a nice fresh link to your site, I would really apreciate it, because beggining artists usually have a heap of original ideas and that's what i like
If your interested,.. here's my homesite www.geocities.com/thisnam3istaken (make sure your browser supports java) or you can download my music at http://www.besonic.com/User/0,1391,g0r0l0t0o1i269436,FF.htm l
(if that doesn't work, just go to besonic.com and type "serial rate" in the artist search engine)
from Australia on 2001-03-30 02:18 [#00001941]

ohh, and any ideas for a song would be appreciated too
Joyce Barner
on 2001-03-30 02:56 [#00001945]

Try making a track out of the strangled cries of a cat being mauled. That is usually a laugh riot.
If you don't succeed there, try attaching your penis to a door knob with elastic bands and then capture the modulation of the snapped bands with preferably an Akai S3000. Then effect the fuck out of the found sounds using Reverb effect boxes. You will find the sound is extremely good for hihats and snares.
Hope this helps.
I look forward to hearing the results
from Canada on 2001-03-30 02:59 [#00001946]

out of the tracks i heard i liked simple the best (the orchestra-ish one)
from Canada on 2001-03-30 03:01 [#00001947]

I also make music, and un-egotistically, i think it's good, ive come along way, been making music for over a year, and my newer stuff makes me shameful of my older dreadful shite! I want to get it up so some of you's can hear it, but im not interested in putting it on mp3.com, any really easy things to get it on?
from Canada on 2001-03-30 03:03 [#00001948]

sampling anything you can in the house and making things with it is always interesting
mike b -djfony-
from helemano, hawaii on 2001-03-30 03:04 [#00001949]

Well I make mostly experimental breaks-ish music...hard to classify.. you check it out and let me know what you think :)
from Australia on 2001-03-30 04:12 [#00001961]

[ band name ] : fragilenine, negative alpha index [-a], total harmonic distortion, infliction, e-scape, clicktrack.
[ genres ] : f9 - industrial metal. [-a] - ambient-idm-jungle-industrial. thd - ambient-idm. infliction - industrial metal-hiphop. e-scape - hardcore dance. clicktrack - drumnbass, bigbeat.
current web address: www.fragilenine.fly.to
soon web address: www.fragilenine.rulestheweb.com
[includes all sub-bands]
we are also interested in remixes/collaborations, so send us a _LINK_ to your song at dismantler@start.com.au ; we will see if we can redo it or if you can redo one of our songs... until then, take care of yourself, and each other...
ded zero
from kenosha wi on 2001-03-30 04:32 [#00001968]

like minded indie techno label that i am working on. wide variety of elctronic music
from Australia on 2001-03-30 04:33 [#00001969]

thanx for all the responses people's, I already take samples from around the house and use them, but unfortuneately I only have a six metre extension cord for my mike so it's a bit hard to sample stuff, what I want to do is sample the sound that a toilet makes when It's not being used (the churning metallic sound) and also the sound of an hercules airplane engine from about 8 kilometres away (I live near the RAAF airbase and I love it when it's really quiet and you can hear the hum of the engine from miles away)
thanx ross for all the ideas, keep em coming
from Australia on 2001-03-30 04:39 [#00001971]

and thanx to dj fony ded zero and that fellow auzzie bloke with the wierd name
and ross, if you want to get your music on the net, try besonic, they are pretty simple to get on with, and they only take about 2 day at the most to verify songs (unlike mp3.com that can take weeks) and they don't try to control the music you make as much,
another question How long have you guys been making music?
from Australia on 2001-03-30 04:40 [#00001972]

(and in reply to joyce barners post) ummm... no
from Australia on 2001-03-30 04:43 [#00001973]

[ me, i've been making music on computers since 1996, when i first got fast tracker II off the pc format coverdisc... ever since then, i've written over 130 songs... although i have been playing guitar since i was 6 years old. ]
from Australia on 2001-03-30 04:43 [#00001974]

oh yeah, the name's bucephalus...
from Australia on 2001-03-30 04:48 [#00001976]

I guessed as much but I couldn't be bothered copying all the characters from the character map, I've been making music for two months and I already have 30 songs, most of them on my computer, but I'll publish it one day
from Australia on 2001-03-30 04:54 [#00001979]

yeah i've been making songs more and more everytime i hear some more aphex tunes.
from Australia on 2001-03-30 04:59 [#00001981]

your logo looks suspiciously like aphex's. have you ever noticed that the half-life logo looks almost the same as the aphex logo? except without the curves...
from Australia on 2001-03-30 05:03 [#00001982]

I tried to make it like aphex twin's symbol in that it's simple, but meaningful, It's an s and an r put together, and it looks a lot more like the half life symbol than aphex twin's symbol does
from Australia on 2001-03-30 05:05 [#00001984]

and also, the half life symbol "is" the symbol of a half life (half the amount of time a radioactive isotope takes to decay by standards of random prbability)
from Australia on 2001-03-30 05:09 [#00001986]

i wonder how aphex got his symbol... the symbol for my industrial idm project [negative alpha index] is pretty flim, it looks kinda like this:
[-a] (except with an alpha instead of the letter 'a')...
from Australia on 2001-03-30 05:14 [#00001987]

I know that RDJ must have made the symbol early in his life (14-17) because he's wearing a shirt with the logo in a picture of him when he was young
from Australia on 2001-03-30 05:24 [#00001989]

what's this 'rephlex' synth? i saw a pic of it, and it looks like a modified 303! do you know what's different from standard???
from Australia on 2001-03-30 05:32 [#00001991]

let me remix one of your songs, send the elements to plegz@yahoo.com.au (no more than 3 mb pleaz!) and i'll do my best... if ya wanna do a remix of one of our songs, give me your email and i'll send you some samplez and shit...
from Australia on 2001-03-30 05:57 [#00001993]

I wouldn't mind some samples, anyone care to donate some? (I especially want some from dj fony, they're very clear and definite, which is hard to find)
mike b -djfony-
from helemano, hawaii on 2001-03-30 06:01 [#00001994]

lol, What would you like? tones? Do you want just random kicks and snares and crazy synth affects? let me know what you want and I can hook you up.
from Australia on 2001-03-30 06:01 [#00001995]

i have plenty of samplez, i make them myself with complex algorithms, and stomper. plus i play guitar so if you want guitar samples...
mike b -djfony-
from helemano, hawaii on 2001-03-30 06:01 [#00001996]

oops (sp) "effects"
from Australia on 2001-03-30 06:08 [#00001997]

well, yes I want some synth tones, (dark sounding ones) a heaps of bass drum, some clear snares some solid kick drums and ANY sound effects that you have, at the moment I'm using the frooty loops original library and some stuff of the net, but none of them are what I want, any help/donations would be apreciated ,... thanx for all the replies as well
mike b -djfony-
from helemano, hawaii on 2001-03-30 06:12 [#00001998]

is mp3 format okay?
from Canada on 2001-03-30 06:13 [#00001999]

with the sound editing i do i can usually take something that may be of terrible quality and make it sound cleaner, so if you have a mini tape recorder, i'd try walking around your area and seeing what you can record, im going to buy one soon, tape some samples just in everyday life and use them if i can somehow..Even like the slurpee machine or something, im going to do that when im with friends of course, it'd be so bizarre to walk around and just record things, ha
from Australia on 2001-03-30 06:13 [#00002000]

i have heaps of industrial distorted drums and warm analog synth pads, disturbing detuned synths and every other kickass sound around, i'll send ya heaps...
from Canada on 2001-03-30 06:15 [#00002001]

You can do amazing things with frootyloops, i never use their library, you can incorporate your own sounds into that program, and if you edit meticiously, do lots of stereo effects (left/right spacing) that's my biggest favorite thing to make my songs have little interesting noises
from Canada on 2001-03-30 06:15 [#00002002]

by meticiously i mean you can do interesting things, like crossovers from left to right
from Australia on 2001-03-30 06:16 [#00002003]

with our songs, we tend to morph noise and use it in every possible way - to create drums, instruments and sometimes even vocals!!!
from Canada on 2001-03-30 06:17 [#00002004]

BUCEPHALUS! could you do me a favor? i would love if you could play some messed up fuzzed out or just crazy guitar and send some of it to me and i'll incorporate it into my song, when i give the cd to people i'll credit you most definitely..my email is
from Australia on 2001-03-30 06:19 [#00002005]

ok i'll play some evil guitar stuff and make them into loops...
from Australia on 2001-03-30 06:21 [#00002006]

hey if you guys want to go on a chat, go to www.start.com.au, i'm in a room at the moment, you have to register but its free...
mike b -djfony-
from helemano, hawaii on 2001-03-30 06:27 [#00002007]

I just made a room there its calle aphixtwin.nu :)
come on in!
from Canada on 2001-03-30 06:51 [#00002015]

thanks, not too evil, my music's not really evil, but definitely dark and or sad..
alan flifton
from outer mongolia on 2001-03-30 08:25 [#00002027]

I make music type stuff, check www.analogic.homestead.com for some of my efforts.
I'll check some of your stuff when i get home from work cos i cant dload mp3s here cos its poo.
TFS is a must for any music coniseur, giggle.
from Australia on 2001-03-30 14:25 [#00002107]

anyone wanting to donate any samples to me, zip them up and send them as an attachment, I'll take mp3 but I prefer wav,
and the only reason I use the frooty loops library is because I hardly have any samples yet, (which is why i want some) so please send em to me, I want the sorta stuff I mentioned in the earlier post,
many thancs
Id Lab
on 2001-03-31 00:12 [#00002135]

Just checking out Analogic now. A Juno? V nice.
I make weird electronic music. You can find my tunes all over the web, try http://www.garageband.com/artists/idlab.
I'm up for swapping samples with people.
from Australia on 2001-03-31 12:16 [#00002168]

I've listened to a bit of your stuff, id lab and It's good,.. but I'm listening to too much other stuff at the moment so I haven't really gotten much into it, but from what I've heard, I can tell that you are very talented, I recommend anyone reading this post to download some of his stuff, coz it's good,
and also, can SOMEONE please send me some samples, I'm sure you want to somewhere in that desolate pit you all call your heart, :)
Please give generously
from Australia on 2001-04-01 13:25 [#00002248]

alan flifton
from outer mongolia on 2001-04-02 09:50 [#00002338]

make your own, lazy bugger. :)
rob aka bucephalus
from aus on 2001-04-03 01:22 [#00002382]

hey check out this squarepusher/aphex-ish artist that i found yesterday... www.mp3.com.au/moonbear - the one song he's got on there is really frantic...
from Australia on 2001-04-03 05:52 [#00002396]

It's hard for me to make my own samples because I don't have any equipment, and I've already recorded every sound in the house, Doesn't matter really, guess I'll have to search the internet for scabby samples,
on 2001-04-03 07:09 [#00002404]

from http://retape.net (Norway) on 2006-04-19 14:53 [#01882659]
Points: 2355 Status: Lurker

omg old news
on 2006-04-19 21:29 [#01882846]
Points: 2720 Status: Lurker | Followup to gotmeth?: #00002404

hey gotmeth? are those recent?
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