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Who here can make websites?

djfony -mike b- from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 2001-08-15 11:02 [#00022036]

I am willing to pay someone if they can redo my website...
and I mean make it kick ass :) I suck at everything but
html... so my site sucks :D I would sit down and try to
learn flash and java and all that but I am waay to busy

my site is at http://djfony.8m.com

any takers? any referrers? anything?


=|R3FL3X|= from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-08-15 11:10 [#00022042]

Well since you got me to work extra hard {ie: phone books}
then Iam doing some art for you. I know some people who can
do really good pages for some cash. Ill ask around.


Phobiazero from Sweden on 2001-08-15 12:18 [#00022067]

Tell me a little bit more about your host, what features are
supported (shtml, cgi, account size...)?!

I might be interested, you know. ;-)


H3XAN3 from Melbourne on 2001-08-15 13:08 [#00022082]

djfony>check out the site i built for some mates recently
Archangel Studios
if you like that kindof style, please email me - im always
willing to expand my portfolio heh heh


djfony -mike b- from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 2001-08-15 18:08 [#00022160]

check yo email phobe


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