Dont you guys have someting to do | xltronic messageboard
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Dont you guys have someting to do

offline big from lsg on 2004-10-03 10:44 [#01351559]
Points: 23518 Status: Regular | Followup to Dannn_: #01351506 | Show recordbag

ive been checking this thread for over 2 years now


offline Sido Dyas from a computer on 2004-10-03 16:18 [#01352020]
Points: 8876 Status: Lurker

Im very busy seeing as i am the no 1 underground crime boss
in northern europe. No one makes a move unless i have ok'ed
it first. Im pulling all the strings. I got the police and
judges in my pocket.
I gotta watch my back every second though.
But i always find time to post here on this excelent
electronic music board.
Im also the no 1 mythomaniac in northern europe....
Other pathological liars bow before me.


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