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Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation

offline olaabaza from Mauritius on 2010-12-04 05:08 [#02400022]
Points: 575 Status: Regular

"Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a
- Oscar Wilde


offline nightex from Šiauliai (Lithuania) on 2010-12-04 05:41 [#02400023]
Points: 1275 Status: Lurker

Every first step is hard and discontent, but also adding
mobility, confidence and content.


offline olaabaza from Mauritius on 2010-12-04 05:54 [#02400025]
Points: 575 Status: Regular | Followup to nightex: #02400023

When you notice a wrong - you act, out of discontent. You
hope for better, yes.


offline jnasato from 777gogogo (Japan) on 2010-12-04 06:17 [#02400029]
Points: 3393 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

Discontent is also the first step in becoming a bitter
asshole. Shall I choose to make things better, or shall I
get wasted and complain and beat on pretty things?

Oh, decisions, decisions.....


offline nightex from Šiauliai (Lithuania) on 2010-12-04 06:41 [#02400030]
Points: 1275 Status: Lurker | Followup to olaabaza: #02400025

If mathematically probable outcome is hope then yes. Hope
could be mathematically false, for example religion.


offline nightex from Šiauliai (Lithuania) on 2010-12-04 06:45 [#02400031]
Points: 1275 Status: Lurker | Followup to jnasato: #02400029

But is discontent reason of your productivity, progress, or
vice versa? "No pain no gain" there is some truth in this


offline jnasato from 777gogogo (Japan) on 2010-12-04 06:57 [#02400033]
Points: 3393 Status: Regular | Show recordbag


no pain, no gain... iz good concept for advancement


offline olaabaza from Mauritius on 2010-12-04 07:23 [#02400036]
Points: 575 Status: Regular | Followup to nightex: #02400030

Quoting Wilde does not guarantee any specific position for
Just btw...!lol

'Hope' is not a thing that can be "mathematically false".
The logic guarantees it since we are talking about time and
the future (hope is for the future). Futurity guarantees
non-arrival. So there is no "false" nor "true" as applied to
hopeful practices. There are also powerful reasons because
of the use of inductive logic and statistics in hoping.

"discontent" here is implying moral or ethical discontent.

So maybe we can say - simply "look" (Wittgenstein, Mead,
Blumer etc...). Take some notice - some interest towards
injustices. Gross criminal injustice - and disprove. But
remember always that it is really a fact of the matter that
"it will all end very badly" [Derrida]. !

I am all for content. Disconnect comes in droves I promise.
Practices that encourage bad results would not be cool.


offline olaabaza from Mauritius on 2010-12-04 07:44 [#02400038]
Points: 575 Status: Regular | Followup to jnasato: #02400033

There are limits to life.

Freedoms require constraints. For example, you must be
forbidden to steal if you want the society in general to not
take your things. (& of course) biological and physical
constraints, logical constraints, time etc... .

I must mention that futurity (the concept itself) guarantees
non-arrival. Inductive logic does not give future 'facts'

And we are told time could simply "stop". Still - some
'?end' "very badly" - if there were any badly. !

I don't mean to be pessimistic. (Well - it is not a 'mood' I
would usually encourage). Hope and the careful interested
look is something that is for what times we have looking
towards a certain future. The inductive logic is very strong
about death, obviously


offline olaabaza from Mauritius on 2010-12-04 07:52 [#02400039]
Points: 575 Status: Regular | Followup to nightex: #02400031

Yeah ok... I do not really want to speak of the "discontent"
that would "cause" all manner of rude criminality - or
lesser, greater, any relevant irrationalities.

Sorry I must be also clear that these 'questions' or topics,
the discourse here, involve deductive logic, not just


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