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offline AMinal from Toronto (Canada) on 2002-06-30 03:20 [#00289718]
Points: 3476 Status: Regular

i dont hear a lot about this band... but their album "Hot
Shots II" is downright GOOD!

this is the best rock ive heard in a long time...
and while it has a light, playful sort of feel to it (for
the most part)... its surprisingly meaningful music!
NOT ur typical "oh im so sad i lost my girlfriend so now im
gonna ROCK!" dumbass lyrics...

but while intelligent, they're NOT depressing and bleak and
shit (ahem... radiohead?)

its actually really uplifting...


offline MachineofGod from the land of halo's (United States) on 2002-06-30 04:18 [#00289792]
Points: 3088 Status: Lurker

get 3 eps and self titled their just as good if not better
than hotshots2. i dont own them but heard all 3 and they
seem pretty good I dont know if i'd buy them though.


offline AMinal from Toronto (Canada) on 2002-06-30 07:04 [#00290004]
Points: 3476 Status: Regular | Followup to MachineofGod: #00289792

i'd buy hot shots 2 for sure

i have 3eps (downloaded) and i think i'll give it a more
attentive listen tomorrow (ive only sort of skimed through
it so far)


offline nene from United States on 2002-06-30 15:56 [#00290185]
Points: 1475 Status: Lurker

I've got hot shots 2, and it's a solid album. "the people
with the pizza pie / got me very high" excellent.


offline core from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-06-30 16:42 [#00290220]
Points: 1536 Status: Lurker

they is good


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