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evolution of music (german)

offline map from mülligen (Switzerland) on 2002-08-27 18:06 [#00367715]
Points: 3408 Status: Lurker

Am anfang war der puls. aus puls wurde rhytmus im
verhältnis zum Puls des Hörenden. der rhytmus gebar die
motivation zur bewegung, zum tanz. musik setzt also einen
zuhörer voraus und ist damit eine möglichkeit emotionaler
kommunikation. zum rhytmus gesellten sich worte. durch die
aneinanderreihung der worte zum/im rhytmus ergab sich eine
melodie. mit der melodie kamen lieder, mit den liedern
erinnerungen und geschichten. die australischen ureinwohner
beschreiben routen von mehreren tausen kilometern anhand
endlos langen liedern (songlines). das lied war demnach das
erste "speichermedium", vermutlich noch vor der erzählung
und sicher lange vor der schrift. wenn man sich klar macht,
wie alt musik ist, und welche unglaubliche bedeutung sie
seit jeher für die menschheit hat, so tritt klar hervor,
welcher ursprüngliche sinn dem komponieren zu grunde liegt:
sich auszudrücken, etwas mitzuteilen.


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-08-27 18:07 [#00367716]
Points: 39977 Status: Lurker

make more dnb and share it with the peeps.


offline map from mülligen (Switzerland) on 2002-08-27 18:16 [#00367725]
Points: 3408 Status: Lurker

i don't make dnb.


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-08-27 18:18 [#00367728]
Points: 39977 Status: Lurker

wasnt yur track drum and bass, 1minute 43 seconds ? (me

*whats it say on yur avatar?*


offline map from mülligen (Switzerland) on 2002-08-27 18:23 [#00367738]
Points: 3408 Status: Lurker

last week i started a rnb track, now it sounds like a
reversed meowing cat.

that's a shirt on my avatar, "support shitty music" :)


offline map from mülligen (Switzerland) on 2002-08-27 18:29 [#00367745]
Points: 3408 Status: Lurker

well then...
At the beginning, the pulse was became bore dance sets. out
of pulse rhytmus in the relation to the pulse of
the hearing. the rhytmus the motivation the movement, to
that. music therefore a listener ahead and is arose
came therewith a possibility of emotional kommunikation. to
the rhytmus of associated words. through the
aneinanderreihung of the words to that/in the rhytmus itself
a melodie. with the melody songs, with the songs
memoriesTausen kilometers based on endlessly long songs
(songlines). the song accordingly the first "storage
medium" was, probably yet before the story and certainly
long before the writing. if one clearly makes
himself, how old music is, and, which incredible meaning has
had it for time immemorial for the humanity,
steps compose lies clearly forth, which original sense to
reason to that: to express itself to announce


offline Phatbert 000 from Augsburg (Germany) on 2002-08-27 18:40 [#00367749]
Points: 1618 Status: Lurker

is that a net translation map?


offline map from mülligen (Switzerland) on 2002-08-27 19:44 [#00367782]
Points: 3408 Status: Lurker



offline Mickey Mouse from The Moon on 2002-08-27 19:57 [#00367789]
Points: 4130 Status: Addict

How about alec empire, hanin elias ... they are both
german.... and rawk it steady! DHR


offline Mickey Mouse from The Moon on 2002-08-27 19:58 [#00367791]
Points: 4130 Status: Addict



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