Elektron song mode for digitakt digitone and syntakt | xltronic messageboard
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Elektron song mode for digitakt digitone and syntakt

offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2022-09-28 18:27 [#02621245]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular

They've done it. Fuck yeah.


offline kei9 from Argentina on 2022-09-29 15:29 [#02621260]
Points: 421 Status: Regular

bout fucking time, also reading the digitone has master tune
now?? ill have to dust that thing off i guess


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2022-09-29 21:56 [#02621272]
Points: 6330 Status: Regular

wot like u can chain patterns?


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2022-09-29 22:30 [#02621273]
Points: 6330 Status: Regular

it can go ....ONE THING AFTER ANOTHER? Hold the fucking


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2022-09-29 22:34 [#02621274]
Points: 6330 Status: Regular

im sorry umbro i am severley depleted


offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2022-10-03 12:18 [#02621282]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular | Followup to steve mcqueen: #02621272

yes, pattern chain is off the chain

my shiny new (second hand) digitakt is on the way

gotta sell my analog four to pay for it


offline -crazone from smashing acid over and over on 2022-10-03 15:27 [#02621283]
Points: 11136 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

this is great news


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