from MIR-Spacestation on 2001-07-05 19:33 [#00012538]

Wizard MaC
from Grijpskerke on 2001-07-05 19:48 [#00012539]

Wizard MaC
from Grijpskerke on 2001-07-05 19:53 [#00012540]

Foundation, foundation, I'm playing on my Playstation.
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-07-05 20:53 [#00012548]

terrance caught julie pinching gnomes what could i say?
Wizard MaC
from Grijpskerke on 2001-07-05 21:05 [#00012549]

say ooh, say ah
from vilkaviskis on 2001-07-05 21:31 [#00012555]

i don't think that drugs are important. they are innactive.
Scary Bear
on 2001-07-05 22:37 [#00012565]

I'm still not sure. I'm pretty open minded about it. I don't want to but I think I might do some day.
Wizard MaC
from Grijpskerke on 2001-07-05 22:42 [#00012567]

I don't use drugs at all, and I'm still pretty weird!
Scary Bear
on 2001-07-05 23:09 [#00012573]

That's true actually before taking drugs I think you have to learn to apreciate natural highs. I don't know quite how it works but every now and then I'll just wake up in a weird frame of mind, today I kept on thinking people where calling my name round college and I turned around and there was nobody there. It was pretty scary coz it was realistic but it was pretty funny too (at the time, kept on happening). Does this happen to everyone else and nobody ever talks about it? I just think the boardem of boarding has got to me.
Wizard MaC
from Grijpskerke on 2001-07-05 23:13 [#00012576]

I think you've got some dangerous troubles out there, and there's only one thing you can do:
don't become afraid of it
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-07-06 00:07 [#00012605]

Hey Scary Bear! I have had the same thing happen to me a few times...actually last week while walking in the downtown core of my city, I kept hearing people saying or calling my name....just to let you know that you're not alone! I say let it be and have fun with it! It is kinda fun to be on edge like that....almost like drinking 5 cups of coffee before hitting the shops! hahaha! have a great day!
from seattle washington U.S.a on 2001-07-06 06:34 [#00012630]

do drugs take notes lurn uhbowt yer brane
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-06 06:50 [#00012637]

Its different for eveyone, I just got back into smoking weed again, but i quit everything else, I was too much into bad heavy things. Mainly a lot of cocaine, if your going to do drugs then just watch yourself, thats all.
wizards teeth
on 2001-07-06 08:52 [#00012665]

Drugs are good.
If you ate a block of lard each day you would probably have a heart attack in a year.
Therefore Lard should be banned.
Who watch Brass Eye on TV last night ?
Chimp Systems
from Millwangle on 2001-07-06 10:09 [#00012679]

Fuck drugs? What kind of a stupid comment is that? Yeah, drugs have killed people, and given many millions more a great deal of pleasure. I would have missed out on so many incredible times if it wasn't for drugs. People DO fuck up on them, but the sort of people who do are going to fuck up on whatever they can find anyway, be it booze, weed, fucking pornos, whatever. . . Unless you're saying you've got some Fuck-drugs for sale, in which case I'll take twenty.
on 2001-07-06 10:18 [#00012682]

"Society is biased against any altering of one’s own neurochemistry whatsoever—as if it soils you somehow—unless it’s with caffeine, alcohol or antidepressants."
from Oooo AA AA AAAA o o o o o o oi o o o o o aa oi on 2001-07-06 10:30 [#00012689]

Yeah I saw Brass Eye last night, FUCKING hilarious. "If you change the graph to eight foxes heads on sticks something wierd happens: the word CRUEL starts flashing".
I could do with a clarky cat.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-06 10:47 [#00012690]

WHATEVER: In my opinion, its extreemly lame and, infact quite stupid and uneducated to praise, or defend drug use in general. YES - People do fuck up on them, and YES - Its ok to do some.
BUT... really, how can you do all these things to yourself, and not realize that you will be fuct up later in life? To ignore this simple idea, of one own life, is a class A dictionary word.... Nieve, Ignorant and Passive.
I used to be into all sorts of fucking drugs, I use to sell them, and... mostly, yeah I used to do them. I wasn't dabbling, I was an addict, and needed specific help to gain control again. This is no joke, and I lost a lot of things living through that experience. Not EVERYONE will fuck up on drugs, but drugs are a problem. Its not good to be doing lots, all the time. And certainly to think its "cool" do to all sorts of fuct shit, is yes... nieve of one's self. This is my opinion, pretty much... although some of it is almost factual.
They've done mass studies on these drugs for a reason, recently they have found that marijuana is not bad for you, not as bad as cigerettes. XTC [E, MDMA, MDA etc.] is shown to be right up there for being bad for you with Heroin, and Crack. Ofcourse not the same problems, but just as bad. This is not good, you see, XTC is not real MDMA, its a "shit mix" of different shit, thats not good for you. You know how people say you "rush" on E?. Well your not supposed to, thats the speed kicking in, dirty speed too. E was used by the Germans fist in the 1950's to treat mass depression among the people. It was shortly stopped, due to clinical problems, and trials showing the negative effects.
Most drugs, are infact extreemly bad for you. I do not condone drug use, and I myself, just smoke marijuana here and there, and have the ocasional drinks at the bar. I do not overdo it anymore, in anyway. Drugs can fuck with your life, forever. I now have a heart condition from cocaine, and other drug related problems. So do what you want, but think about the consequences.
on 2001-07-06 11:12 [#00012695]

Brass-Eye is one of the funniest programmes to ever grace out TV screens. I laughed my arse off. Especially at the plight of that elephant with its head "stuck up it's guts." Quality.
PS - I love you Phobiazero.
from London on 2001-07-06 11:16 [#00012698]

I completely agree, I myself have fucked up on coke, and beleive me it ain't the nicest thing in the world to do as your entire body changes. I must admit I don't really know all the facts and i doubt that anybody really does, it's just one of those things nobody really knows what is going on, its the same with anything. its true that the majority don't fuck up on drugs just look at Ozzy Osbourne the guys in his 50's but looks great, and there isn't any cases that you can see that have gone wrong because you just die look at people like Jimi Hendrix, River Phionex and Kurt Cobain to name a few who died from the use of drugs, it's silly to compare the use of alchol or other drugs used by society because the amount of people using alcohol compared to the users of weed is out of proportion, I still smoke weed occasionally aswell but people who think its clever to do pills, coke or heroin like some of my friends will learn the lesson the hard way, it is not easy to stop once you have started.
on 2001-07-06 11:21 [#00012699]

I rarely participate in hard drugs but must admit am prone to a few tokes now and again. I think this is OK if done in moderation. Too much of anything will kill you, some things faster than others.
It's all very well to try and warn people about the dangers but ultimately people are gonna do what they like. I'm sure we all received similar warnings from 'experienced campaigners' before we dabbled.
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-07-06 11:53 [#00012707]

wizards teeth
on 2001-07-06 11:56 [#00012708]

Ben Johnson did when he ran faster than a speeding bullet.
That Pablo Escobar didn't do too badly either.
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-07-06 12:33 [#00012714]

I've never been addicted to drugs but I'd imagine it would be very hard to give up. Reflex, I applaud your achivement!
don bran.
from some people say alchohol is a drug, its not a drus its a drink' on 2001-07-06 12:40 [#00012715]

or 'fresh operations scars in a hot bath'...'jessop, jessop, jessop'.'zeberera's' ..'what do you get when you take the 'u' out of drugs? 'dugs'. ' chung with the biff buff & the puff pastry hangman...classic. morris we praise you. mate of mine who worked at warp met him and the first thing morris asked him was 'how easy is it to hack into your system?'
incidently, anyone heard the afx tony blair speech he did in glasgow? something about 'turning all weapons on emily age 9, from ellesmere port'
class in a glass
from London on 2001-07-06 12:41 [#00012716]

Streamer you are very right, it really doesn't matter what anyone tells you because if you want to try something then why should anyone try and talk you out of it, the only reason I consider myself wise to the facts is through my own experience. I don't mean for every one to go out now and go get fucked what i was simply trying to say is that everything is good in small doses its when you get greedy like I did and took it to far thats when the trouble starts, I don't think the social side of drug takeing is bad it's the unsociable side that soon takes control when you abuse the drugs
on 2001-07-06 12:48 [#00012717]

It's true, Mark. It's when you start sitting home alone getting mashed on a regular basis that things can go pear-shaped.
from Vancouver,Canada on 2001-07-06 12:52 [#00012718]

Right on Reflex, good to hear that. I must be the goody, goody on the board here and at age 35 have never done drugs in my life, except on my 19th birthday when someone put shrooms in my bday cake(without my knowledge), believe me, it freaked the fu&k outta me, and I couldnt stand the feeling of not being in control, so I have never participated ever since. nor have I ever drank alcohol ( cant stand the taste)..
I've been around too many bad scenes over the years where too many people I knew died of drug overdoses or have seen to much of the after-effects as the years have gone by.
Now when yer in yer late teens or early 20's , most people are their most stubborn and often have this Nothing-can-happen-to-me attitude, do not be fooled, cause ive seen tonnes of casualties over the years with people of that same kinda mindset, many of em had so much potential and were wonderful people but couldnt control their habits.
Now ofcourse Im giving ya worst case scenarios here, but theyre just spme examples thats all.
Now reflex has some apparent heart condition, that shit aint funny....
I have no problem with people smoking a spliff here and there, but by all means , stay away from the hard drugs, it fucks ya up, plus theyre the most addictive of all drugs and it could lead to a potential never ending cycle...
Now, I know that im an extremist in terms of never drinking or doing drugs but Ive been clubbin for about 20 years now, and have had amazing times without even being on anything at all.
Mebbe it explains why I listen to erm druglike musaks, but that aint gonna mess me up physically...
Chimp Systems
from Millwangle on 2001-07-06 13:35 [#00012732]

I was addicted to smack for 6 months and then gave up, and it was a piece of piss. I just went on holiday. You feel shit, but the feeling goes after about a week. People who get hooked on drugs and then say they can't get off them are lying. Giving up fags is harder than giving up smack, but if fags started costing you £20-£60 a day and affecting your life you'd give 'em up in a shot. Drugs aren't the problem, its the people who use them unwisely. I still love getting mashed, and I don't even regret my time spent on smack.
from London on 2001-07-06 14:49 [#00012781]

I think that is only true to a certain extent because if you know nothing different, then things become a little harder in fact a great deal harder, I don't condone the use of hard drugs, and it is up to each individual to make there own decisions I am only 18 but started at the age of 13, I consider myself clean now but I still smoke a little weed i do drink and i doubt if i could give everything up with out becoming a little unsociable. but at the same time if you feel that you can have good time on drugs then fine that choice is yours only but if it goes wrong it is also your own fault. and the drugs are full of all sorts of shit, it really was like a game to me when i was a kid, i had no worries but it was my parents who were affected aswell not just mysef so in many respects i look at myself as a little selfish i didn't realise my erratic behaviour could do so much harm. The music from the alternative scene has kept me going at the same time so at least i had something to keep my mind off things. as humans we are not invinceble and your body will give in one way or another. and it hurts other close people around you, if you carry on abusing your body you will find out what happens, and i'm not so sure you will have the same views after 4 years try giving up it will be a lot harder than six months but i guess that could be the same with anything
Scary Bear
on 2001-07-06 16:17 [#00012849]

OK, I'm in boarding and chill round a shit load of ppl who do all sorts of drugs, Everyone has their own preferences. Personally I like weed and havent tried anyting else, I am completely satisfied with weed and alcohol and have spend my weekends balancing out how much I want t do for the feeling I want to achieve and what I want to get up to in the night.
There are three upper sixth who prefer Ketamin, one who likes shrooms. And they all still seem fine after having doing them for about 6 months on odd occasions. My best mate Alex who has just left back to Saudi has done pretty much everything, he's 19 now. He got kicked out of 2 colleges in the past and his parents obviously found out and were gutted. But at the same time he has told me about some of his nights in Lab 4 gigs when he was younger and he is still laughing about the times whe he was high, his favourite drug being acid. But now he has stopped doing chemicals he doesn't go out at all coz after that he cant only enjoy himself in a club when he's not tabbing. That is what has kept me from doing them not coz I'm afraid coz in VERY controlled atmospheres around mates you can trust nobody has gone wrong or got into trouble. What I don't want is to spend the rest of my life contrasting everything I do as duller than that one high.
Scary Bear
on 2001-07-06 16:22 [#00012850]

Personally I get my best highs out of learning to appreciate everything around me, as if it was the first time I've seen everything I'm looking at. It's hard to explain and sounds fucking corny but it does work for me a lot.
Oh and all the stoners out there can try focusing on one thing for a really long time when you've finished smoking. Coz my mind always drifts but when you try very very hard to keep it on one thing you start to get some very strange feelings.
Chimp Systems
from Millwangle on 2001-07-06 16:26 [#00012851]

Mr Bear, I suggest you read the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu to get a bit of a 'system' for feeling that focussed all the time. It's quite tiring keeping it up but the more you do it the easier it gets . . .
from up in yo ass with the resurrection! on 2001-07-06 16:50 [#00012861]

just stick to Mary Jane,she'll never hurt ya...
Chimp Systems
from Millwangle on 2001-07-06 16:54 [#00012865]

I have to disagree with that . Myself, and a couple of other people I know, smoked weed regularly for years thinking it had no real adverse affects. It was only when we stopped that we realised what paranoid, depressed people we had become through ganj smoking. I know this only affects a certain percentage of people, but I really thought when I going mad for a bit when all I needed to do was stop smoking. I can't even have a drag now . . . fuckin sad ain't it?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-06 21:16 [#00012909]

LISTEN TO THIS EVERYONE: Think about it, this is, or rather has been proven many times throughout history. Whatever goes up must come down, think about it. Most importantly, to think about stuff like this, use yourself as an example.
Okay, so that was a bad start. But... when you take any drugs [yes, even prescription ones] they fuck with certain levels of chemicals in your brain, when the night or weekend is over and your done for that time, until next time; you have unstable, and unlevel amounts of these chemicals, that mostly control your emotions and basic thought skills. Once youve stopped doing drugs for the night, your brain cannot completly fix these levels, thus... you basicly slowly become a moron. People get extreemly depressed, and kill themselves, I know of 2 people that commited suicide in my old skool [im out of school now], and drugs were a big part of those deaths, we were all sad, even though some of us didn't really know these people, it was sad that someone was down enough to take their own life. It is sad.
My heart problems, will never go away. I cannot exert myself to the fullest anymore, I mean I can run and lift weights, but not as hard as I used to be able to. This will take time to fix, and even then they said it may never be back to the same way. My brain has problems with memory sometimes, and I get weird little movements in my eye sometimes. Iam for the most part completly normal, outgoing person. But now I just have some problems.
Whoever said that it wasn't the drugs, but it was really the people is only part right. On a choice you make you don't go 100% there are 2 things, so its either 50/50 or 40/60 and so on. Really, when you start doing drugs its like this 90/10, then slowly you get to the point where its 10/90 and you have no control over the amount, and usage. It happend to everyone, ofcourse I would say this, like everyone else that has been there does. Because it CAN. I said that it never would, I used to make fun of fucking drug addicts who had no lives and fuct up. That was ME! I felt ashamed. I went to the Emergency Ward in one of the hospitals here, and I was overdosing on many things. They almost made it look like they didn't give a shit, which they didnt. But it was their job to help me, that was the only reason they did. If it was outside of that environment, no one there would have cared two shits to help me. Drugs, mostly mean trouble, and suck ass. Its not particularly too bright to do them either.
from Vancouflex, Canada on 2001-07-07 00:32 [#00012927]

wEEd WeeD wEEd WeeD wEEd WeeD wEEd WeeD wEEd WeeD wEEd WeeD wEEd WeeD wEEd WeeD wEEd WeeD
....I like it. : )
João Evangelista
from Portugal on 2001-07-07 04:20 [#00012952]

Drugs are GOOOOD!
clobe smith
from over here on 2001-07-07 05:00 [#00012959]

(excuse the inaccuracies):
always that same lsd story: young man on acid thought he could fly, jumped out of a building. what a tragedy. what a dick, fuck him, he's an idiot. if he thought he could fly, why didn't he take off from the ground first?
how about a positive lsd story, wouldn't that be news worthy: today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed into a small vibration. that we are all one consciousness, that we are experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves. here's thom with the weather.
-bill hicks
i don't take drugs but i did used to smoke. what i've decided goes as follows:
1. be responsible 2. it is okay to hurt your body as long as you are not hurting others (it is your body, after all.)
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-07-07 08:32 [#00012970]

PostModern Vancover, I thought I was the only person who has never taken drugs or drank alcohol (expect for your bday incident).
I never felt the need to take drugs and IMHO I think any type of alcohol tastes like muddy water mixed with urine :-)
It's comforting to know that people like me are out there :-)
I don't have a problem with weed (I'd never smoke it) but some of my best friends do but I feel sorry for the people addicted to crack and stuff...
on 2001-07-07 09:06 [#00012976]

too much sun and your skin will burn.
too much candy and your teeth will rot.
too many decibals and your ears will burst
too many pets and one of those fuckers is gonna bite you eventually
everywhere you go, all day long every day, you encounter many different things that if not taken/used/experienced/approached with moderation and responsibility, they will FUCK YOU UP. there are billions of elements in life itself that this rule applies to, and drugs is one of them. i don't think it's right to say that drugs are bad, because of this very rule. anything will fuck you up if you aren't careful with it. drugs are definitely more dangerous than a lot things because the ratio of how much you take to how bad it fucks you up is very low (or high, however that works). but i wouldn't say generally speaking that drugs are any more "bad" than a lot of other things in life. it's all how responsible you are with it. i feel i have the right to say this because i used to do any drug i could get my hands on, and i really fucked myself up. a few times i came inches from dying, i was never a truly happy person, and i lost three years of my life, just one big blur. but that's because i wasn't smart about it. when you do any drug, there is a point you reach where your instinct says "stop; any more is too dangerous", and i was constantly ignoring that voice in my head, going further and further into my own hole. the realms and abilities of your own mind that drugs allow you to see and exercise are things that nothing else could ever show you. i honestly believe that i know more about my own mind and how it works than anyone who has never touched a drug knows about theirs. i have learned how to use my mind to operate and function more than sufficiently when in intense and highly unusual physical, mental, and emotional situations; situations that anyone who has never done drugs does not know even exist. for this reason, drugs can be very enlightening, and they can give extreme insight to one's own self. it's all a matter of how careful and responsible you are with them.
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-07-07 09:33 [#00012977]

Boxrocket, that does make a lot of sense.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-07 10:23 [#00012987]

yeah, people see if in some different ways. its silly to be "pro-drug". it goes both ways though, easily.
from )C: on 2003-10-03 15:33 [#00888413]
Points: 17620 Status: Lurker

this thread is 1337.
like, for serious.
on 2003-10-03 17:50 [#00888515]
Points: 2362 Status: Regular

on 2003-10-03 18:07 [#00888529]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

fuck drugs! fuck life! fuck work!
just swim in trees. i wish i could.
liquid green leaves surrounding me with peacefulness. i'm drowning.
i can imagine the red-rose butterflies above but they're disappearing one after the other.... blue.... yellow.... white....
white crayons filling the pitch-black glass skull of dead testosterone.
a funeral for ashes who came to life.
i hope i die along in a hammock. and dead white leaves fall over my dead corpse making it turn to ashes.
from ¨y¨z¨| (Burkina Faso) on 2003-10-03 18:39 [#00888547]
Points: 14295 Status: Lurker | Followup to uzim: #00888529

wank wank
from the discovery (Africa) on 2003-10-03 19:10 [#00888568]
Points: 5776 Status: Regular

from Ontario on 2003-10-03 19:24 [#00888590]
Points: 2934 Status: Lurker

i like drugs
from S'toon (Canada) on 2003-10-04 00:48 [#00888755]
Points: 90 Status: Lurker

fuck drugs? fuck you......just smoke weed....
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