from Antarctica on 2002-07-05 04:36 [#00297351]
Points: 24610 Status: Regular

(don't repeat other people's choices!!)
from So.Flo on 2002-07-05 04:40 [#00297356]
Points: 7099 Status: Regular

I think you got it down packed Marlowe
Cant fight there =)
from santiago (Chile) on 2002-07-05 04:48 [#00297362]
Points: 1321 Status: Lurker

is tis you afx Numb?
from Sukavasti Amitaba Pureland (United States) on 2002-07-05 04:49 [#00297364]
Points: 3739 Status: Addict

(not saying that these are better, but here's some more)
r-requiem for a dream f- fight club t-terminator 2 r-robocob 2, the red violin, run lola run (kind of) n-nightmare before christmas b-brazil
on 2002-07-05 05:10 [#00297391]
Points: 818 Status: Regular

Aliens Bulletproof, Blair Witch Chucky Dracula Evil Dead Frankenstine, Fri 3th, fight club Godfather Happygillmore, Hellraiser Invasion of the body snatchers Jeepers creepers.... i guess ??? Kiss of death Lock stock and ......... Matrix, The Night of the living dead, Nosferatu Oocean's 11 Pumpkinhead QQuantum Project Road tripp Sleepy Hollow Texas Chainsaw Masacre, The crow Undead VVillage of the Damned Waterboy,The XXtro ZZombie Island Massacre
from Washington, DC (United States) on 2002-07-05 05:13 [#00297394]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker

Amélie Bamboozled City Of Lost Children Dog Day Afternoon Eraserhead Friday Gladiator Happiness Ice Storm Jackie Brown Kalifornia Last Temptation Of Christ Magnolia Natural Born Killers Opposite Of Sex Princess Mononoke Quills Roger & Me Series 7: The Contenders Training Day Undercover Brother Vertigo Wings Of Desire X-Men Young Frankenstein Zu Warriors
from Antarctica on 2002-07-05 05:19 [#00297398]
Points: 24610 Status: Regular | Followup to SwitchFrontside: #00297391

frontside - zombie island massacre is such a BAD BAD BAD filme!!! it should be PG rated for god's sake!! ugh! i hate that film!
brendan ether
from the beach (obx, NC) (United States) on 2002-07-05 05:19 [#00297399]
Points: 796 Status: Addict

amelie,,, good choice
from Antarctica on 2002-07-05 05:20 [#00297400]
Points: 24610 Status: Regular | Followup to titsworth: #00297394

u got some killer films there, mr T :) some of my faves
from Washington, DC (United States) on 2002-07-05 05:21 [#00297401]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker

let's have everyone do this, it doesn't have to be their favorite movies, just pick any great one for each letter
from Antarctica on 2002-07-05 05:25 [#00297404]
Points: 24610 Status: Regular | Followup to titsworth: #00297401

yeah that was my idea ;) should have a real good and comprehensive list eventually! i took about 30 minutes compiling mine - deciding which to keep and which to leave out :)
from 1969 in the sunshine (United States) on 2002-07-05 05:30 [#00297405]
Points: 1121 Status: Regular

great list, but some letters have more than one title that fits... groudhog day and godfather own, raging bull and requiem, two great ones etc..
from Antarctica on 2002-07-05 05:39 [#00297412]
Points: 24610 Status: Regular | Followup to b0nk: #00297405

well you see, each person puts one great film per letter (if they can) that hasn't been put already -- so you have to think, which film shall i put for the letter G (i chose groundhog day, but i had many great films to choose from) -- so the list will be built up, and people can explore it :)
brendan ether
from the beach (obx, NC) (United States) on 2002-07-05 05:48 [#00297414]
Points: 796 Status: Addict

a- amadeus b- boxing helena c- chocolat d- deliverance e- easy rider f- fear and loathing in las vegas g- glengarry glen ross h- the hudsucker proxy i- il postino j- jade k- killing zoe l- lolita m- mullholland drive n- the neverending story o- one flew over the cuckoo's nest p- pulp fiction q- the quest r- resident evil s- stand by me t- the thomas crown affair u- the unbearable lightness of being v- the virgin suicides w- the wall x- X-the movies y- the young lions z- zebriskie point
brendan ether
from the beach (obx, NC) (United States) on 2002-07-05 05:49 [#00297415]
Points: 796 Status: Addict

* X- the movie
from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-07-05 06:08 [#00297418]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

A Clockwork Orange Blair Witch Project Citizen Kane Dracula Eraserhead Fight Club Gone with the Wind House on Haunted Hill Ice Storm Jurassic Park Kalifornia Little Nicky Magnolia Nosferatu Opposite Of Sex Paths of Glory Quiet Man Requiem for a Dream Shawshank Redemption Transformers Usual Suspects Vertigo Wizard of Oz X-Men Young Frankenstein Zombie High
on 2002-07-05 06:19 [#00297419]
Points: 818 Status: Regular

damn Zombie Island Massacre sux i had nothing else to put in there :)......... fuck i hated that peice of shit move... god damn.... Z ummmmmmmmm Zoolander... NO i fucking hated the fuck out of that movie !!!!, any other movie that has a Zombie as the first word in the title :)
from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-07-05 06:20 [#00297420]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Ohhhh shit, I left out Hard Day's Night and Magical Mystery Tour! And Yellow Submarine! (actually I just copied Young Frankenstein off someone cuz I couldn't think of one, I don't even know what the hell that is). Wish I could edit posts.
from Washington, DC (United States) on 2002-07-05 06:22 [#00297421]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker | Followup to Ophecks: #00297418

ophecks you're such a repeater!!
from the outer edge of the universe (United States) on 2002-07-05 06:24 [#00297422]
Points: 8249 Status: Lurker

A-pocalypse Now B-raveheart C-lerks D-angerous Liasons E-xcaliber F-ace/OFF G-round HOG day H-eart Breakers I-nterview with a Vampire J-erry Maguire K-undun L-ife is Beautiful M-oonstruck N-ightmare Before Christmas O-ne Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (Outlaw Josey Wales) P-ulp Fiction (Platoon) Q-uick and the Dead R-an S-pinal Tap T-ombstone U-sual Suspects (U-451) V-alley of the Dolls W-hat about Bob X-Files- Fight the Future Y-Tu Mama Tambien (gonna see this weekend) Z-oolander (this sucks but it's all i could come up with in 10 minnows)
whats more is i OWN all these DVD's (except the V, X, Y, and Z movies cos you doods took the ones i do own and was gonna mention!! )
BUT i have SEEN all of ZE movies, cept the noted ones =0)!!!
ehhehe GREAT topic marlowe man!!! =0)
damn.....in the time it took me to type this out i duped some titles.....but there werent there when i read this originally....ehhehe
ohhhh well
brendan ether
from the beach (obx, NC) (United States) on 2002-07-05 06:32 [#00297427]
Points: 796 Status: Addict

haha,,, i know,,, about half of his choices were already said. ;-D
from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-07-05 06:32 [#00297428]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

I've seen all the movies I listed except Young Frankenstein, obviously. Is that a Micheal J Fox movie? Or am I thinking of Young Werewolf or something? He's short.
from the outer edge of the universe (United States) on 2002-07-05 06:33 [#00297429]
Points: 8249 Status: Lurker | Followup to LeCoeur: #00297422

Drat......i meant U-571...that sub movie which was pretty good!!
yeah Opie....you copied....read the rules.....ehehhehe =b
we should do an A B C with just horror titles.....eheheh
from San Francisco (United States) on 2002-07-05 06:33 [#00297430]
Points: 14042 Status: Lurker

the number of movies ive seen totals in the millions... but I cannot think of names for hardly any of the letters..
bah humbug
brendan ether
from the beach (obx, NC) (United States) on 2002-07-05 06:33 [#00297431]
Points: 796 Status: Addict

(oops,,, i repeated a few, too) tee-hee.
from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-07-05 06:33 [#00297432]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Shit, were we supposed to be creative and unique?
And I also hope it's not our FAVORITE movies of that letter, cuz Little Nicky sucks!
from same shit babes. (United States) on 2002-07-05 06:36 [#00297438]
Points: 12585 Status: Lurker

Ummm I cant believe this but...
I think M - Momento. duh.
from the outer edge of the universe (United States) on 2002-07-05 06:39 [#00297442]
Points: 8249 Status: Lurker

one......no repeats
two....try for movies you really like....luckily there were some still left
three....brenden i had dupes of yours cos you posted first...thats why i put different ones in (brackets)
i HATE zoolander....just in case i didn't make that CLEAR.....ehehhehe
THIS WAS FUN FUN.....i need to type faster next time!!
i tried to stick with movies i acutally own.....except for the ones noted.....i do)
from the outer edge of the universe (United States) on 2002-07-05 06:43 [#00297443]
Points: 8249 Status: Lurker | Followup to Ophecks: #00297428

Young Frankenstein is one of the BEST.....FUNNIEST movies ever made dood......RUN don't walk to a store to RENT it!!!
it's a mel brooks classic......and yes i OWN that lovely little slice of film! =0)
*wow look at those knockers* !!!
from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-07-05 06:47 [#00297445]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Followup to LeCoeur: #00297443 | Show recordbag

Oh yeah, the one with Madeline Kahn and some other people, I know now... I acutally DO think I saw it, but you don't have good taste in film making when you're like 4 years old.
from San Francisco (United States) on 2002-07-05 06:48 [#00297447]
Points: 14042 Status: Lurker

the history of the world part one
from Ecatepec (Mexico) on 2002-07-05 07:08 [#00297460]
Points: 2461 Status: Lurker

and what about Holocausto Cannibal?
on 2002-07-05 07:19 [#00297473]
Points: 818 Status: Regular

sorry i had to make another one cause my last one was kinda shitty, here is one just for some cool horror movies, sorry i am a horror movie buff !
A-natomy B-ad Taste (GORE !!!) C-radle of Fear (oh yeh !!!! gore to the max) D-evil's Backbone,The E-vil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn E-xorcist, The (Asome) F-inal Destination G-inger Snaps (awsome movie, DAMN HOT CHICK !!!!!!!!!! ) H-annibal (bowels in or bowels out !!!! hahaha that still makes me laugh)
H-ellraiser (all of them are awsome !) I-ntruder J-eppers creepers (if someone redone the ending) K-airo L-NONE M-aniac (classic) N-ightmare On Elm Street,A (hell yeh ) N-ight of the living dead O-pera P-oltergeist (another classic) Q-ueen of the Damned (starts with Q, hot chit too !) R-esident Evil (so cool, chick is hot) S-leepaway Camp (another classic) T-ell Me Something (twists like hell) U-gly, The V-ampire Hunter D: Bloodlust W-hat Lies Beneath Y-NONE ! Z-ombie (the oroiginal)
from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-07-05 07:33 [#00297503]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Goodness. Won't be long before there's no good movies left to list. Tough to come up with fresh ones. Hard work. Which is why I just looked over everyone else's list and picked out what I liked. }:-)
That's a cool list, Switch... nothing like a cheesy horror movie to watch with a female companion. Or male, I dunno, let's not discriminate.
from Washington, DC (United States) on 2002-07-05 07:44 [#00297521]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker | Followup to SwitchFrontside: #00297473

how is bloodlust, switch?
from Beloit, WI (United States) on 2002-07-05 07:44 [#00297522]
Points: 2478 Status: Lurker

Some of these are repeated; sorry.
American Beauty Beetlejuice City of Lost Children (right on tits!) Dogma Edward Scissorhands Ferris Bueller's Day Off Ghost World Half Baked It's A Wonderful Life J ? K ? L ? Monty Python / Meaning of Life N ? O ? Panic Room Q ? Rear Window Sleepy Hollow This Is Spinal Tap Undercover Brother V ? Wayne's World X ? Y ? Z ?
from Antarctica on 2002-07-05 18:28 [#00298326]
Points: 24610 Status: Regular | Followup to SwitchFrontside: #00297419

Zombie Creeping Flesh or ZOmbie Child you coulda put, frontside!!
from Antarctica on 2002-07-05 18:34 [#00298334]
Points: 24610 Status: Regular | Followup to Neto: #00297460

yes, cannibal holocaust is a really good movie -- i own the uncut version i'm pleased to report
from Saigon (Vietnam) on 2002-07-05 20:21 [#00298497]
Points: 1463 Status: Lurker

Great topic marlowe >> Jaws,clerks,Full metal Jacket, shining, shawshank > big up to those fill-ums
American History X Brighton Rock Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Das Boot (the directors cut...awesome) Easy rider Fargo ("ya think ??" :D ) Groundhog day (it just keeps coming back!! :D ..OK not funny......."Gunga Din" then )
Happiness Inner space Jacobs ladder Koyaanisqatsi Life of Brian Man bites dog Naked One flew over the cukoos nest Pulp Fiction Quest for the Holy Grail (Monty P and the...) Reservoir Dogs Swimming with sharks T=2001 : a space odyssey Usual Suspects Vanishing point *WITHNAIL AND I* (class) Xizao You only live twice Zerkalo
from the ocean on 2002-07-05 20:35 [#00298513]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

Amarcord Before night falls Carlito's way Dead man Eureka Fargo Good will hunting High fidelity Italian for beginners Jackie brown Kiss of the dragon Lock stock and two smoking barrels Man who wasn't there Nenette and boni O brother where art thou? Pledge Q Rounders Stealing beauty The big blue Underground(kusturica) Ville est tranquille We're no angels X malcolm Y tu mama tambien Z
from Antarctica on 2002-07-05 20:42 [#00298522]
Points: 24610 Status: Regular | Followup to smokehammer: #00298497

yeah i love brighton rock too :) dickie attenborough is good in it! very menacing ;)
from The Concrete Jungle (United States) on 2002-07-05 22:08 [#00298595]
Points: 1184 Status: Lurker

add "CYBER NINJA" to all of those lists people!!!!!
from Antarctica on 2002-07-06 02:55 [#00298860]
Points: 24610 Status: Regular

no sign of the deerhunter yet? most disappointing!
from Major City (Austria) on 2002-07-06 03:45 [#00298917]
Points: 3110 Status: Lurker

as my current posting says, A like amelie, don`t care about the others =)
from the outer edge of the universe (United States) on 2002-07-06 08:13 [#00299275]
Points: 8249 Status: Lurker | Followup to marlowe: #00298860

damn ..... i feel ashamed.....the DEERHUNTER was a masterpiece!!
i have to get that DVD!! it's been on regular TV lately....all cut up and stuff but still so moving. christopher walkens BEST preformance IMO!
from Texas (United States) on 2002-07-06 08:46 [#00299286]
Points: 400 Status: Regular

American Beauty Brother from another planet, The Crash Donnie Darko Explorers Fellowship of the Ring, the Game, The Henry:portrait of a serial killer Island of Dr. Moreau, The Jacob's Ladder Killing Fields, The Lost Highway Memento No way out Others, The Princess Mononoke Quest for Fire Repo Man Seven To Kill a mockingbird Under the Rainbow V Waking Life Xanadu Yor: space hunter Zelig
few! that took a lot out of me
A k k a d
Jedi Chris
on 2002-07-06 09:17 [#00299307]
Points: 11496 Status: Lurker

Attack of the Clones (The) Back to the Future 1,2 & 3 Coming to America Deep Impact Empire Strikes Back (The) Fast and the Furious Goldeneye (James Bond) Harry Potter Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Jaws Kalifornia Lost Boys (The) Matrix (The) Neverending Story Oceans Eleven Phantom Menace (The) Q - Return of the Jedi (The) Star Wars Toy Story 2 Universal Solider Vertical Limit World is not Enough (The) X-men You Only Live Twice (James Bond)
on 2002-07-06 09:20 [#00299310]
Points: 24805 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

U-571 an interesting story indeed. I love the way they managed to turn a historical British event into a US one :)
Sido Dyas
from a computer on 2002-07-06 11:11 [#00299336]
Points: 8876 Status: Lurker

Aberden Bad Boys (old prison movie with sean penn , not W Smith) Cape Fear Donnie Brasco Enter the Dragon Festen Goodfellas Harry Potter It's a Wonderful Life JFK Kramer vs Kramer Life of Brian Menace ll society Naked gun 2 1/2 Office Space Pusher Quest for Camelot Rockers!! Serpico The Empire Strikes Back Unforgiven Willow Xanadu Young Guns Zero Kelvin
Åkes värld Änglagård Ögat
Ehm...this is not necesearly my favorite movies....
Sido Dyas
from a computer on 2002-07-06 11:13 [#00299337]
Points: 8876 Status: Lurker

shit!!! i change H harry potter to....Heat!!!
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