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International Travel

offline AphexTwin11 from OOOOOO (United States) on 2023-11-20 00:26 [#02630938]
Points: 905 Status: Lurker

Left the US of A (shit for many reasons) for the first time
and just got home.

Got a nice little sinus infection.

Pros: LDR wife and I worked on our winter house in the the
Philippines and spent some time with the stepson having a
blizzast playing hot wheels, catch, going to the zoos and
swimming. Traditional meals and vibrant open air markets.
Warm weather versus Midwest US crap winter. 40% cheaper than
the USA on mostly.everything. Meeting her family and friends
and having a 100+% good time. A quality vacation, enriched
cultural experience, and family time before coming back home
to work for another winter and landscaping season.

Cons: My hyperhidrosis went NUTS 24/7, Economy seating is
insanely cramped and my legs and ass have never hurt so bad
and mind needing serious adjusting and recovery, and several
folks trash the planes and I feel horrible for the girls who
are flight attendants who have to clean it and deal with it,
crying babies for 14+ hours is NOT COOL.

I was shocked by the amount of people and new faces and
personalities I saw between USA and Middle East layover and
it was cool to fly within a couple miles over the UK and
Western Europe and Gaza and all that even if I couldn't see
much. Also shocked by the common habits to litter in the
Philippines. It got on my nerves a little that people just
throw trash anywhere. But it's not so much my business, I
can just set a good example for myself and my step son. My
lady over there already knows the deal even if she is a
native, she is good.

Another note, saw a few fellow foreigners there amongst the
local people, just a small handful though. Most were guys
over age 50 or 60 having a young wife who wanted their
money. Almost every girl was giving me the dumbfounded
stare, as they weren't used to seeing a somewhat younger
American there with a Filipina, nor were they used to seeing
my 6'3 tall ass or the fact that I let my lady control and
hold the money which she did so well and respectfully.


offline AphexTwin11 from OOOOOO (United States) on 2023-11-20 00:33 [#02630939]
Points: 905 Status: Lurker

They also weren't used to seeing a man help carry so many
things usually the woman there does so much.

Anyways, got some great captures and memories and stories,
glad to have been out of this aggressive nonsense fast paced
country for a little bit and help get our house further
ready and get her visa requirements up to date for coming
here next year and making our marriage and side by side ness

I really loved the fact that everyone there owns a motorbike
and is so mild mannered. And that food there is so delicious
and not packed with preservatives.

The showering and toilet methods were also not what I'm used
to buy no big deal! :D

Cool to be home in the cold Midwest winter, still gonna use
my motorbike throughout the winter, way more fun than a car,
even if it gets below freezing.

Idk how to draw inspiration from this to make electronic
music but I'm sure it will hit sooner or later. Mind is more
geared towards getting work done in the recent years and
family goals and my own health and comforts as I get into my
mid 30s.

The party is still on.

Selected Ambient Works 85-92 was great for the 35 hours of
travel time each way and while we painted the house and
later flooring. The Aphex spirit was strong!


offline AphexTwin11 from OOOOOO (United States) on 2023-11-20 00:35 [#02630940]
Points: 905 Status: Lurker

Qatar International Airport in nice AF by the way. Watched
the Matrix and Space Jam in flight. I really miss the food
in the Philippines and open air markets and the agricultural
region (Del Monte farms) was HUGE and AWESOME! Addicted to
several recipes I've been making at home now too.


offline AphexTwin11 from OOOOOO (United States) on 2023-11-20 00:52 [#02630941]
Points: 905 Status: Lurker

I'm not rich by any means, in fact still considered lower
middle class in regards to my income, which many people
there did not seem to understand and pressuring me for
higher prices on things and donations. I spent a few
thousand making sure we had comforts and fun and some spoils
and necessity for now that Im home. Feelsgoodman. Need to
try to afford business class next time I fly cause that
economy seating really sucked I can't stress it enough.
Suppose I deserved a little torture for my past 🙄😆

Also got to see my first bootleg DVDs which were HILARIOUSLY
titled by the way.


offline AphexTwin11 from OOOOOO (United States) on 2023-11-20 00:53 [#02630942]
Points: 905 Status: Lurker

I'm not rich by any means, in fact still considered lower
middle class in regards to my income, which many people
there did not seem to understand and pressuring me for
higher prices on things and donations. I spent a few
thousand making sure we had comforts and fun and some spoils
and necessity for now that Im home. Feelsgoodman. Need to
try to afford business class next time I fly cause that
economy seating really sucked I can't stress it enough.
Suppose I deserved a little torture for my past 🙄😆

Also got to see my first bootleg DVDs which were HILARIOUSLY
titled by the way.


offline AphexTwin11 from OOOOOO (United States) on 2023-11-20 00:58 [#02630943]
Points: 905 Status: Lurker

Maybe we will gonna follow Aphex track title advice and Make
A Baby five years from now, but we're not in a rush. Bigger
fish to fry/taking care of us/what's already here.

Another side note, her sister's guy friend had a badass
motor transport sidecar we got to ride in that had a
subwoofer wall in the back a very cool 1200 Watts that put
out some insane pressure! Lanzones are delicious and so are
rambutan fruits. I brought home some seeds but unfortunately
can't grow them here as they need a hardiness zone 10 or
more. That would be down in the Everglades of Florida and
Baja region of California, and southwards to Mexico and
latin America. The Midwest cold could not hand growing such
a delicious fruit bearing tree. But I've got some seeds so
thats cool!


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2023-11-20 02:56 [#02630946]
Points: 39947 Status: Regular

Gona. Be. Huge arse change from Omahole Nebrasuck!! Don’t
forget us to quick :)
Love ya bro. Many many happy days weeks years and decades
there!! Gonna miss you a shite ton but now I’ve got
connections. To live in a grass hut :)
Many Congs to Jon and Emma and bootleg DVDs
If you see pics take some take pics and recycle would love
some NTSC dvds of cool crap!

Congs bro! You did it! 🥰😋🥰


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-11-20 15:28 [#02630947]
Points: 7807 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

whole lotta adventure there!
gotta fetch some of that someday...
closest to asia ive ever been was the sushi restaurant
from hanoi & the asian bulk vendor market.
wishing you a great time aiming for that baby.


offline AphexTwin11 from OOOOOO (United States) on 2023-11-24 04:39 [#02630986]
Points: 905 Status: Lurker



offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-11-24 08:52 [#02630993]
Points: 7807 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

Happy times!


offline RussellDust on 2023-11-24 18:58 [#02630998]
Points: 16047 Status: Regular

Are you a replacement to epicmegatracks?


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