from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-20 22:21 [#00023496]

I guess that over the past few months people have come and gone; people that are here to annoy, people that are here to pester and start arguments, people that are here to sicken and gross some people out, and to simply piss people off. Then there are people who stop by and contribute and add to the conversations and topics here in the AphexTwin.nu messageboard. There was that whole clone phase that this place went through, now its just got a few assholes lingering in it... I really hope that these people {person?} decides its not cool, funny or whatever they think it is and leaves. Cause myself, and iam sure that others feel the same way; Iam quite frustrated and irritated that this kind of childish behaviour goes on.
Its sad that I even should have to write something like this topic/post. Really it is. Iam nice to the majority of the people here, and for those of you who iam not, you acted like a jerk to me first off, I know that its the responsible thing to do and take responsibility for almost everything that happens around you, since you have something to contribute to that. But when people outright and blatently accuse you of things you never said or did, and act in a manner that is simply to anger someone, that is uncalled for and out of my control. I do not wish to argue with people here, that has been said by me many times, countless times actually...
Having said that, Im not going to even bother defending myself anymore, cause some of you think that, that constitutes arguing for some reason. Ill just leave those situations alone. Im not the kind of person to let 1 bad apple ruin the bunch. Ive been here a long time, and quite frankly ive seen worse happen, Thanks.
Leelee Sobeiski
on 2001-08-20 22:37 [#00023500]

People have the sense to gather it's me. Seriously though, I'm going to stop; I've started my own "community" and have returned to school. I wish I killed you all like the Movie Show and bestalbino forums. I'll kill you, one day, when you least expect it... but for now, it's over. Do you know that I'm banned on two of the three servers that I use; If Phobiazero banns the one I'm currently on, then it's the end. You should do that, ban this one, I'm all for it.
"......I say, "Lick my decals off, baby!" I'm not interested in making any new mustard or ketchup. I make very good mustard."
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-20 22:38 [#00023501]

Ah - I see.
Leelee Sobeiski
on 2001-08-20 22:40 [#00023502]

Reflex, I just read the end of your post and I say you're fuckin' retard. You "clone" people all the fuckin' time and then you complain about other people doing it.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-20 22:41 [#00023503]

Ah - I never onced cloned anyone. Not 1 time.
Will Smith
on 2001-08-20 22:46 [#00023504]

Stop front' y'all. ease up off me face and step da fuck back; you clone all da fuckin' time. I think right now that you're not da real Reflex, you're a clone. I really don't believe you're the real Reflex. For real. I don't have to cuss to sell records.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-20 22:50 [#00023505]

from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-20 22:53 [#00023506]

This is exactly what I mean its obviously 1 person, and your ruining what I wanted to say. Thanks a lot for doing that yet again.
Will Smith
on 2001-08-20 23:37 [#00023514]

Will Smith don't ruin nothin' for nobody. Big Willy is da life of da party and I think you need to ease up off me face before I get Jiggy on your ass. Now dats what i'm talking about. The difference between me and you is: I make this look good. Now you betta step the fuck back cause i'm 'bout to open up a can of sodomy on your ass.
m....M..Mw )wW(m M m)Ww( wM..M....m
on 2001-08-20 23:46 [#00023515]

How 'come you always clowning Carlton, Will?
on 2001-08-20 23:54 [#00023517]

man that carlton was such a square! kick his ass willy
m....M..Mw )wW(m M m)Ww( wM..M....m
on 2001-08-20 23:56 [#00023519]

I think Carlton dances better than Will, and is a far bigger chick magnet. I had a chick magnet once that could pick up 5 adult chickens. What's the point in anything?
Hjalti Thor SVerrisson
from Iceland on 2001-08-21 00:04 [#00023522]

Dear Aphex, I dont even know if you read this, but if you do then i just want to ask you where i can get a hold of those beutifull "hungable auto bulb" records becose i have been looking for them everywear and as you probably know they are un findable they are litterally the unfindable auto bulb, hahahah little sily humor, any way i just want ed to ask you that and to thank you for all your beutifull/notbeutifull music and that you should definetly consider releasing those autobulbs and mayb selected ambient works II that would be fantastic. I hope you will read this , wich I seriously doubt that you will do but if you do please consider going further in your releasing buissness.
Thanx alot
m....M..Mw )wW(m M m)Ww( wM..M....m
on 2001-08-21 00:06 [#00023523]

That's a good impression of a moron.
Will Smith
on 2001-08-21 00:53 [#00023532]

Man, I really oughta kick day Carlton's ass. Do ya remember all dem episodes where he took off his shirt and that, remember dat shit? And he must 'ave been working out or something cause he was all strong and dig. youknowwhatimsayin?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-21 01:56 [#00023540]

I didn't want this post for people that werent going to talk about what I wanted.
from NYC on 2001-08-22 01:25 [#00023792]

Of course you didn't. But what did you want them to talk about?
Yeah, reflex is right, we're all stupid and childish. Or Yeah, damn those stupid and childish clones. Damn them all to hell. I'm not sure that would teach them a lesson.
If you care so much about cloning, just encourage phobia to implement passwords, I don't think a post like this is going to get too many serious responses. If you care about what people say in particular, then tell phobia to implement all kinds of rules. Personally, I think free-speech (without spam) is best. If someone disagrees with you and sladers you while doing it, just reply maturely or ignore it.
from geoworld on 2001-08-22 01:36 [#00023796]

The difference, r3fl3x, between this post and my post is that you refuse to admit you ever did anything wrong. This kind of attitude to life won't get you far, the ability to accept critisism, accept you might be also in the wrong, will get you far. Don't bother replying with the same pompous shit as before, I don't want this argument to continue on. Just read my words, with your eyes, and take in what I'm saying. I'm speaking a lot more sense than you think.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-22 02:08 [#00023815]

no - this is a serious post. this place USED to be full of serious people, where I wouldn't even need to make something like this. and if i did for some reason it would be full of people backing me up instead of acting like idoits and pointing out "wrong things"/ oh but I know that the old skools are behind me on dis one.
from geoworld on 2001-08-22 02:14 [#00023821]

Oh yes, I get it, people are idiots unless they fully back YOU up. Good logic there, mate. Do YOURSELF a favour and pull yourself out of your own arse. This isn't an insult. I repeat, this isn't an insult. Nobody is perfect, and certainly not you, if people tell you you're doing something wrong, don't just call them "idiots", listen to them. Evaluate their comments. I may act childish at times, but at least I have the guts to admit it...
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-22 02:22 [#00023828]

Geonime: phhh oh really now? Well they are idiots and they are quite childish. How long have you been coming here everyday?? Do you know who iam talking about? No. Have you seen whats come and whats gone through here, the problems and all the other shit!? NO. Ive stayed here and fought it all, and eventually it just goes away once again. I fight for it in a sense that I want to keep it here for other good people, and myself because iam a good person here. When people come back over and over and waste their time trying to turn this place upside down, then they are pretty stupid and seem to be wasting their time. Its a process, and it just keeps going over and over. Its happening now infact.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-22 02:23 [#00023830]

Except Geonime.. I dont act childish and I dont act like an idiot here. Mostly I defend myself because iam here a lot and speak a lot here.
from geoworld on 2001-08-22 02:25 [#00023832]

But I am a good person here, just because of the argument with you, don't disregard all the discussions I've started, all the things I've brought to this place. I don't see myself going any time soon, as long as my craving for electronic music remains, I shall remain. Plus, I have been here since about the start of the year, I used to post under a different name (Siamese Twin) so I've seen a whole lot also.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-22 02:28 [#00023833]

Geonime: not too long.... but whatever thats not the issue. Then iam sure that you can agree that there is a lot of shit and some fucking assholes that come through here. This is whats on my mind, im not going to just sit here and nod my head when someone takes a cheap shot at me. When someone makes some comment about me I dont start getting all crazy on them and start swearin and insulting. I dont do that. I used to on "Stupid Ravers" which iam sure you can remember. But for some reason dont see you posting on.
The sad thing is, which iam sure Phobiazero can attest to is that I would have to write something such as this, and that I would get replies such as I did. Its funny to think that people go out of their way to piss someone off across the world from them through stupid little words. Its pathetic.
from geoworld on 2001-08-22 02:31 [#00023835]

Get over it, man. There's trolls all over the internet, it's something you just need to ignore. As long as there are still decent people here (and I know there are) then it's fine. People who post things about how they find child abuse funny/how they fuck dogs ETC just want attention, you must not reply to them.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-22 02:34 [#00023843]

Geonime: exactly but you know that we talked abou this a long time ago, and personally with a bunch of us, and it obviously decided that this place should not be a brooding ground for idiots and childish behaviour. We dont want that here, and iam sure that if Phobiazero wasnt such a busy man then it would be a lot different around here... but hey - hes got a real life, and hasn't got time for all this shit 7 days a week. There was a point when he was banning a few people here and there and it was peaceful here, someone actually went out of their way to go to some internet cafe or school or something and post a few times out of anger! ahhaha. Thats lame... oh so lame.
from geoworld on 2001-08-22 02:45 [#00023859]

The solution could be to "employ" some highly trusted people to monitor the board. Would this work? And those people should only ban people who are being offensive. Free speech is important, but anyone who clearly is deliberitly [sic] trying to cause trouble could be banned. Thoughts?
Then again I'm sure those people wouldn't want to spend all their time kicking idiots out of a message board.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-22 03:09 [#00023867]

Geonime: I discussed this idea with the webmaster here a little while ago. He does not want to enforce moderators on the board. I guess whatever.. is fine. But it shouldn't be out of control. And people being sick is one thing, get rid of them, and get rid of the people who are being assholes too.
from NYC on 2001-08-22 03:20 [#00023873]

I'm actually with phobiazero on this one, I don't believe there should be any monitors of the message board. The members of this board are way to opinionated, and I could see a lot of people kicking people off, deleting posts, just for disagreeing with them. I'm sure you could see this happening.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-22 03:30 [#00023876]

Ofcourse. I never said that I wanted it to happen, hes smart... and knows the obvious. Spite is a problem on the internet yes. I dunno ..... I think that the Member system should allow for 1 name per IP or something that would help a lot too.
from Australia on 2001-08-22 04:22 [#00023883]

|=|r3fl3x|=|, go oustide for just alittle while and try to "live."
from Australia on 2001-08-22 04:25 [#00023884]

Just alittle while though, i'm not asking that you make alot of friends while out there, just try and make a few- set yourself a goal, say a realistic one like two, and then go out and make two friends, you'll feel alot better and realise that this is a forum- also, while outside, try not to think of the froum, and don't refer to certain people in here as "friends;" you'll feel alot better, honestly.
from Berlin on 2001-08-22 04:49 [#00023893]

personally, why the fuck is everyone so concerned about what other people say or do? why give a fuck about anything? can't we all just get along.. i mean, we're all going to die anyways, so we're all equal
Harold Bishop
on 2001-08-22 05:07 [#00023899]

Die? me? I don't think so; as long as I keep drinking coca-cola, I'm going to live forever.
from perth on 2001-08-22 05:19 [#00023908]

look, the fights are FUNNY that will smith character had me laughing good one bro
"i dont have to cuss to seell records" rofl
also try this "i dont bite it, its for the look" rofl
i love it!
from geoworld on 2001-08-22 05:28 [#00023916]

I'm with r3fl3x on this one. People are allowed to care about the internet, if someone's communicating regularily (by whatever means) and like someone (no matter how far away) then they are a friend. If someone only kept in touch with someone over the phone, would you say THEY are not friends?
I have a life, but I also care about the forum. Due to a condition which stops me from being able to sleep, I am up all night and all day. I have to get my energy from a powerful injection each day. This message board keeps me amused through the night.
from geoworld on 2001-08-22 05:30 [#00023918]

Also: I am addicted to pepsi. Pepsi has one thing coca cola doesn't: Pepsi is nice even when it's warm, whereas coca cola tastes like shit when it's warm. True.
from perth on 2001-08-22 05:32 [#00023920]

hmmm well beer tasted even worse when its warm does that mean its worse than coke?
im not arguing i just though of that
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-22 05:33 [#00023921]

pepsi is horrible.
Harold Bishop
on 2001-08-22 06:26 [#00023927]

I remember recently drinking a can of pepsi and wondering why it tasted like it had bourbon in it; then I thought that it must have been something else. The I drank another pepsi about a month later and it also tasted like it had bourbon in it. Has anything like that ever happened to you, I mean like you ata a donut and you got high from it, or something. You know what it is I'm talking about?
from brooklyn on 2001-08-22 07:12 [#00023941]

Dude! i totally know where youre coming from cause this one time i had a cat. she worked at a grocery store and one day, after the world ended, a gang of eels with laser guns shot her. i cried.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-22 08:08 [#00023948]

Tek: I have a good life. I go out often. These past 2 days I have had no car, since it was at the shop and no money cause Iam inbetween jobs right now. Getting one right away here.. a good one. I have a life though... .. I go out lots. but when iam home I spend lots of time here.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-22 08:58 [#00023966]

just cause someone posts alot here dosen't mean they don't have a life. wheneve i'm on my computer, i usually have a window open here, and a couple others, just jumping back and forth.... it's not hard to post 10 times or so a night. then it looks like theres tons, but if they're done all in 2 hours of sitting at a computer or whatever, i don't see a big deal with that. sitting on a computer is a hell of a lot more productive than sitting infront of a fuckin tv. tv is awful. other than late night religious shows. they rock.
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-08-22 09:00 [#00023969]

And its always better than doing work, Shit! gotta go my line manager is lurking....
Have fun.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-08-22 09:12 [#00023975]

i'd rather post here and get paid, than to do actual work and get paid.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-22 10:34 [#00024000]

no shit!
Face, Dick
on 2001-08-22 10:56 [#00024018]

i'd rather molest children and get paid, than to do actual work and get paid
from geoworld on 2001-08-22 11:13 [#00024027]

"Face, Dick" is a prime example of these trolls who come and post things they think others will be offended by just to get a response.
Shall we get Phobiazero to get your IP address and send it to police? Or notify your parents? I'm sure they'd confiscate your little computer.
from UK on 2001-08-22 11:17 [#00024028]

If face, dick gets banned... all the other gits he goes by will dissapear too. I hate those people who put in random names and throw in crappy little insults, dont you?
dick man 45
on 2001-08-22 11:23 [#00024029]

yeah chrispy, i agree, ASSHOLE. SUCK MY DICk. Hehe. Hopefully Phobiazero will sort it out soon.
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