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www.planet.mu C.D. Sale

offline thomasplanetmu from London (United Kingdom) on 2010-07-21 15:41 [#02387457]
Points: 6 Status: Lurker

I am going to end the Sale at the end of the month so get
your orders in.

Thanks for everyone who has purchased, enjoy the music.

Here is the list again £5 a C.D. We also have new hoodies
and record bags in stock.

MRK 1 / Copyright Laws
Bizzy B / Science EP III+IV
Gasman / The Grand Electric Palace of variety
Kid Spatula / Meast
Tim Exile / Pro Agonist
µ-Ziq / Billious Paths
Hellfish / One Man Sonic Attack Force
Tom Burbank / Famous Fist Words
Eero Jonhannes / Eero Johannes
Tim Exile / Nuisance Gabbaret Lounge
Chevron / Everything’s Exactly The Same
Meat Beat Manifesto / Autoimmune
Shitmat / One Foot In The Rave
FaltyDl / Love Is A Liability
Remano Eszildn / R-Tracks
Luke Vibert / Chicago Detroit Redruth
Barry Lynn / Balancing lakes
Shitmat / Full English Breakfest
Boxcuuter / Glyphic
Boxcutter / Oneiric
Neil Landstrumm / Lord for £39
Starkey / Ephemeral Exhibits
µ-Ziq / Duntisbourne Abbots Soulmate Devastation Technique
Virus Syndicate / Sick Pay
Syntheme / Lazers ‘N’ Shit
Mary Anne Hobbs / Evangeline
Few Nolder / New Folder

Apologies for the spam


offline -crazone from smashing acid over and over on 2010-07-21 21:49 [#02387488]
Points: 11136 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

vinyl would be better


offline MASUGNEN from Lund (Sweden) on 2010-07-21 22:06 [#02387490]
Points: 836 Status: Lurker

What currency? £$€¢¥¶@?


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