from Sweden on 2001-02-19 16:06 [#00000068]

Huge props to Tunefish for his programming skills...!
from T.O. on 2001-02-19 16:14 [#00000069]

Anyway do not forget about the design/layout guy, that is Phobia! ;)
from Sweden on 2001-02-19 16:17 [#00000070]

Oh, thank YOU Tune! =)
from lincoln,ne usa baby !!!!!!!! on 2001-02-19 16:37 [#00000071]

maybe it will work !!!!!!
from lincoln,ne usa baby !!!!!!!! on 2001-02-19 16:40 [#00000072]

are ALL the older messages gonna get put back up? hope so
from T.O. on 2001-02-19 17:07 [#00000073]

they are in the topic called "Old Message Archive"
from T.O. on 2001-02-19 17:08 [#00000074]

Or if it is easier for ya: here
from here and now on 2001-02-20 02:01 [#00000098]

im still confused......sorry........
from T.O. on 2001-02-20 02:19 [#00000099]

No problem. Every question is welcomed! :-)
Vänliga jättar
from http://www.freetrax.com/artists/v/vnligajttar/ on 2001-02-20 11:12 [#00000125]

I want to thanks Richard James foor the magic he brought into our lifes.
I also want to thank him foor all the inspiration.
You can check out my music here.
from western australia on 2001-02-22 05:21 [#00000194]

similar to jr's. but waaay better (PS i realise that joy didnt invent this style of board and youre not copying him)
good work :)
from Sweden on 2001-02-22 08:57 [#00000204]

This messageboard is TOTALLY built from scratch by Tune. It's not available anywhere but here. A modified version is soon to be installed on Autechre.nu though.
Thanks for your kind feedback, man!
Torley Wong
from Vernon, BC, Canada / WWW.TORLEY.COM on 2001-02-22 09:00 [#00000205]

yes, props to TuneFish for inventing and Phobiazero for presenting :). i appreciate the elegant simplicity of this board, it's so Zen and without inefficient clutter! now, if only the AFX logo throbbed all jellylike and relaxinglike in the background while placid waves washed outwards...... ;)
from ...Sweden on 2001-02-22 12:36 [#00000215]

This new message board is real nice. Clean layout, suits me just fine.
from doh! on 2001-02-22 16:39 [#00000221]

phobiazero!!!! YOU RULE!!!! you are the guru of site builders...got room for an apprentice? hey IDEA!!!
do a little spread/bio about yourself? is there one already? would be a great idea though, as you are a bit of a celeb yourself. I haven't bee around the site really, i just like to get to the nitty gritty of banter, maybe I'll actually have a wander around..L8R jojo :¬)
from Sweden on 2001-02-22 19:39 [#00000230]

Eh? Just doing my job...(Im not ready to write a bio yet)...but I can understand some of you are a little bit curious after all these years...
from Hungary on 2001-02-22 22:08 [#00000243]

Real nice forum. Minimalistic, kewl looking. Grats guys!
from doh! on 2001-02-22 23:09 [#00000249]

great picture, are you on the 'john!' (stupid american werd for toilet!)
you look very....sweedish! and blonde and butch...you married? ;¬)
from http://homstead.com/diastole1 on 2001-02-23 23:32 [#00000326]

actually you look like an old friend of mine called gareth.....
from manchester on 2001-02-24 15:13 [#00000363]

u look like you should be in green day! That could just be me though.
Captian Slipknot
on 2001-09-17 03:59 [#00032687]

Coke rocks.
djfony -mike b-
from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 2001-09-17 04:04 [#00032693]

dude this had to be the biggest fucking bounce in the history of message boards.
The "I concur." Man
from I concur. on 2001-09-17 04:06 [#00032695]

I disagree.
Dusty Springfield
on 2001-09-17 04:10 [#00032701]

What are you talking about, where's the new message board, is this a trick. Fuckity.
Captian Slipknot
on 2001-09-17 04:11 [#00032703]

I bounced this shit fucking hard.
The "I concur." Man
from I concur. on 2001-09-17 04:13 [#00032705]

I concur.
Captian Slipknot
on 2001-09-17 04:14 [#00032706]

i need a fucking drink.
Dusty Springfield
on 2001-09-17 04:15 [#00032707]

What are you talking about, where's the new message board, is this a trick. Fuckity.
The "I concur." Man
from I concur. on 2001-09-17 04:16 [#00032708]

I concur. You need a drink.
Captian Slipknot
on 2001-09-17 04:16 [#00032709]

Yes there is. Look harder.
from Red Bank, NJ on 2001-09-17 04:19 [#00032710]

I want to marry a bitch and for people to call us a 'power couple'. That would be cool.
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-09-17 04:26 [#00032720]

I'm very scared someone hold me THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
Trix Rabbit: armed and dangerous
from will kill anything in his path for trix on 2001-09-17 07:34 [#00032866]

This seriously looks like the same message board to me. What did you replace one of the couch coushins or something?
Duff Man
from Springfeild on 2001-09-17 07:36 [#00032868]

from Sweden on 2001-09-17 09:50 [#00032890]

As you can see...someone replied to an ancient topic...bad behaviour.
from joyrex.com, of course! on 2001-09-17 16:00 [#00033020]

Especially since there is nothing of value to read in it either!
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-09-17 16:18 [#00033021]

Hey Joyrex. Get your own shit working (coming soon) before you start complaining about others...
from joyrex.com, of course! on 2001-09-17 18:56 [#00033060]

Last I checked, my messageboard was fully functioning - I didn't mean the site at all.
What I did mean, was some fool bounced this thread back up, and then nothing of substance was added to it - I dunno about you, but when I come here, I'd like to read some interesting conversations, not kids playing on the internet.
from Geoworld on 2001-09-17 18:59 [#00033062]

Hey TuneFish can you help me out with something...?
Michael Jordan
on 2001-09-17 19:00 [#00033063]

I like to read about kids playing on the internet.
from joyrex.com, of course! on 2001-09-17 23:10 [#00033238]

REFLEX: Well, maybe, I mean, I get the occasional retard on my board, because I allow guest posting (aka not being registered).
Phobia could make his messageboard members-only, but then he risks reducing the number of visitors to his messageboard/site. While this will make for a stable and happy community, no one new will really swing by (some people can't be arsed to register) and the conversation will most likely go stale, which is a bad thing as well. I think it's really odd why poor Phobia gets all the losers and weirdos on his messageboard - it's not like he does anything to attract them. Hopefully with his new messageboard, the fools and losers will fall away and some quality messages will once again fill these pages.
from Sweden on 2001-09-18 08:17 [#00033635]

I prefer quality before quantity.
Barrett, Syd
from T Dot on 2001-09-18 09:22 [#00033694]

I enjoy stimulating conversation.
from Milan on 2001-09-18 10:17 [#00033718]

I totally agree with joyrex and I hope and believe in the new aphextwin.nu V5!
Phobiazero don't diappoint your regulars!
\/\/ooƒER ²
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-09-18 15:59 [#00033811]

Here I am again, adding no substance to this OOOLD thread....
But seriously:
Joyrex: I don't think the messageboard will change with this login system phob attempts to do, I rather think that the amount of retards and idiots will become less 'cause I know for sure that all the mates here like REFLEX, Woofy, Rob..., just to name a few will definitely stay here even if this is going to be a login mb.
Well, I will for sure.
Joyrex, I didn't mean to commit any unfair critics to your site. I just think it can't be so hard to just update your site, because you had all that stuff before...
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-09-18 16:00 [#00033812]

But that wasn't the point here, I know, I just wanted to mention it...
from joyrex.com, of course! on 2001-09-18 16:58 [#00033818]

mCp: Ah, no problem - forget it ever happened.
As for why my site is *still* incomplete, it's mostly due to the discography being totally reworked and automated (it will be the ultimate resource once done) and since it is being programmed and not just HTML, it takes a lot longer to do, not to mention putting the thousands of scans and data into the database, which I've been doing as much as possible. Add to that the fact I work a lot and have a family, time becomes very limited (as I am sure Phobia can attest to as well).
Anyway, hopefully his new MB will eliminate the retards that exist here, and things will return to normal.
from http://diastole1.homestead.com on 2001-09-18 17:46 [#00033822]

yeah, jorex gogogoggo...i need help with my blinking chatroom html file pasting and sticking crap...no attempt at a message board, but if i were to get one, which i may eventually do, it could be a members only thingy, well, at least once i got enuff people coming to the site, which incidentally i think you do have enuff of now phobiazero!
Sylvester Stallone
on 2001-09-18 18:33 [#00033825]

Ar gart ta foonk arf ar parswood far VooFoov.
FX Twin
from New York on 2001-09-18 18:38 [#00033826]

Some psych inf on Mr. James. Richard is just like his father and thats what he hates about himself. I could talk about his father,,,, but,, you dont wanna know about his father.
Messageboard index