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Soulseek Madness!

offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-06-19 22:36 [#00275657]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Interesting reading the messageboard on there...

What do you think of the influx of new ''st00pid pop n00bs''
on there since the fall of the almighty Audiogalaxy?

I frankly don't care... not like you can't find all the good
underground stuff there... but then again, could this
overload of users shut the thing down? It's working perfect
for me.

Really funny reading about all the elitist snobs on there,
snivelling and whining. But I'm thinking maybe they have a
point, but I don't have my mind made up on this subject

Also, forgive me Father, for I have sinned... I showed a
n00b the way to so she could download some
Kylie Minogue...


offline Inverted Whale from United States Minor Outlying Islands on 2002-06-19 22:56 [#00275692]
Points: 3301 Status: Lurker

It's already affected me directly. I used to share a fair
bit of non-electronic stuff, just cause everything's in one
big directory on my machine and I'm lazy. In the last day or
two, I had hundreds and hundreds of queued downloads for
these tracks. So I had to unshare all non-electronic stuff.

It seems there are a lot of elitist whiners on soulseek (or
at least they are a vocal minority), but they do have a
point: if there are a lot of people sharing stuff from
RIAA-affiliated labels, the RIAA will take notice and then
no more soulseek.

When are we going to get off this central indexed server
model for p2p? We need gnutella to grow up fast.


offline steve from chicago on 2002-06-19 22:59 [#00275698]
Points: 1156 Status: Lurker

I don't really care, I don't read what they have to say and
if I can't handle the load i'll just share less files.
Seeing as how there's more people on it now it's not like
i'm doing the soulseek community a disservice.

If there's more people sharing pop music i'm all for it,
i've been trying to get my hands on some fucking Huey Lewis
albums for a long time but i'll be damned if i'm going to
pay for them.


offline grinningcat from london (United Kingdom) on 2002-06-19 23:04 [#00275701]
Points: 1073 Status: Lurker

very good whale i agree.

stop putting pop music on there to keep soulseek

everyone remove anything remotely pop!


offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-06-19 23:05 [#00275703]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Yeah, that's true. This IS a nice haven for underground
stuff, and now it's going to be more in the spotlights of
the legal police...

But you can't stop Blink 182 fans from coming on... fuck.
But they have a right to use a free program, too. Quite a


offline Monoid from one source all things depend on 2002-06-19 23:05 [#00275704]
Points: 10998 Status: Regular

All people who love electronic music are invited to stay !
The rest can just fuck off ! Simple as that.

No seriously, I hope SLSK doesnt vecome just another
Filesharing tool, the main focus should stay on ELECTRONIC


offline AMinal from Toronto (Canada) on 2002-06-19 23:08 [#00275707]
Points: 3476 Status: Regular

i hope soulseek doesn't get any bigger!

its perfect at this size.... u can find anything and its
still personal enough that u can talk to people!
everyone knows who runs it! (Nir)
kazaa cant match that.....

and its small enough to.... 'stay under the radar'... not
attract enough attention to get shut down?

if it were ever to become popular enough to get shut
i dont know what i'd do
theres no other way to get good non-popular music..... and
the sense of community is another plus.....
talking to people about music is as important as getting the
music itself, for me


offline Darth manchu from Cambridge (United Kingdom) on 2002-06-19 23:09 [#00275708]
Points: 1897 Status: Regular

Someone with a meaty modem (arf) could probably set up an
open nap p2p server. Perhaps? I dont know...


offline Zombiekev from Ardmore (United States) on 2002-06-19 23:10 [#00275710]
Points: 2857 Status: Lurker

skrew em


offline AMinal from Toronto (Canada) on 2002-06-19 23:10 [#00275713]
Points: 3476 Status: Regular


i mean... its fine to have non electronic music on there....
great, even

but if someone comes on w/ buckets 'oh blink or somes shit
like that..... and has never HEARD of afx... (u dont have to
like him..... i guess;)....

...then couldn't they just NOT be allowed on?


offline Inverted Whale from United States Minor Outlying Islands on 2002-06-19 23:13 [#00275718]
Points: 3301 Status: Lurker | Followup to Darth manchu: #00275708

We don't even need to set up one, there are lots of good
opennap servers already out there, and several with
electronic music fans as well.


offline VampireAngel from San Juan (Cuntland) (Puerto Rico) on 2002-06-19 23:14 [#00275719]
Points: 1746 Status: Lurker | Followup to Monoid: #00275704 | Show recordbag

Hey Monoid I'm with you 100%...Soulseek should stay for
us,electronic music/IDM lovers...Just for us to share
rare-hard-to-find mp3,or just to sample artists....But I
said yesterday,support our artists,always...


offline Darth manchu from Cambridge (United Kingdom) on 2002-06-19 23:24 [#00275729]
Points: 1897 Status: Regular | Followup to VampireAngel: #00275719

The pop kids have radio and MTV to sample the artists.
Electronic doesnt get that sort of coverage, so we need
soulseek for us! (even though it doesnt work for me :(


offline AMinal from Toronto (Canada) on 2002-06-19 23:27 [#00275736]
Points: 3476 Status: Regular | Followup to Darth manchu: #00275729

good point!

soulseek should stay electronic!
pop people have other means...


offline VampireAngel from San Juan (Cuntland) (Puerto Rico) on 2002-06-19 23:29 [#00275737]
Points: 1746 Status: Lurker | Followup to Darth manchu: #00275729 | Show recordbag

For what I need it,it works perfectly..Just like electronic
music performances,they have a bunch of excellent ones..And
har-to-find songs....And yes,you can build a whole library
of bits-n-bites of different mp3.......We need Soulseek just
for us.......==)


offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-06-19 23:29 [#00275738]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

We need an ''idiot filter''... anyone here an accomplished

How exactly can you go about banning the ''inferior''
users... it's hard to keep this thing exclusive to
electronic fans. Sooo hard. *cries

Do your part... scan other people's files. If they DON'T
have an single Aphex Twin album, acuse them of touching your
''special place'' and get em' banned! That should work.


offline AMinal from Toronto (Canada) on 2002-06-19 23:32 [#00275742]
Points: 3476 Status: Regular | Followup to Ophecks: #00275738

good-hearted users -like u and me- would simply report those
pop people who deserved to be kicked....
and they would be banned

reviewed by someone in charge first, of course

they would just peak at their files..... if its all creed n
shit... and no electronica... they bye bye


offline AMinal from Toronto (Canada) on 2002-06-19 23:34 [#00275747]
Points: 3476 Status: Regular | Followup to Ophecks: #00275738

oh, sorry, i didn't read your post carefully:)

what im saying is just do that

actually get them banned


offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-06-19 23:35 [#00275750]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Followup to AMinal: #00275742 | Show recordbag

It's cruel, and I'd actually feel bad for the silly little
boys and girls who want their Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park,
but it sadly has to be done. Pack up and leave us alone,
pretend you never saw us, don't get the RIAA interested.

I don't feel so special anymore, there's too many unspecial
mainstreamers around! Gah! Get them out of our secret


offline JivverDicker from my house on 2002-06-19 23:37 [#00275756]
Points: 12102 Status: Regular

Nir who runs soulseek will ba well aware of the prospects of
the RIAA, I'm sure he'll come up with something...but what's
wrong with pop?


offline Smyrma from Beloit, WI (United States) on 2002-06-19 23:41 [#00275767]
Points: 2478 Status: Lurker

I don't really mind them but I don't want the RIAA to hit
Soulseek next. I'm gonna "un-share" all my mainstream or
popular stuff. I am gonna leave some of my non-electronic
stuff there but nothing overly popular :)


offline AMinal from Toronto (Canada) on 2002-06-19 23:42 [#00275771]
Points: 3476 Status: Regular | Followup to Ophecks: #00275750

yes, exactly ;)


offline titsworth from Washington, DC (United States) on 2002-06-19 23:44 [#00275779]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker

nothing will ever replace audiogalaxy, i got so many obscure
(non-electronic) tracks there that probably no one else on
soulseek has ever heard of, let alone have on their hard
drive.. the final insult is that i don't even have a record
of the 66 songs i had in my AG queue, who knows what the
fuck i wanted..


offline hevquip from megagram dusk sect (United States) on 2002-06-19 23:51 [#00275801]
Points: 3357 Status: Regular

i dont like the AG'ers. it was quite a massive flood they
brought on.


offline JivverDicker from my house on 2002-06-19 23:53 [#00275804]
Points: 12102 Status: Regular

Did they go in your room and cause havoq hevquip?


offline hevquip from megagram dusk sect (United States) on 2002-06-19 23:59 [#00275816]
Points: 3357 Status: Regular

haha! not really jivverdicker. they come across as being
such leeches though because it's like "gasp! AG has been
shut down! onto the next piracy program!" i mean if soulseek
closes, i'm not going to freak out and flood another program
with other slskers.


offline titsworth from Washington, DC (United States) on 2002-06-20 00:08 [#00275850]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker | Followup to hevquip: #00275816

yea, the part that sucks is the unwanted attention now given
to soulseek by the RIAA and the industry in general. i don't
think most users really mind the more "mainstream" listeners
downloading and sharing music on slsk, but the more users
and the more non-electronic users the closer soulseek comes
to meeting the fate of napster, AG, kazaa (soon), etc. and i
think that would've been avoided if not for the audiogalaxy
thaaang (why did i write that).


offline mylittlesister from ...wherever (United Kingdom) on 2002-06-20 01:40 [#00275958]
Points: 8472 Status: Regular

how come Kazaa hasnt been hit by the RIAA? Are they working
their way down a list?


offline titsworth from Washington, DC (United States) on 2002-06-20 04:07 [#00276081]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker

kazaa have been in trouble with the RIAA for months, they
just haven't pulled the plug yet. AG did it all of a sudden.


offline titsworth from Washington, DC (United States) on 2002-06-20 04:18 [#00276083]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker

i think a solution to the soulseek problem (which isn't how
to be mean to mainstream music fans, but how to keep the
RIAA away) is to just stop accepting new users.


offline earthleakage from tell the world you're winning on 2002-06-20 04:20 [#00276088]
Points: 27787 Status: Regular

nightmare on mp3 street


offline Inverted Whale from United States Minor Outlying Islands on 2002-06-20 04:56 [#00276137]
Points: 3301 Status: Lurker

from the soulseek forum...

"stop renaming all your Merzbow files to look like the new
Korn album"

now that's funny!


offline Tasos from Athens (Greece) on 2002-06-20 04:58 [#00276139]
Points: 706 Status: Lurker

where iz dat forum mate? :-D


offline Tasos from Athens (Greece) on 2002-06-20 04:59 [#00276142]
Points: 706 Status: Lurker

ohhh, yeah... sorry... sleepy...


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