on 2001-08-15 17:53 [#00022153]

I have noticed that the word "retard" and variations derived thereof are very popular on this board. So, as acknowledgement of this, a topic for posts containing such words! Vent your anger at Retard-away, not at other people! I'll start us off with an old favourite: "This topic is retarded."
from canada on 2001-08-15 18:00 [#00022156]

slag off ya tard
on 2001-08-15 18:04 [#00022158]

"I can read the first post and get it without having to hear more of your RETARDED 'dats da shit, man' comments." -Jean Luc Godard, Aug 15th 2001
S.J. Perleman
on 2001-08-15 18:11 [#00022161]

Ha, it was about me sort of. The only words of, sort of, insult I use are: fuckface, catpenis, retarded, and, i think, I've used the word "scrotum-head" a few times...
on 2001-08-15 18:11 [#00022162]

Haha! That's the spirit, you retards!
Aaron Carter
on 2001-08-15 18:12 [#00022163]

"These assorted sluts, fags, dykes, and pimps know no bounds......."
from London on 2001-08-15 18:53 [#00022167]

Aaron, are you retarded or something, you fucking retard? You didn't use the word retard in your post.
It's hard to be a 'tard.
Robin Wright Penn
on 2001-08-15 18:59 [#00022169]

It feels somewhat sickening that you're all using "passe" or "unoriginal" words that I speak in something, it's like that episode of the Simpson when Bart has sex with Santa's Little Helper and Marge finds out and says she wont tell Homer if he doesn't misbehave for the day......
Muira Puama Dlrow
on 2001-08-15 18:59 [#00022170]

There's always one retard who misses the point completely.
David Spade's Prostate Gland
on 2001-08-15 19:04 [#00022172]

I know what the fuckin' point is and i'm not going to use that word in my posts on this topic.
Todd Solondz
on 2001-08-15 19:05 [#00022173]

I'll live naive.
from the reTARDIS on 2001-08-15 19:11 [#00022176]

Wow. We have a lot of celebrities on this messageboard.
on 2001-08-15 19:23 [#00022178]

Here's a classic .. :P
******************************* Nu Aphex Track!!! [#1274]
Chilled from up in yo ass with the resurrection! on 00:10 07/03/2001
I spotted a promo vid for DruQs, it the song was awesome. Its called "Weapon of Choice", and it features vocals(RDJ I presume), and a dancing flying, pale faced man, who MTV claimed was Tom Jenkinson's lost brother.
This vid and song are bound to top the last afx vid "Girl Boy Song", where him and 4 other attractive teenagers dance by an airplane.
Hope I helped! ---
leftrightronic on 05:24 07/03/2001 wow, i wish i really did have downs syndrome so i could understand what the shit you were talking about
Ross on 05:42 07/03/2001
leftrightronic- i know chilled is saying some messed up stuff, but why would having down-syndrome have anything to do with it...i'm sorry, ive worked with a down syndrome kid at my highschool for 3 years and he recently graduated, and he was one of the funniest, coolest guys around..
m on 08:45 07/03/2001
That down syndrome comment was a perfect insult! If I had any friends with which to engage in social intercourse, I would use that phrase all the time, but in a humorous manner not meant to offend those who actually have the extra chromosome 23, myself included.
Leonardo DiCaprio
on 2001-08-15 19:28 [#00022180]

I love that M.
from the porno shelf in my local newsagent on 2001-08-15 19:38 [#00022183]

Pitch in Retrograde
on 2001-08-15 19:49 [#00022185]

Rubin Woods on 20:07 08/15/2001 "Japes, if you don't like the topic then simply don't read it, you fuckin' retard."
on 2001-08-15 20:30 [#00022196]

"I'm going to see the post with the word 'retard' in the title, I hope it's about me and my excessive use of the word, I have no doubt it is" Jean Luc Godard 19:07 08/15/01
Harmful Korine
on 2001-08-15 20:38 [#00022199]

This has made me so happy, I started off an hour ago by accidnetly drinking my own urine, but now this; It's like my own army of fuckin' retards just quoting me all throughout the night, if I could find the appropriate George Michael quote to sum the night up, then this would just be fuckin' marvelous.
from 50 on 2001-08-15 20:46 [#00022202]

djfony -mike b- from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 12:40 08/15/01 wow didnt take long for a retard to step in and fuck it up eh?
from over there on 2001-08-15 21:13 [#00022212]

what kind of brain dead idiot would post some thing like this? what kind of damn fool dolt, would think this was nessesary? whe will i stop being a fucking moron and learn to type better, and to get ober my god damn stoopid dislexcia? freaking ding bats writing nonsencical posts!!! vapid fuckers jabbering endlessly like monkeys! VILLAGE IDIOTS!!!!! MOTHER OF GOD!!!
ok, i feel better!
THANKS Retard Away! ;)
I'm A Girl, You Know
on 2001-08-15 21:28 [#00022219]

And here's another testimonial: Retard-away has changed my life! Now when I'm done surfing on crimson waves, I'm no longer Ruining Every Topic After Hormonal Disturbances! No, wait, that's RETAHD. I'm just as mentally challenged as ever...
from over there on 2001-08-15 21:30 [#00022220]

ha ha ha, i'm a girl too, I'm A Girl... ha hardy fucking har....
I'm A Girl, You Know
on 2001-08-15 21:37 [#00022223]

thanksoblah: Really, you'rea girl, too? You see, I'd forgotten this as you hadn't mentioned it for a COUPLE OF HOURS.
Robert Porter
from Petts Wood nr. Orpington on 2001-08-15 21:44 [#00022225]

Dr Hilliard Halliard
from Trinity College, Cambridge on 2001-08-15 22:13 [#00022234]

This is all very well, but mental retardation is no laughing matter.
djfony -mike b-
from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 2001-08-15 22:17 [#00022236]

hehe keep looking :) Ive said retard plenty of times on this board :P
from london on 2001-08-15 22:30 [#00022238]

r u fucking making fun of me?
from over there on 2001-08-15 22:54 [#00022243]

i'm a fucking cunt, you know: you can kiss my ass, hoe bag.
Psultan Psteve
on 2001-08-15 23:44 [#00022250]

You are retarded.
Organ Grinder/Glyph Whitey
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-08-16 00:32 [#00022270]

my sister is retareded -- seriously. She is 23 and she is autistic. It's a pain in the ass having to take care of her sometimes because my parents always dump the responsibility on me. But you know what? -- RETARD is a word that is harmless unless used in a specific context.
It's just like George Carlin says -- it's not the word you should worry about it -- it's the RASCIST asshole who is using it that you otta' be concerned about.
And i don't think we have many rascists and prejudists on this board so i won't worry about it.
So there, retards. ha ha.
Captain Beefheart
on 2001-08-16 09:45 [#00022329]

It was quite distressing to wake up and see that no one had posted on this topic for sometime, leaving it to slip of the prestige 1-15 front. So here I am, posting to save what I will believe(whether it is or not) is a sad dedication to myself.
Good Day To You, Sir Retards. Baker.
on 2001-08-16 10:32 [#00022338]

This topic is retarded.
from Jesu on 2001-08-17 01:32 [#00022513]

Retarded babies should be aborted. Save them from a life of pain and ridicule. Sometimes you have to make the unpopular decision in order to do what's right.
cReedenCe clEarWater ReVivaL
on 2001-08-17 11:48 [#00022642]

But they're so fun to watch!
Reformed Drug-Addict Steve
on 2001-08-17 11:57 [#00022650]

Yeah, I was addicted to crack, I used to suck dick for coke, sleeped in my own urine and faeces many nights... I was a low down punk with no hope at all, I did nothing but feel sorry for myself, I shot up without a care... but then I met Robocop, he showed me the way, led me to the light. Thanks, Robocop.
THE WISDOM OF ROBOCOP "Come quietly or there will be trouble" "Stay off drugs..." "Stay in school..."
Julian Casablancas
on 2001-10-11 13:44 [#00040222]

Was Robocop retarded? I suppose in a way he was.
on 2001-10-11 16:44 [#00040271]

Robocop is fuckin' great, I saw that 2000 film, that sucked shit. "Come quietly or there will be trouble."
on 2001-10-11 19:36 [#00040317]

They had a great funny song at mp3com called "I am retarded" but I couldn't find it again, they must've deleted it?
from UK on 2001-10-11 21:38 [#00040334]

I think the phrase "retarded" is mainly used in the US. We say mentally handicapped.
Apparently retards have an IQ of 70 - 85.
Phew, just scraped through on 86
on 2001-10-11 21:43 [#00040336]

Pilchard D. Flim-Flams - Drukqs01 (Warp 12")
Baron Von picklefoot
from The Baron got a DSL line Woo hoo on 2001-10-11 22:07 [#00040353]

I forgot it in my other pants you didn't need it did you I got that excuse from this guy I once knew !THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
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