AMPI's ghost yard | xltronic messageboard
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AMPI's ghost yard

offline pulseclock from Downtown 81 on 2009-08-26 16:12 [#02319169]
Points: 6015 Status: Lurker

looking forward to this, thanks ampi


offline Cliff Glitchard from DEEP DOWN INSIDE on 2009-08-26 16:55 [#02319176]
Points: 4151 Status: Lurker

i found much warmth from 'over hill'

it delivers.

all good tracks though and i give thansk.


offline AMPI MAX from United Kingdom on 2009-08-26 17:11 [#02319177]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular | Followup to Cliff Glitchard: #02319176

many thx man. wasnt sure if ppl would dig this one


offline morguean from Calgary (Canada) on 2009-08-26 18:00 [#02319187]
Points: 1328 Status: Regular | Followup to Cliff Glitchard: #02319176

yes goddamn this is fresh! also yes Over Hill is a special
one i agree.

i can't get over how perfect the amount of consistancy among
these releases are... just enough to tie them all together
but not repetitive.

so nice


offline AMPI MAX from United Kingdom on 2009-08-26 18:04 [#02319188]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular | Followup to morguean: #02319187

haha love you man. glad you are liking this episode


offline pulseclock from Downtown 81 on 2009-08-26 18:14 [#02319189]
Points: 6015 Status: Lurker

what can i say, you make great, fun music and it speaks for
itself. I like that it sounds non-looed. All these tracks
flow like songs. keep it up


offline pulseclock from Downtown 81 on 2009-08-26 18:14 [#02319190]
Points: 6015 Status: Lurker



offline AMPI MAX from United Kingdom on 2009-08-26 18:57 [#02319194]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular | Followup to pulseclock: #02319189

cheers bruvar. <3 you


offline md_geist from Man's-Chest-Yeh? on 2009-08-28 18:16 [#02320142]
Points: 731 Status: Regular

Now downloading. Excited.


offline md_geist from Man's-Chest-Yeh? on 2009-08-28 19:40 [#02320245]
Points: 731 Status: Regular

How do i put this without coming across as an asslicker.

Its really really nice.

Maybe my favourite so far.

Oh fuck it, drop your pants...


offline AMPI MAX from United Kingdom on 2009-08-28 19:42 [#02320247]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular | Followup to md_geist: #02320245

cant believe ppl really like this one i thought it was kinda
boring. over hill seems to have gone down well.


offline yoyoyoyo from Sweden on 2009-08-28 19:46 [#02320257]
Points: 3200 Status: Regular

now playing


offline md_geist from Man's-Chest-Yeh? on 2009-08-28 20:00 [#02320289]
Points: 731 Status: Regular

All 4 tracks are just really nice. 'Under Bridge' edges it
as my favourite. Love that bassoon-y type bass in it. Just
beautiful. With a complimentary garage beat. You need to
send these tracks to Planet Mu or something mate. Make
yourself a bit of skrilla with some well-deserved exposure.
Think about it...who in this thread hasnt praised the shit
out of your work?


offline AMPI MAX from United Kingdom on 2009-08-28 20:08 [#02320305]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular | Followup to md_geist: #02320289

yeah i got to turn this into money somehow. im never going
to get a job so not rly got any other options. im still jus
messing about for now.
rly glad you like under bridge. i like the bassoon thing
too. i dont use any samples so im rly proud of the timbre i
got out of that sound. also: you get hug #514. ive hugged so
many but this one is with feeling.


offline md_geist from Man's-Chest-Yeh? on 2009-08-28 20:17 [#02320313]
Points: 731 Status: Regular

Aaw thanks man.

I have this track i made about 1 and half years ago with a
nice bassoon bass that comes in at the end, which i'm just
really proud of, even though its really badly mixed, and
gets drowned out by everything else. Give it a listen if you
can though... fuck me the drums are way too loud.

'I'll Catch You'


offline AMPI MAX from United Kingdom on 2009-08-28 20:43 [#02320355]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular | Followup to md_geist: #02320313

not bad. i liked your tracks you posted ages ago. i think
ill dig up the thread tomorrow


offline yoyoyoyo from Sweden on 2009-08-28 20:47 [#02320357]
Points: 3200 Status: Regular

part 4 is really nice


offline AMPI MAX from United Kingdom on 2009-08-28 20:54 [#02320362]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular | Followup to yoyoyoyo: #02320357

you get hug #516
this one comes with a midget hooker :)


offline yoyoyoyo from Sweden on 2009-08-28 21:00 [#02320366]
Points: 3200 Status: Regular | Followup to AMPI MAX: #02320362

over hill is my fave.
top tune


offline md_geist from Man's-Chest-Yeh? on 2009-09-26 05:25 [#02330173]
Points: 731 Status: Regular

I had my laptop nicked, so gotta download all these again.
hopefully all the links are working...


offline md_geist from Man's-Chest-Yeh? on 2009-09-26 05:30 [#02330174]
Points: 731 Status: Regular

Part 2 is bein geigh. Can someone reupload?

This series was pretty high in my list of stuff to get after
losing everything i've downloaded in the past year.


offline pulseclock from Downtown 81 on 2009-09-26 07:54 [#02330213]
Points: 6015 Status: Lurker

hope you still need it, cuz i uploadeds it


offline md_geist from Man's-Chest-Yeh? on 2009-09-26 16:16 [#02330332]
Points: 731 Status: Regular

i deed still needs it. TANK YOU¬¬!!


offline Advocate on 2009-12-11 12:02 [#02350369]
Points: 3319 Status: Lurker

'under bridge' makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. i
luvz it.

are you finished with your ghost yard project btw?


offline Tractern from Brighton (United Kingdom) on 2009-12-11 13:37 [#02350384]
Points: 4210 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

Would someone please upload Part 4? Neither of the uploads
in this thread are working. :(



offline Advocate on 2009-12-11 13:41 [#02350389]
Points: 3319 Status: Lurker | Followup to Tractern: #02350384

i'll do it. gimme a sec.


offline Tractern from Brighton (United Kingdom) on 2009-12-11 13:46 [#02350391]
Points: 4210 Status: Regular | Followup to Advocate: #02350389 | Show recordbag

Nice one, thank you, kind sir! X


offline Advocate on 2009-12-11 13:51 [#02350395]
Points: 3319 Status: Lurker

part 4

it contains under bridge. everyone should give it a listen,


offline Tractern from Brighton (United Kingdom) on 2009-12-11 13:59 [#02350399]
Points: 4210 Status: Regular | Followup to Advocate: #02350395 | Show recordbag

I dunno, not sure if this under the bridge track can beat
'part of me'- it rocks out pretty hard!

Thanks for uplaoding, btw. :)


offline Zephyr Twin from ΔΔΔ on 2009-12-11 14:00 [#02350400]
Points: 16982 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

Out of all the links in this thread, I can only get Part 3
to work. Any chance of mirrors going up?


offline Advocate on 2009-12-11 14:06 [#02350403]
Points: 3319 Status: Lurker | Followup to Tractern: #02350399

i can up parts 1 and 2, but not in the original .rar. it's
without the artwork which i can't find.


offline Advocate on 2009-12-11 14:07 [#02350404]
Points: 3319 Status: Lurker | Followup to Advocate: #02350403

that's to zephyr.


offline Tractern from Brighton (United Kingdom) on 2009-12-11 14:12 [#02350405]
Points: 4210 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

These tracks are fucking brilliant. An excellent mix of low
tempo, ambient and more frenetic, but somehow flowing beats.
Really bloody good.

Please could someone link me to more of Ampi's stuff?

Thanks again!


offline Advocate on 2009-12-11 14:26 [#02350407]
Points: 3319 Status: Lurker

part 1&2 (without artwork)


offline Zephyr Twin from ΔΔΔ on 2009-12-11 20:31 [#02350518]
Points: 16982 Status: Regular | Followup to Advocate: #02350407 | Show recordbag

Hey, thanks!


offline pulseclock from Downtown 81 on 2010-02-17 19:32 [#02367497]
Points: 6015 Status: Lurker

This stuff helped me through my whole day today, thanks
again for this great music AMPI


offline E-man from Rixensart (Belgium) on 2010-02-20 13:01 [#02367809]
Points: 3000 Status: Regular

Can someone re-upload part 1,2 & 4 for me please?
It seems that I have lost them...


offline md_geist from Man's-Chest-Yeh? on 2014-03-26 03:16 [#02469231]
Points: 731 Status: Regular

These are still amazing. Where are you AMPI, I miss you're
brilliant music.


offline mohamed from the turtle business on 2014-03-26 10:10 [#02469233]
Points: 31145 Status: Regular | Followup to md_geist: #02469231 | Show recordbag

all these peopel disapperared from the board

i don't like it, this xlt ghost yard


offline md_geist from Man's-Chest-Yeh? on 2014-03-26 11:54 [#02469236]
Points: 731 Status: Regular

This stuff was an aural prophecy of the future...(of this


offline gingaling from Scamworth (Burkina Faso) on 2014-03-27 10:49 [#02469256]
Points: 2281 Status: Lurker

can some one hack the site to play ghost yards on loop?


offline md_geist from Man's-Chest-Yeh? on 2014-03-29 19:44 [#02469308]
Points: 731 Status: Regular

AMPI, did you ever make any more of these? Or any new music.
Sorry I've been away


offline AMPI MAX from United Kingdom on 2014-03-30 00:11 [#02469310]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular

nah. im not feeling well atm and dont really make things


offline AMPI MAX from United Kingdom on 2014-03-30 01:54 [#02469312]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular

ugh and im not sure these are very good ;) it was more a
2009 thing


offline md_geist from Man's-Chest-Yeh? on 2014-03-30 20:20 [#02469321]
Points: 731 Status: Regular

You remind me of my best friend from school who was like
this indie rocker dude. I got into rapping, then kinda by
mistake he became this incredible poetic rapper, and we made
loads of songs together.

Whenever I used to tell him he was fucking awesome he didn't
believe me. It's been like a decade now and I don't really
speak to him because he's a recluse.

To this day (and I'm a massive rap fan of like all the sub
genres and everything) he's my favourite rapper.

Don't know why you reminded me of this, but I guess you
kinda did when you said your GhostYard stuff wasn't much
good. This stuff is special. If I had a label I'd release
it. If that means anything.

I'll stop webstalking you now.


offline md_geist from Man's-Chest-Yeh? on 2014-03-30 20:21 [#02469322]
Points: 731 Status: Regular

Also, I miss Pulseclock. You two were my faves. Maybe I
could send out a bat signal for him. Or like a pulsating
cock symbol.


offline djhardcode from Netherlands, The on 2014-04-03 20:12 [#02469499]
Points: 498 Status: Addict

utter trash


offline mappatazee from ¨y¨z¨| (Burkina Faso) on 2014-04-04 03:39 [#02469520]
Points: 14288 Status: Lurker

Would really appreciate it if someone could re-up these :)


offline mappatazee from ¨y¨z¨| (Burkina Faso) on 2014-04-04 03:40 [#02469521]
Points: 14288 Status: Lurker

I used to have monster guts but i only listened to it once
or twice before i lent it away and never got it back :(


offline mappatazee from ¨y¨z¨| (Burkina Faso) on 2014-04-10 23:12 [#02469816]
Points: 14288 Status: Lurker

found it, courtesy of LAZY_TITLE


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