from Milan on 2001-07-05 17:52 [#00012523]

Hi people, as you know I have some problem with my English language and I should study it better...
Today I have a question for you: What's the meaning of "lol"? Manytime I see it on the boards but I don't know what does it mean...
I think it's like say "Okay", isn't it?
Please, help the WooÆ’er to improve his knowledge...
from work on 2001-07-05 17:56 [#00012525]

hey woofey !!!! it means "laugh out loud" it something that the non-kool peeps do. they think its funny and amusing when actually they need to recycle more and be kind ot the pees.............
i hope tool tours back here in the summer or fall time...................
from Milan on 2001-07-05 18:10 [#00012526]

Recycle: Thanx, I understood the mean, but I don't understand why people use this phrase at the end of some Topic.
from roca,ne on 2001-07-05 23:43 [#00012589]

they think its kool
two men walked into a bar...one ducked !!!! lol or not !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scary Bear
on 2001-07-06 00:16 [#00012608]

:-( I use it all the time.
I'm not cool. Nooooooooooooooooo.
Recycle: Have faces gone out of fashion too? Am I less cooler still?
from perth on 2001-07-06 05:39 [#00012624]

people use it instead of saying haha or heheh
coz its handy i spose
faces will never go out of style, man! the :) has been round since the 60s, hasmt it??
from seattle washington U.S.a on 2001-07-06 06:25 [#00012627]

use it at the end of a sentence to show that you are laughing at what you wrote like this.
i like boobs lol
see i think boobs are funny so i laughed..?
try this one rofl = rolling on the floor laughing lmao = laugh my ass off or roflmao = rolling on floor laughing my ass off.
from Milan on 2001-07-06 07:18 [#00012648]

I know the mean of "lol" finally, thanx to everybody. It's mean... "AH, AH, AH!!!" I'll use this phrase in the future...
\/\/ *lol*
from Milan on 2001-07-06 14:17 [#00012751]

2nd lesson...
Today I ask to you: "What is a cunt?" This word isn't on my english dictionary...
-=[MC PhuQheAd]=-
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-07-06 14:21 [#00012753]

"cunt" is another word for "vagina". But in a more or less crude way. Such as
"penis" - "dick" "breasts" - "tits"
Usally this word is only used with females but to my knowledge, people from Scotland use this word often to offend themselves. (Like in Trainspotting).
Correct me if I am wrong.
from Milan on 2001-07-06 14:24 [#00012755]

MC: Thanx... now I know the site www.drukqs.com call us "Cunts"... ... ... nice... isn't it? ... gulp ....
wizards teeth
on 2001-07-06 14:25 [#00012756]

A cunt is a very rude word
I am aware of scottish people, this word is a common word in scotland
On christmas day it would be acceptable to say to your mother and father, "Hello mother, hello father happy christmas you cunts"
If you ever visit the queen do not say, "Hey queen pleased to meet you, how are your corgis you smelly cunt".
You will get shot if you said this
from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-06 14:25 [#00012757]

I feel it is probably one of the most vulgar words you can use. In the Uk it can be used to insult anyone nasty or spiteful. Many many people dislike it intensely. very crude
-=[MC PhuQheAd]=-
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-07-06 14:25 [#00012758]

And another thing:
If you will ever be interviewed on television and say "cunt", you'll be probably beeped. To put it another way: Don't use this word too often....
on 2001-07-06 14:25 [#00012760]

anyone can be a cunt, if they do something cunty or are acting like a cunt.
on 2001-07-06 14:28 [#00012763]

.....or if they look like a cunt....they would have to be looking pretty bad, not that an actual cunt is bad looking, specially if its shaved.....ahem..i have to go
from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-06 14:29 [#00012764]

writing it isnt too bad for me. It seems just as bad as writing fuck *obviously still bad*, but saying it and hearing it kinda makes me sick. So aggressive and nasty and used just as much in the rest of Britain as it is in Scotland.
-=[MC PhuQheAd]=-
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-07-06 14:29 [#00012765]

It's just interesting. For a foreigner (like me, German), "cunt" does not seem to be one of the crudest words in English language. About ten years ago I had a porn mag entitled "New Cunts" and I thought for several years that would be the company's name or something....
from Milan on 2001-07-06 14:30 [#00012767]

Chicken Paste Man I hope You wrote "I am a chicken paste man!!" to info@drukqz.com
from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-06 14:30 [#00012768]

... If they look like a cunt, then they look like a nasty piece of work, a liar or someone who's two faced. Can be used for males and females.
-=[MC PhuQheAd]=-
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-07-06 14:32 [#00012769]

But it's much more heard in the UK as in the US, right?
from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-06 14:33 [#00012770]

oh yea...shite loads.
Tell me -=[MC PhuQheAd]=-? What do you think is the most vulgar word in Germany? *German/English translation. My German is rusty :)*
on 2001-07-06 14:34 [#00012771]

Main Entry: cunt Pronunciation: 'k&nt Function: noun Etymology: Middle English cunte; akin to Middle Low German kunte female pudenda
Date: 14th century 1 usually obscene : the female pudenda; also : coitus with a woman
2 usually disparaging and obscene :
more in england yes
from Milan on 2001-07-06 14:35 [#00012772]

MC: It's the same for me. Cunt sound isn't so bad... but I'm a foreigner...
It could be the name of a Beer, or the name of a Washing Machine or the name of Horror Movie like "The Cunt Dracula"...
rubbish john
on 2001-07-06 14:37 [#00012773]

i think the use of the word "cunt" is really funny. check out the drukqs site.
-=[MC PhuQheAd]=-
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-07-06 14:38 [#00012774]

It's interesting. As far as I can see from your thoughts about the word cunt, I also have to say that "Fotze" (which means cunt) is the crudest word in German language.
Another very bad word is "Hurensohn" which means "son of a bitch" roughly translated, but it's more like "son of a whore" which some people might take too serious.
Uuuaaahh. Vulgar language is not cool. (sometimes ;-)
from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-06 14:40 [#00012775]

I'm no expert on the word but it aint nice. Twat is very slightly less nasty, but used just as much. I'm very ashamed at my country for having the nastiest humour. It's my only problem with the UK. People here thinkits funny to call someone a cunt, have a laugh. I've you called a foreign vistor, whom you knew, a cunt; They'd wonder what they had done wrong. Very emmbaressed.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-07-06 14:40 [#00012776]

it wasn't me. is someone trying to take all the credit for my paste magic?
if there is an imposter at large, i bet they have a large amount of stickle back fishes rammed into their pants by mean little midgets.
from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-06 14:41 [#00012777]

People here are cunts. Ironic
from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-06 14:43 [#00012778]

Man! We've had over 20 responses for this cunt thing! woah
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-07-06 14:45 [#00012779]

Is "twat" the same as "cunt"?
from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-06 14:49 [#00012782]

exactly. I'd imagine a twat to be hairyier though. dunno why
Is there any other words that we weird British people use that you dont know?
PS I feel ashamed sometimes that you lot spell better than me too.
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-07-06 14:54 [#00012785]

I have to say that I learned more American English in Germany. (you might know that American forces took place in around Frankfurt after WW2), so I got lots of American mates.
I just remembered cunt because it's used so often in Danny Boyle's "Trainspotting" starring Ewan McGregor.
"Twat" I heard once before but I think it was on some Hip Hop Wu-Tang stuff or something....
Oh yeah, what a "bloke"?
on 2001-07-06 14:54 [#00012786]

yup, this cunt issue is very popular, personally i like the word
on 2001-07-06 14:55 [#00012787]

punani is a good word for cunt as well
-=[MC PhuQheAd]=-
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-07-06 14:55 [#00012788]

PS: I ain't got nothing against "weird" people. I almost like everybody... :-)
Chimp Systems
from Millwangle on 2001-07-06 14:56 [#00012789]

My favourite other word for cunt would have to be 'Jesus-Boat'. Or 'Deckchair Swingdoor'.
from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-06 14:57 [#00012790]

Bloke means man. usually a stranger but its a friendly term but not as superficial as the word Gentleman. I've got a meeting now *yes I'm at work but its quiet at the mo!* but keep em coming. I'll be back in 1/2 an hour!
from Frankfurt on 2001-07-06 14:57 [#00012791]

I mean, what does the word "bloke" mean?
on 2001-07-06 14:58 [#00012792]

from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-06 14:59 [#00012793]

I use muff, vagge or fish box. Or a well used one is a bucket! ergh. anywayz...see ya
on 2001-07-06 14:59 [#00012794]

a bloke is a geezer innit, you twat
on 2001-07-06 14:59 [#00012795]

Woofer, you're Italian, right?
from Milan on 2001-07-06 15:00 [#00012796]

"Do you want a cup of Cunt?" "Yes, why not..."
"Please, Can I have a Big Cunt Burgher?"
Cunt or not Cunt, this is the problem...
Other AFX examples about the word "cunt":
Cow Cunt Is A Twin... Caustic Cunt Cunt Window Selected Cunt Works... Universal Indicator Cunt series... Cunt Attack!!!... WooferCunt!!!, etc... etc... etc...
okay, I stop it... sorry... but it's too funny...
from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-06 15:00 [#00012797]

yea, duh. Thats what I said! bloke, geezza, man. cunt
from Milan on 2001-07-06 15:02 [#00012799]

MC: Yes, from Milan.
from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-06 15:02 [#00012800]

too many responses. getting too mixed up! meeting not started yet! w a n t g o h o m e ! AAAAAarghblergh
on 2001-07-06 15:03 [#00012802]

its all go in here, what a bunch of cunts
on 2001-07-06 15:03 [#00012803]

I recently saw an Italian movie on TV. It was called "Paura nella cita die morti viventi" or something...
Do you think you can translate it?
from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-07-06 15:03 [#00012804]

its just a big pile of vagge bashers!
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