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offline hangjas from Netherlands, The on 2015-07-31 14:01 [#02487953]
Points: 121 Status: Regular

Poor chunky.


online Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2015-07-31 14:25 [#02487954]
Points: 31011 Status: Regular

why is there enmity for that site? is it because people have
to pay to post? or is it because that joyrex guy is meant to
be a knobhead?


offline Barf Simpleton from the outback (Zimbabwe) on 2015-07-31 22:55 [#02487963]
Points: 195 Status: Regular

I harv requestered my pee word from watrmm art least 4 times
in the past 2 years and they have yet to bless my inbox with
a single reply . this is an absolute outrage . how may i
contact the manager or person people in charge to demand
access to my intellectual proportions ? this is absolute
fuckwittery of the highest regard and i wont be standing for
it ... in closing, i feel i still have much to contribute
but am unwilling to pay j rex' highway robbery now he thinks
he is the don of the idm mesageboard scene and cant even
send a fucking password email without greasing his filthy,
disugusting, semen encrusted palm with 300 sheckels ......
it is absolute balderdash. joyrex is a very sad little man
indeed. let the idiots have their cake......and choke upon


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2015-07-31 23:09 [#02487966]
Points: 6526 Status: Addict

rejoice in the differe nce
watmm has really matured though, either that or i'm losing
major braincells
buying a signup is on my list of things to do just below
repot my houseplants


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2015-07-31 23:11 [#02487967]
Points: 6526 Status: Addict

>>> or is it because that joyrex guy is meant to be a
any he aint a knob head really, i was going to say something
about Texas but it probably wouldn't come across
affectionately like i mean it


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2015-07-31 23:17 [#02487971]
Points: 6526 Status: Addict

tho he did ban elusive like 5 times but that's like


online Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2015-07-31 23:19 [#02487972]
Points: 31011 Status: Regular

i dont like the fact money is a requirement to join, sets
alarm bells ringing straight off, member plus heirarchy
bollocks, its only discussing music


offline big from lsg on 2015-08-01 04:57 [#02487979]
Points: 23624 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

the racist spouting 'nigger' made me leave xlt for a bit


offline HIGHLANDER from Israel on 2015-08-01 05:27 [#02487981]
Points: 394 Status: Regular



offline HIGHLANDER from Israel on 2015-08-01 05:32 [#02487983]
Points: 394 Status: Regular

big lump of shit


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