from USA on 2001-06-15 18:58 [#00009844]

What does that kid say in track 3 of COME TO DADDY? Does he say "Are you daddys little boy"?
from the uk on 2001-06-15 19:00 [#00009845]

lil piece of shit, you gone fuckt it up
i dunno what he says
from USA on 2001-06-15 19:02 [#00009847]

I fucked what up?!
from the uk on 2001-06-15 19:05 [#00009851]

unless you have a 35" screeen i think you know
from USA on 2001-06-15 19:24 [#00009852]

fuck you poe,
whats the kid saying?!
if poe replies again, hes not an Aphex Twin fan.
from the uk on 2001-06-15 20:38 [#00009858]

im not an aphex twin fan, there, now that is an opposite contradiction, hahaha
your dumb shit assed comment of a gay name has made the funting border thing go twice, which has made the topics look crap, you dumb newbie
from Canada on 2001-06-15 20:58 [#00009860]

Way to go you bastrard! you messed up the board! go home fool!
from the uk on 2001-06-15 21:00 [#00009861]

heheheheheh, see i told you dumb ass, your too long name has screwed it...
from Fraggle Rock on 2001-06-15 21:36 [#00009864]

He says: "oooooooh you. Dirty little boy, dirty little boy." I love the end when the voice sounds like a little baby ewalk bubbling over with cuteness. And the other voice sounds like a father ewalk playing with him. It sounds happy.
from the uk on 2001-06-15 21:38 [#00009866]

M- I care because you do
from Fraggle Rock on 2001-06-15 21:43 [#00009869]

He he heh. But wait, I DON'T care!
from Fraggle Rock on 2001-06-15 21:58 [#00009872]

Ok, ok, I do. No wait I don't.
If I made the album I'd call it: "I don't care because you don't" (that's closer to reality anyways)
from a foxes wooden leg on 2001-06-15 22:45 [#00009884]

how about "i dont give a fuck what you think"? i like that one.
from London on 2001-06-15 23:30 [#00009888]

You penis heads! The whole point of ...i care because you do is to be a beacon of light in dark times, beauty from ugliness, caring during faithless times. Acrid Avid Jam Shred actually made me cry!
There, I've said it.
And the person who screwed up the board obviously doesn't know what it's like to have a website screwed by a-holes.
from Western Canada on 2001-06-16 02:04 [#00009900]

Fucking idoit screwed the goddamn page, now it looks like utter SHIT. fuck off asshole, you fucking screwed it up, stupid fucking cunt.
from the uk on 2001-06-16 15:05 [#00009947]

i am replying so more people can slag off this dipshit =D
from Milan on 2001-06-16 15:21 [#00009953]

Dirty Little Boy? Little Dirty Boy? Boy Dirty Little? Little Boy Dirty? Boy Little Dirty? Dirty Boy Little? Funny Little Dirty Boy?
...gosh I'm tired...
()()()knievel()()()()()()()()()()()()()BIT()()AUDAX POWDER)()()()()()()().180871R()()()()woofy()()()()
from the uk on 2001-06-16 18:07 [#00009969]

lol, all the same, and it means tit wank..
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