from Australia on 2001-06-14 03:18 [#00009549]

Music has been done to death,.. so what fresh idea's do the peoples have for music related stuff that hasn't been done,.. here's some of my idea's,.. see if you can add your own,.. I'd be really interested to see your comments
my idea's A 3 cd set : one cd is dark scary ambient one cd is innovative drill 'n bass one cd is light sounding ambient
when played together they mix SAWII style,... but actually meant to be put together,.. any combination of the three would sound good,..
cover art : inside the sleeve for the main cover,.. have multiple versions of the front cover,.. this way people can have a choice as too what they want the cd (case) to look like,..
One song split up into different portions Make a (really) long song,... and split it up into hundreds of different portions,.. make the beggining and end of all of these songs the same so that it seems like it's just one continous song,.. kinda like the gescom minidisc release except only with one song,... and with a main theme,.. (this would be good for a single or something) (and also I thought of this idea BEFORE I knew about the gescom minidisc release,.. so this was an original idea to me :)
alternate back cover : just like the alternate front cover idea except people would actually have to pry apart their cd to find it,.. heheh
origami : have a section in the front cover sleeve that has line and textures,.. don't say anything about it,.. and make it just look like art,.. little do the know that if they fold it along the lines,.. It makes up something like an oragami crane or a paper aeroplane or something
make an ambient song that sounds nice an ambientish,.. if speed up four time's it become a furious song (not actually that hard to do,... you can't hear some sounds when they've been slowed down,.. and the slow ambient melody could be the main tune
from Australia on 2001-06-14 03:20 [#00009550]

any other idea's people?
from Melb on 2001-06-14 05:20 [#00009552]

yeh, i thought where Autechre placed their secret song on EP7 was ingenius, before the first track- brilliant.
i also liked Kid A where theres that secret booklet underneath the black panel.
daft punk, where the last track on "homework" was a reversed snippet of da funk which actually like a new song initially.
theres that whole left channel thing on analogue bubblebath 3 which is quite clever.
as for my own ideas.....no although a friend's band had one of those "pick a color, pick a number" origami things for there cd sleeve which you had to fold. pretty kitchy
remember tho, its the music which counts
from seattle washington usa on 2001-06-14 05:39 [#00009559]

there is a cool merzbow ep that has merzbow on the left channel and this cutesy band called ladybird on the right. you can listen to em together or seperately by adjusting the balance.
from Western Canada on 2001-06-14 05:39 [#00009560]

what i wanted to do for some songs, which a buddy and i are going to try out in the next 2 months, is taking clips of people talking abot random stuff and playing with the bass/fade and so on, and making a song out of pure words, and such.
As well, i wanted to do a simple beat, with the rest of the song being sounds of people cracking their back/knuckles/necks. It would sound refreshing, and neat. I love that sound.
from Can. on 2001-06-14 05:42 [#00009564]

reflex- ive recorded the sound of cracking my neck before in the morning, and let's just say..very disturbing..i cringed.
from Western Canada on 2001-06-14 05:48 [#00009569]

Ross: yes! See, i want that.. and the back, have you ever cracked the very bottom of your back.. like right at the belt line?. ive done it like 1 time before, and it was very disturbing/refreshing indeed, i smiled after. It was weird, i was cracking my back as usual, and i moved my hands down a bit to my belt line, and push, and leaned up into my hands... [my way of doing it] and it made this loud, defining thump/crack noise.. It was quite odd.. Id love to get that on sample.. and that sound I was telling you about one day. that one when you cover both your ears late at night, alone with no sound, and all you can hear is the sound of your brain.... odd.
rob fragilenine
from red 1101 on 2001-06-14 06:58 [#00009576]

my band is doing that double album thing, where both cds are designed to be played at the same time, one in the left channel and the other in the right... the corresponding tracks will all be the same length, key and tempo and will (hopefully) perfectly synchronize with each other. pretty cool, eh?
we're also making a secret track that you can hear only if you play the cd in mono players, here's how to do it:
1. make a mono track 2. convert it to stereo, where both channels are identical. 3. invert one of the channels. you can test if you've done it right by playing it through a mono system, you won't hear anything as the waves cancel out.
4. mix in the secret track, but make it pretty quiet, so the listener can't hear it when they listen in stereo mode...
Or you could make an album that's completely silent and let the listener imagine what's on the album, call it 'hallucinations' or something.
reverse all of the tracks on the album.
put all of the cover image data onto the cd as audio tracks, and put the audio data on the cd sleeve as graphics... so the listener has to scan the cover art and play it in coagula/phonogramme svelte.
instead of having full tracks on the cd, put wav loops of the elements of each track on the disc, and make a program that lets the user put the loops together, therefore putting the listener in control of the outcome of the song.
from Fraggle Rock on 2001-06-14 08:11 [#00009585]

I think that the fact that every song is exactly the same every time you play it is something that should be tackled to a greater extent that it has been. You'd have to reinvent the wheel when it comes to the cd player itself, and I'm not sure how the cd would work, I'm no tech head. There should be stored somewhere a huge variety of loops, and a random number generator picks them at random. Preferably, some computer would mutate the pattern randomly too. There has to be some direction of mutation or it would be just chaotic.
Some portable cd players have a slit so you can see the cd spinning, so put spiral lines very thin and close together so it appears that the cd is sucking in "energy" when it turns.
I'm into letting the computer make music itself, but I'm not too impressed with what I've seen so far. Fractal music was a big let down for me when I discovered it. Autechre do it best so far as I've seen. I'm usually trying to make music weird and different (using cheese equipment), not something that's already been done at www.mp3.com/artificialselection.
from Fraggle Rock on 2001-06-14 08:14 [#00009586]

rephlex- You should hear ID Lab's song Phonetic Energy. It does a voice only type of thing and is really cool. www.mp3.com/idlab
from Western Canada on 2001-06-14 15:08 [#00009649]

M: I will, actually I got to see IdLab live a little while ago in my city! Pretty good.
Leo DeBoe
from USA on 2001-06-14 19:00 [#00009686]

Rob, Autechre has done the mixed loops idea with their Gescom MiniDisc. 88 tracks and some are just a loop or two. You can program it to come out different everytime. It is really quite wild.
Leo DeBoe
from USA on 2001-06-14 19:32 [#00009688]

MiniDiscs rule. There is an IDM record label, although I cant recall the url, that puts out only on MiniDisc. Pretty nice.
from yemen on 2001-06-14 20:14 [#00009694]

Hexane: Having one hidden track placed before the first track in Autechre's album is not genius. It's cool, but not genius. Try to limit your use of that word. I know of other albums that contain the same hidden track before the first one, and they were out before the Autechre album. So, basically my point is that try to not use the word genius too loosely. I consider something genius when no one else has done it.
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-14 20:22 [#00009695]

you'd probably like my music TeknG. it has a lot of variety -- i personally don't think my music can be classified into a genre, i sort of flow in and out of different genres. I will have some mp3's and such on my site soon.
Organ Grinder Home Page
i'll be sure to put a little bit of everything i've done so you can see what i'm hoping to accomplish.
---OG :)(:
from the uk on 2001-06-14 21:59 [#00009716]

TEKNOG1k, whatever#
i like your ideads, except the crap about the inner sleave etc etc, people want the music not modern art/jappanese crap on their cd.
from Melb on 2001-06-15 06:59 [#00009772]

-a: hate to correct you and all, but the word i used was "ingenius" - i was not referring to Autechre as geniuses, although quite clearly they are for that matter.
you see, they're similar words, but not quite the same...get it?
what other cds have that whole secret song business - before the cd starts, that is?
actually, i'd hate to let this topic die, its quite interesting. that whole mono idea is "ingenius"...hehe
from Australia on 2001-06-16 04:28 [#00009908]

po{e} : Yeah I'm all for that,.. but I'm into art as well as music,.. I don't care if the cover looks good or bad just as long as it's good music,... but I also like art,.. and with a lot of cd's nowadays it's possible to get both,... I like doing art and stuff too,.. and sometimes I can make something that really captures the feeling of the sound
just like : the cover of amber immediately tells you what the cd is like
the cover of confield immediately tells you what the cd is like
I don't think that art "enhances" the music or anything,.. but it can still alter your view about it,... It's like being told about a movie before you watch it,.. except with music,...
from Melbourne on 2001-06-16 04:48 [#00009912]

i agree with TekN101G. often when you listen to music, images form in your head and they can often involve the visual elements of the album cover/sleeve whatever. its kindof the same with song names aswell.
of course, none of these things really alter your view about the music
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-06-16 05:25 [#00009915]

I have an idea but I don't know how it would work exactly, anyway, an album with sounds for titles would be interesting. My "Wob Song" is actually named after the first 'word' that popped into my head when I made one of the sounds in it.
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-06-16 05:41 [#00009916]

Ya know, most of these are more experiments than innovative music.
What would you say is the latest type of music made? I'd say Kid A was innovative. More so than drill & bass is.
Okay, here's an idea, mix rock with Autechre. I'm listening to Tool's Lateralus right now, and the song structures are so complex, if it were to mix the complex synthesised madness of Autechre it would be great.
from Australia on 2001-06-16 05:50 [#00009919]

good idea springy,... It's about time someone started contributing to this thing instead of bitching about it,.. thanx,.. keep those fresh idea's coming
from Western Canada on 2001-06-16 06:12 [#00009921]

Tekn: Yo.. i had a good idea or two on here.. there are a lot of weirdo things you could do, and try and make some killer songs with it.. I dunno, that joint cracking idea was nutz.
from Australia on 2001-06-17 07:46 [#00010033]

Two or three people (including yourself) made useful comments,.. I could only be bothered naming one of them at a time,.. but anyway,.. thanx for the idea's anyway
I wanna make a song that uses no sample more than once,.. that would be crazy (and possibly unlistenable)
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-06-17 10:13 [#00010038]

Ha! How's this for innovative? I just finished a song that's sort of like Autechre mixed with african/middle eastern music.
I know a New Zealand band that's really innovative, Dr Kovorkian and the suicide machine. Gay name, but it's really interesting. Sound scapey machine noise ambientish vocal music.
from manchester on 2001-06-17 12:44 [#00010048]

What i would liek to do is most probably impossible, and if not impossible really really hard.
I would liek to get a cd which comes with another cd. The 2nd cd is a program u install on ur pc, and then u play teh 1st cd through that program, and its kiind of like the gescom MD except it does nore than just puts it on random. The first cd is bascicly loads of diffrent possible elements for teh song and teh second program creats a track from these selements, it just like randomly chooses sounds and sequences them somehow, it would probably have to use fractals or somethign.
But thats what i am thinkign now, i will probably come back when i am not stoned and realise that i have just talked shit for ages. but right now, i am gettign really excited abotu that and think it would be ace :-)
from Oh uh umm it's near Newcastle umm oh yeah I remember now. on 2001-06-17 15:54 [#00010055]

I'm quite certain that Pulp once used that mutiple-cover idea with one of their albums. Can't remember which, but it was only in the first pressing, as it was too expensive to continue.
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-17 17:26 [#00010061]

I named my song D-Pantothenol after a chemical ingredient i read in an energy drink. I named 52801 after the day i wrote it on. Most of my names are derived from things, places, etc. in my life, as with many musicians.
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-17 17:27 [#00010062]

by the way, i finished my first live show the other night. i went alright. some of my friends were there but they didn't seem too enthusiastic. But it showed me who my real friends were, and who was not.
from the uk on 2001-06-17 17:30 [#00010064]

I had a similar esxperience like that aswell, it made me think if i actually liked these people that i spend my time with....
from seattle washington usa on 2001-06-17 20:07 [#00010075]

i have no keyboards. this isn't really an innovative idea as much as a lack of funding but i have found that it forces me to write "backwards" so to speak.
not much improv and i have to kinda plan how a song is going to pan out. all my sounds come from digitally manipulated samples from guitars to en vogue vocals. i do plan on getting a new synth eventually but my point is, if you want to write new sounding stuff, force yourself to work under some kind of constraint so that you are not allowed to do the same comfortable things over and over. like get out of 4/4 or ditch your sequencer or something like that for a few tracks.
from seattle washington usa on 2001-06-17 20:09 [#00010076]

this is sorta how i did the two golgi remixes on the custom section. helm and sulektedambientwerks. not all of our stuff is keyboard free though. the other half of golgi has the boards i just got my pc
from can. on 2001-06-17 20:20 [#00010078]

flaming lips released an album called 'zaireeka' that had 4 cds to be played on 4 stereos at once, to create an amazing effect..i wish i could get a hold of it..hard to find
from Australia on 2001-06-18 02:35 [#00010107]

I reckon it would be awesome to have a visualisation program for music,... that turns the visualisation into a race course (kinda like the vib ribbon idea but in 3d) this would be ultra trippy I reckon,..
I also think that the multiple cover idea could work,.. just have them inside the cover booklet where other bands would put the song lyrics etc..
by the way EXCELLENT suggestion evolume,..
rob fragilenine
from comment on 2001-06-18 02:52 [#00010108]

make a song using melody instruments as drums, and using drums as melody (like a distorted bassdrum or something).
Huh? Huh?
from Australia on 2001-06-18 07:14 [#00010117]

that wouldn't work because it'd be indistinguishable between the moldy and drums,... beats can sound good repetitive,.. melodies can't,.. good Idea though
from Fraggle Rock on 2001-06-18 07:30 [#00010118]

Oh yeah, Ross reminded me of another idea. In the world sound comes from all sides, but with music the source is two speakers or two headphones. I know there's surround sound, but I mean REAL surround sound. Get in a circular room with speakers lining it. Imagine a simple "Thump, thump, thump, thump" beat. But every next thump went to the next adjacent speaker. It would make a circle around your head. You could do some really fast crazy 3 dimensional panning changes.
Working with headphones, you have to cheat and create an artificial 3-d sound environment. To do a similar "circle around your head" as just described, you have to pan from the left to the right (there's only two speakers on headphones) But you also have to decrease the volume and increase it at the right times to make the illusion of the sound being further away or closer.
I read that the human brain can judge WHERE a sound is coming from by measuring the slight different time that the sound reaches one ear before another. I tried to copy this on my cheesy modplug tracker to make it seem like a sound is coming from a particular direction. I don't even want to bother exploring complicated stuff like this with this cheesy equipment.
I had another idea where you can map something physical into sound. Example: Video record a flag blowing all crazy like in the wind. Graph off your TV screen into measurable increments and play the tape. Now simply define the squares on top to be, say higher pitch, and the squares on bottom to be lower. And the squares on the left be left panning and the squares on the right right panning. Then just record the data and plug it in and LISTEN to the flag blowing. You'd need created software (something I don't know how to make) if you don't want to plug in data forever.
One last idea if you havn't stopped reading (sheesh). Have a cd with both sides the shiny part (like LP5) And have a secret song on the other side of the cd.
all done for now.
from Australia on 2001-06-19 01:30 [#00010288]

Another EXCELLENT Idea,.. keep them up,..
from Western Canada on 2001-06-19 02:09 [#00010292]

Ever since I was playing instruments, and one time my aunt gave me a little stupid kids [i was 8] keyboard thing you could speak into and "sample" your voice. I used to go around and turn the tap on and sample that and stuff.. and then play it back while recording with something else, and then play it ALL back and play some simple keyboard stuff.. it sounded really cool, I heard one of these tapes like.. 2 years ago [im 18, so its 10 years old tape] and it was impressivly odd to say the least. I was also fixated, and wanted to always play "shapes" on my instruments... when I got my bass guitar I would play songs I made.. according to shapes. Im sure that with proper equipemt you could write a symphony with all the shapes surrounding you, I wrote about 3 full songs that were composed entirly from the idea of a word [shapes of the word] and objects, they sounded odd.. but had melody.
Also, random sounds.. from your computer.. like the code it writes to the system folder every time you do ANYTHING.. it writes to the system folder.. you could figure out how to translate that to song somehow, it can be done. I heard someone make a tune from your specific IP adress... on a homepage it was neat.
from Australia on 2001-06-19 10:27 [#00010335]

I collaborated on fragilenine's idea to have the percussion as the melody,... I'll put it on my besonic account soon,..
from can. on 2001-06-19 21:36 [#00010397]

at the end of the new air cd, they do a thing somewhat similar to M's idea (marvelous idea there..) it has a spinning, almost spaceship like noise revolving around, which soon turns more and more staticy, and ends with a static fuzzout...it's crazy..
from can. on 2001-06-19 21:39 [#00010398]

what i did recently, and which was a pain in the ass (im sure you can do it easier)..
I made an about 7 second speech of myself saying a phrase and by dealing with .25's and .50's or whatever of the soundfile, i made the sound come from all over the place, and cut it up, what i mean..Say the sound bite was 7.50 secs..i would randomly chop off .25 .50 or even a whole second, design it to go from a certain speaker, or with an effect on it and then eventually i would put them all together, overlay some other sounds, like minimal organs or any fx...it sounded pretty sweet
the ultimate flying writeln; experience
on 2001-11-06 08:31 [#00048951]

Sand Lepus
from Louisville, KY on 2001-11-06 09:06 [#00048958]

The Flaming Lips already made an album called Zaireeka that's 4 discs and all four are meant to be played simultaneously, or any any combination you want for that matter. Each track has completely different things on each CD. On one song, discs 1, 2, and 4 contain extremely high and extrememly low frequencies that are rather painful to listen to while the 3rd disc contains the "normal" song. I've managed to get three discs going at once. It's amazing. You'll hear drums coming from one place, and all sorts of crazy vocals or other various sounds fomr another. And the last song ends with TONS of dogs barking like mad from everywhere. It's scary. I highly recommend it, but it's tought to find. Only 5000 copies were made.
Oh, and here's something else that's interesting. A symphony made by the sounds of old dot matrix printers. http://www.sat.qc.ca/the_user/dotmatrix/en/intro.html
Just check it out and download the three sample tracks. Suprisingly, it sounds pretty damn cool...
Sand Lepus
from Louisville, KY on 2001-11-06 09:10 [#00048961]

Oh, and as for percussion playing the melody, that's nothing new. Terry Bozio is a good example. He has his toms tuned to specific notes.
OH! And one more thing about simultaneous CD play. NO MATTER WHAT, THE CD'S WILL GO IN AND OUT OF SYNCH! It's a cool effect. Even if they all start and the EXACT same time, they'll go out of synch at some point. That's just the nature o' CD players.
on 2006-07-16 13:59 [#01938364]
Points: 2035 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

classic thread
from Melbourne (Australia) on 2006-07-16 19:39 [#01938439]
Points: 7824 Status: Lurker

holy shit hexane you live in melbourne?
<--- (tekn010g)
on 2006-07-17 00:13 [#01938453]
Points: 2035 Status: Lurker | Followup to Refund: #01938439 | Show recordbag

indeed this is the case. i've been wary of you other melb. cats here ehe..
so are you telling me you're the (tekn010g) from way back who created this thread?
from Melbourne (Australia) on 2006-07-17 01:13 [#01938460]
Points: 7824 Status: Lurker

do you go to any of the local breakcore gigs in melbourne? if so you might have already seen me before. I just moved here about six months ago (lived in sydney till a year and a half ago, lived in perth for six months, and now I've settled here) I live in thornbury near preston, small world eh?
from Copenhagen (Denmark) on 2006-07-17 04:36 [#01938487]
Points: 5499 Status: Lurker

Whatever happened to Organ Grinder?
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