wizards teeth
from inside a pelicans brain on 2001-03-10 09:54 [#00000860]

I think there is a meaning to life. To the people who say there is no meaning to life: Have you ever made someone laugh / cry / smile? If so you have influenced them and changed their life slightly. If these changes never occurred and the concept of emotions did not exist, then life would be pointless.
It is a great feeling to feel sad one day then wake up the next day and feel much better after something good has happened.
Imagine if we just existed as humans in bodies and were unable to think about things, think of new ideas or feel / have opinions about scenarios. I believe having the power to react to situations and decided the immediate future for ourselves is the best reason for being alive
And that is why I am happy.
What I do not understand is - Why do people who live on the same planet need to fight each other.
I know it is wrong but I sometimes dabble in the art of MDMA. I do not abuse it.
Imagine if everyone in the world was given one of these before each meal of the day, the world would be a happier / more enjoyable place to live. I know this would be a synthetic world of unreal happiness, but the present world is a world of synthesised hatred and greed, money and weapons cause people to develop the need for destruction.
from lincoln,ne on 2001-03-10 16:51 [#00000866]

Scary Bear
on 2001-03-10 18:16 [#00000872]

I've never taken E or any other sort of drug, unfortunatly I want to know the sort of experiences that Richard went though when he made the sounds that I love. That's acid though, I don't know if I ever will. That is why I just want to get lucid dreaming and stuff.
It's all so normal for people to say that synthetic happiness isn't real, but when I think about it, I don't know.
Mr. Bighead
from Coolidge,AZ on 2001-03-10 20:23 [#00000873]

Our life is one big simulation. We sit in front of computer screens and digital equipment all day. We make music and art with these machines that are doomed to remember everything we can't. We go to parties and dance to Artificial music all night and take artificial drugs every weekend(or every day).
Pretty soon we will have artificial brothers and sisters and artificial prostheses.
AIDS is even a disease that was perhaps induced by artificial means.
With the appearance of the birth control pill, sexual promiscuity made a rapid crescendo and everybody began to belong to everybody. That was an artificial sexual revolution. A simulated revolution. AIDS was just an allergic reaction to this false freedom.
We are living in the simulated world of a William Gibson book, or "A Brave New World" by Alduous Huxley. We are the apotheosis of this brave new world of simulation. If you catch my drift...
from halfway between here and there on 2001-03-11 00:04 [#00000878]

has anyone heard of kierkagaards idea called existential dread? existential dread promotes that life is a struggle and the most you can do is accept the fact that nothing is eternal and that we all die. given the fact that we all die, and that there is nothing to stop such an act, why do anything at all? it does not matter if how you go through life, whether it be happy or sad, successful and prominent or a failure. we think we need to feel or that we need to search for what we dont know. its no good when it does not influence cold and indifferent death. the only reason we try to lead happy healthy lives in because we are delusional. this is what we think we need. we are happy because we want to forget death. we dont want to accept it.
war is nature. i believe we destroy others so that we do not feel fragile and useless. we feel better knowing that we have the power to destroy and that we can pass judgement easier than we can forgive. but why forgive? the deed has been done, but we still feel that we need the approval of others. nothing is forever, so i dont think that anyone should give a damn about anything really.
from Noo Zee Lund on 2001-03-11 02:15 [#00000883]

I have so much homework this weekend, but this year I'm very happi and positive. I am having one of the greatest weekends and yet I have to do so much weekend. We've been getting some beautiful blue skys, but it's oddly cold here down under.
from lincoln,ne on 2001-03-11 03:37 [#00000887]

YEA about aids, its a bummer that the peeps think that its all a hoak or its gone. its a freekin frackin disease, dont let the media run your life. pay attention to the consiquences.
and twenty phase
from americhe on 2001-03-11 12:54 [#00000891]

I'm down w/ Existentialism and the like, but the way I see it, if it doesn't matter how you go through life, why not enjoy it? I like the whole "not give a damn about anything" method though!! Makes things easier I suppose. Why not just do some drugs and convince yourself its "All OK">hehe
Mr Leary had many a good point: Think for youself
on 2001-03-11 13:07 [#00000892]

i think synthetic happiness is real happiness in the sense that i have seen/done/heard/experienced to many damn funny things whilst stoned. but thats stoned so maybe its not really synthetic. Ive never done acid. Wouldnt mind giginv it a go though...
from manchester on 2001-03-11 13:57 [#00000894]

i got stoned last nite and suddenly decided it would be really really funny to spray deoderant into my mouth. BIIIIIIG mistake. I hope i never ever do that again.
from manchester on 2001-03-11 13:58 [#00000895]

it was funny though!
from theastralshoppingcenter on 2001-03-11 14:54 [#00000898]

philosophy is like the maze of King Minos - it takes you round in circles with loads of dead ends, and in the centre is just old bull.
and twenty phase
from americhe on 2001-03-11 16:37 [#00000903]

I've tried acid once. It was fucking fantastic really. Only things I've done are pot and lsd. I'm all for experimenting with chemicals. There is certainly more to the mind than we are lead to believe, and I believe certain substances have been "taken away" from us in order to keep us from discovering anything substantial about ourselves. (I've noticed that nowhere in school are you taught to do what's right for YOU.)
Not to say that you NEED drugs for self-exploration, but it surely opens many locked doors.
and twenty phase
from americhe on 2001-03-11 16:38 [#00000904]

I've tried acid once. It was fucking fantastic really. Only things I've done are pot and lsd. I'm all for experimenting with chemicals. There is certainly more to the mind than we are lead to believe, and I believe certain substances have been "taken away" from us in order to keep us from discovering anything substantial about ourselves. (I've noticed that nowhere in school are you taught to do what's right for YOU.)
Not to say that you NEED drugs for self-exploration, but it surely opens many locked doors.
from Thames New Zealand on 2001-03-12 08:35 [#00000931]

Hey Hedtwin, did you try to light a match in your mouth or breath fire?
Scary Bear
on 2001-03-12 14:00 [#00000946]

Timothy Leary is actually a fucking interseting person and after talking about all the right and wrongs of synthetic feelings I am really interested in getting hold of the stuff he wrote.
Has anyone ever read one of his books?
There are some wicked sites about this guy
wizards teeth
from inside a pelicans brain on 2001-03-12 14:17 [#00000947]

Scary Bear - A good site to search for information about people and drugs is "The Vaults of Erowid"
from crab bisquits on the corner of a concrete horse on 2001-03-12 15:10 [#00000948]

3tapemixer&input: i would have to agree with you on philosophy. you end up with more questions than answers.
as the creatures we are, we look at the origins of the beginning of life. we see that how we came to be is the byproduct of the proper conditions and chance. we can see the fact that in comparison, we are very insignificant and truly cant hold our own. we rationalize that we have importance and have a purpose to be here because we do not want to know the truth that we all die.
Scary Bear
on 2001-03-12 17:09 [#00000950]

Hevquip I know I am going to die, but instead of wasting time waiting for death people choose to forget about it and enjoy whatever they have. Philosophy always branches off to more questions but that is logical. The only dead end is when people say "man, I really cannot be fucked to look into this any further".
I've got an idea in my head I don't know if I'm saying it right. Am I making sense at all?
Scary Bear
on 2001-03-12 17:10 [#00000951]

Teeth: I'd really like to go to www.erowid.org, unfortunatly I am working on a student netwrok and the site is blocked.
I don't suppose you or anyone here knows websites which I can look through to look at restricted sites.
from Japan on 2001-03-13 13:07 [#00000991]

If anyone here has the opportunity to try LSD for the first time, and decides to go for it, make sure you're in a good state of mind. If you are depressed about stuff or if you are going through a lot of hardships, your trip could be really harsh. Also make sure you are with people that you are close to. (Good friends not just party people.) Especially for first timers, I would suggest a very controlled environement. Country house/park/farm, if all else fails a really compfy spacious apartment will do.
Personally, I value my experiences with LSD a great deal, and while I am certainly no expert on the subject, I will say this. It's your head, do with it what you will, but be careful you may not like what lurks behind the closed doors of your mind. A bad trip is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
To: Scarey Bear In many ways being on LSD is a Lucid Dream State. You are sort of in control, but like in a dream you shouldn't try to fight it when things get weird, just go with it. It's still you in control it's just the subconcious you.
Sorry for gabbering so much, but some of you seemed interested.
I really dig RDJ, you can really see the Acid influence in his works. His ambient stuff is really good for coming down off a trip. Which incidently is when you really question whether or not there is meaning to life.
I say there is, at least in music and in art, and that it comes from the pure naked emotions that we express through those mediums.
Wouldn't you agree?
and twenty phase
from younitedsteights on 2001-03-14 14:29 [#00001024]

I think thoughts travel in little "paths" through the mind and after time passes, we get real comfortable with those paths and use them over and over. Things like LSD allow us to access new paths very immediately. Its kind of a shock, hence the "trip", but the experience can be very very valuable. Just my thoughts.
from Bialystok (Poland) on 2003-03-25 14:27 [#00615762]
Points: 1264 Status: Lurker

nice topic
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